around 2137 (Tibetan count; = 2010 e.v.) ...
For every 100 humans that die
~ 240 are born

WE ARE WORSE THAN THE 'BACTERIA IN THE BOTTLE', which only double; We (proudly claiming to have decreased our population explosion, still nevertheless) multiply by 2.4 per generation!

(Highly) recommended (for repeated) viewing, or better *studying*: Dr. Albert A. Bartlett's (brilliant!) presentation on "Arithmetic, Population, and Energy"

How to find this answer?

for example, according to the poodwaddle-worldclock, there were 146 M births and 59 M deaths in 2010. That's Births/Deaths = 146/59 = 247 / 100.

Seems high, doesn't it? So I looked up a number for the death-rate. Wikipedia gives 0.837 % (for 2009)
we assume population = 7 G, growth-rate = 1.18%, and we calculate:

Deaths:  D = 0.84 % of 7 G  =  58.8 M 
Growth: G = 1.18 % of 7 G = 82.6 M; with G = B - D, of course, and
Births: B = D + G = 141 M; and we get
Births/Deaths = B/D = 141/82.6 = (rounded:) 240 / 100.

or, even simpler, we take (numbers for 2009, rounded) from wikipedia:
Birth_rate = 2.00 %
Death_rate = 0.84 % and we get:
B/D = 2/0.84 = 238 / 100

Actully, death-rate of < 1% seems low to me; but several sources agree on this figure.
My first estimate was D = 2%, G = 1.2%, thus B = 3.2% and B/D = 160/100.
But the estimate of D=2% is based on a serious/dumb/huge mistake. It would be a reasonable estimate for the death-rate for a STABLE population with an average life-span of 50 years. But it does not take population-growth into account! For a population doubling in veryroughly 50 years, D=1% is more reasonable approximation.

some numbers are rounded; and "%" should maybe more precisely be written "% p.a." (i.e. percent per year); and M = mio, G = bio, of course.

Any corrections or suggestions-for-improvement would be welcome; please send to [email protected]
" Unlike plagues of the dark ages or contemporary diseases (which) we do not yet understand, the modern plague of overpopulation is soluble by means we have discovered and with resources we possess. What is lacking is not sufficient knowledge of the solution, but universal consciousness of the gravity of the problem and the education of the billions who are its victims. " -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 - 1968)

Anwers to my simple question --so far, without exception-- seem to indicate that noone, that's NOT ONE, has really grasped (the gravity of) the problem.

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