================================================================== last update: 2009-09-14 ================================================================== ================================================================== MAINTAIN COMMENTS HERE ! ( links and formatting being lost, if copy+pasted from Panoramio ! ) ================================================================== TO-DO: QQQQ1 G09 panorama desde Carmona ================================================================== TEST/OWN : http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20350435 --title corrected (and location changed a tiny bit) 19.07.009 WHEN will it be updated in GE ? - 28° 6' 36.12" N 17° 12' 46.48" W NOT-YET 26.07.009 NOT-YET 15.08.009 ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== 2010 Ojila Cruce de la Zarcita D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2556.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/30679113 28° 6' 41.15" N 17° 13' 2.72" W Bailadero desde camino(Zarcita-Ojila) D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2557.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/30679116 28° 6' 46.39" N 17° 12' 54.76" W Ojila desde camino(Zarcita-Ojila) D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2558.jpg end of camino(Zarcita-Ojila) D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2559.jpg path up Ojila starts here D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2560.jpg path up Ojila soon leaves forest D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2561.jpg =reverse angle of xxx there's clearly an old path (not only marked, but BUILT ! ) path up Ojila D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2562.jpg R.Carmona desde Ojila D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2563.jpg for better (and located) foto of same view see 6574899 on the path up Ojila D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2564.jpg on the path up Ojila D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2565.jpg on the path up Ojila D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2566.jpg on the path up Ojila D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2567.jpg on the path up Ojila D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2569.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/30680390 note marker-stones foreground left! on the path up Ojila D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2570.jpg on the path up Ojila D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2571.jpg on the path up Ojila D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2572.jpg R. de Zarcita from path up Ojila (southward view) D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2573.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/30680585 northward view from path up Ojila D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2574.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/30680589 Bailadero is hidden, to the right downward view from path up Ojila D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2575.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/30680596 path down from Ojila D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2576.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/30680707 =reverse angle of http://www.panoramio.com/photo/30679326 path down from Ojila D:\img\GOM\G16\hpim2577.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/30680712 should be stiched to (top/right of) http://www.panoramio.com/photo/30680707 ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== foto does not match location. please **PLACE FOTOS _WHERE TAKEN_ !!!** foto does not seem to match location. please **PLACE FOTO _WHERE TAKEN_ !!!** === ??COMM := COMMented (but not yet disputed) === http://www.panoramio.com/photo/7623381 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/26270344 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/5341666 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/430613 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/26230079 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/5324671 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/2930462 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/231880 http://www.panoramio.com/user/3598438 http://www.panoramio.com/user/26203703 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/25560677 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/26004105 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/26003973 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/8813025 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/203566 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/11730765 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/22789882 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6786462 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/17458276 foto does not match location => is **MIS-PLACED** please **PLACE your f..abulous FOTOS _WHERE TAKEN_ !!!** ================================================================== ================================================================== --Paco Roldán Arjona wrote: -- PORQUE ESTAS MOLESTANDO A TODO EL MUNDO SOBRE LA POSICION DE LAS FOTOS? SI NO TE GUSTA NO LAS MIRES PERO NO DES MÁS LA TABARRA CON TU "LA POSICION NO ES CORRECTA " NOSOTROS HACEMOS FOTOS MAS BUENAS O MÁS MALAS Y LA POSICIÓN ESA QUE TANTO HABLAS ES SECUNDARIA POR LO MENOS PARA MÍ Y SI NO TE GUSTA NO LAS MIRES. SI NO ENTIENDES ESTO TE LO PUEDO DECIR TAMBIEN EN ALEMAN QUE SEGÚN VEO ES TU IDIOMA ¡LIEBLING! -- (1) PLEASE DO NOT (AGAIN) ADD A COMMENT TO A FOTO IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH; USE EMAIL INSTEAD. MY EMAIL-ADDRESS CAN BE FOUND IN MY PANORAMIO.PROFILE. MY APOLOGIES FOR DOING THE SAME, BUT I COULD NOT FIND AN EMAILADDRESS FOR YOU. PLEASE DELETE THIS COMMENT. (2) (NOT THAT IT MATTERS, BUT) I WOULD NOT CALL ALEMAN "MI IDIOMA ¡LIEBLING!". (3) WHY I AM TRYING TO CORRECT POSITIONS OF FOTOS IN PANORAMIO ? -- THIS SHOULD BE OBVIOUS. I AM AFRAID, IF YOU CANNOT SEE THIS, YOU WILL PROBABLY ALSO BE UNABLE TO UNDERSTAND ANY EXPLANATION. I'LL TRY TO EXPLAIN NEVERTHELESS: PANORAMIO IS A PLACE FOR **GEO-LOCATED** IMAGES (AND NOT ANYONE'S PERSONAL FOTO-ALBUM), PANORAMIO-LAYER OF GE IS A WWWORDWIDE **MAP**-TOOL. SOME OF US, - I, FOR ONE - WANT TO BE ABLE TO USE IT AS A **MAP**-TOOL. THIS IS BEING MADE IMPOSSIBLE BY THE TOO MANY **MIS**-PLACED IMAGES. ON A **MAP**, PLACEMENT IS **ESSENTIAL** INFORMATION. FALSE INFORMATION ON A **MAP** IS ABOUT AS USEFUL AS DOGSHIT ON THE WALKWAY. CORRECTING POSITION OF MIS_PLACED FOTOS IS EXPLICITELY ASKED-FOR IN PANORAMIO'S HELP-TEXT: http://www.panoramio.com/help/#member . tashi delek ================================================================== 'virtuelle' Landschaftsbereinigung ..... ..... ein 'Kampf gegen Windmühlen' ? je nach Betrachtungsweise sicher nicht. Denn, selbst wenn der Versuch, (die Panoramio-Ebene der)GE-Map -wenigstens für einige Fleckchen [etwa Gomera, oder zumindest Gomera minus VGR und andere besonders dicht besuchte Orte]- in brauchbaren Zustand zu bringen völlig ergebnislos sein sollte (was es nicht ist; denn vieles konnte bereits verbessert werden!) -- wäre es doch eine äusserst wertvolle Bereicherung meines Studiums der Primatenpsychologie unterKapitel 'Widerstand' (*) (*) wie (imho: *brilliant*) erklärt in E.Fromm's Vortrag (auf CD verfügbar) "Psychologie für Nicht-Psychologen" (1973) -- dazu eines meiner LieblingsZitate: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Good people and bad people have one thing in common. They both make mistakes. Only, - good people can admit their mistakes and learn from them. Gute Menschen haben mit schlechten eines gemeinsam: beide machen Fehler. - Nur: gute Menschen geben ihre Fehler zu und lernen daraus. -- 'Otto Frank'(Ben Kingsley) in "Anne Frank", US 2001, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0246430/ nach dem Buch: "Das Maedchen Anne Frank" von Melissa Mueller ----------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================== zur STATISTIK (count W:: versus C:: / D:: ) - die ist eher rosa-gefärbt/geschönt als zu pessimistisch ! denn (1.) etliche Fälle wo ich mich deutlich erinnere, sie(früher) korrigiert zu haben, und die trotzdem weiterhin/wieder falsch platziert waren, werden als C:: eingetragen; und NUR solche die es -ab 14.7.009- *laut schriftlicher Aufzeichnung* unzweifelhaft sind, werden als W:: markiert --und-- (2.) verbesserte aber noch nicht ganz korrigierte Fälle (an denen noch gearbeitet wird (aber guter Wille zu erkennen ist)) werden als C:: eingestuft --und-- (3.) ich bearbeite klarerweise hoffnungsvollere Fälle zuerst und lasse Problemfälle erstmal abliegen und (4.) so ca. nach dem 3. oder 4. Mal (pro Bild) werden die Fälle in panodis.htm aufgenommen und weiterer Widerstand des Autors gegen Korrektur NICHT mehr mitgezählt. und hie und da -- gaaanz selten aber doch! -- bedanken sich leute sogar für die (Hilfe zur) Korrektur ! count C:: W:: D:: 26.07.009 60 26 94 31.07.009 74 47 112 01.08.009 82 54 107 muueeehhhhhhhhhsaaaaaaaam ! 04.08.009 85 60 124 Q:: ?? undecided. added to panodis.htm using a Python-script to automatically check which of Disputed have become 'Corrected'(= C:: or W::) ================================================================== ================================================================== *.BAT PF=PANF.--...........Panoramio Foto ### PM=PANMAP............MAP foto ### map_photo/?id= PANOSEL, PANODIS ....edit ~.htm PANO.................edit this PAN..................edit this & panwda PANWDA...............http beam.to/panwda PAN1.................http www.panoramio.com/user/1119875 PA...................make P~Anchor ### PD=PANDIS............py panodis pano5................Panoramio as O5 with IEX panwda...............beam.to/panwda ================================================================== ES DAUERT WOCHEN(!) BIS KoRREKTUREN von PANO->GE übernommen werden ================================================================== Roque el Cano (650m) - von verschiedenen Richtungen aus ... ============= === probably MIS-placed: === all known to me are disputed (or corrected) now === (hoffentlich/vermutlich)(halbwegs)richtig platziert?: === -- 90° -- auf dem Weg nach el Tion = Calle Garabato 7066961 17744296 7067001 3326328 -- 130° -- Weg nach Rosa de las Piedras (via Buenavista) = Calle Amador 3729025 -- 160° -- von TF-711, Tamargada 275587 ================================================================== ================================================================== ###========== LOCATION.DISPUTES ================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== MIS-placed, but correct LOCATION = ??? ausdrucken? vorher ### ins Bild setzen ! px .. saved as d:\img\pano\#####.jpg call pxx 11773603 HEBRARD probably-MIS-placed in Igualero call pxx 13958392 HEBRARDS??village call pxx 11773601 Tagamiche?Igualero??? call pxx 17486378 SanSeb, Kapelle? call pxx 17486424 SanSeb, Gasse? call pxx 2455515 Blick Igualero->W? Garajonay: call pxx 656390 (+656373) swimmingpool VGR? #---- CPS sent 17.08.009 CPS:: 10044470 28.174967° -17.265029° #---- CPS sent 13.08.009 CPS:: 18288869 28.119064° -17.165311° CPS:: 2931007 28.136149° -17.199102° CPS:: 2048603 28.082382° -17.332742° CPS:: 1270037 28.089133° -17.339494° CPS:: 1005508 28.085038° -17.344808° CPS:: 15698784 28.092538° -17.111286° CPS:: 11773590 28.082411° -17.137298° CPS:: 11773271 28.108994° -17.214565° CPS:: 11773268 28.108994° -17.214565° (same as above, deliberately) CPS:: 4498320 28.093449° -17.193846° CPS:: 3668899 28.033846° -17.184710° CPS:: 11773264 28.105755° -17.210833° ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== MEGA-WIDERHOLUNGSTROTTEL: ========================= das sind zB solche, die trotz wiederwiederholter Bitten ihre Fehler nicht korrigieren sondern stattdessen die Erklärungen & Bitten löschen, sodass ich diese nunmehr (zusätzlich) als Kommentar zu einem eigenen Panoramio-Bild (meist Panoramio-screenshot der die falsche Platzierung zeigt) speichere #WWWWW SEE PANODIS.HTM ! WIDERHOLUNGSTROTTEL: ( WIDERstand gegen (höchstwahrscheinliche)Verbesserung leistende Neuroticker) ==================== PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO.GUIDELINES AND PLACE FOTO WHERE IT WAS TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !! PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO.GUIDELINES AND PLACE FOTOS WHERE TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !! PLEASE PLACE FOTO WHERE IT WAS TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !! ------- === 10.08.009 === D:: qqqwwwwwwqqq###www - marker einfügen W:: D:: D:: W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17458679 FELIPE ALONSO -- SEE #MIS and panodis C:: 25783764 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2930497 EAN -- **FOTO APPEARS, ONCE MORE, DESPITE SEVERAL PLEAS FOR CORRECTION _GROSSLY_ MIS-PLACED** thank you **_accordingly_** for the persistent molestation you provide. and your _'valuable'_ contribution towards making GE-Map UN-usable ! **PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO.GUIDELINES AND PLACE FOTOS WHERE TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !!** D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=509084 foto appears **STILL (despite suggested correction(s)) MIS-PLACED** thank you **_accordingly_** for the persistent molestation you provide. **PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO.GUIDELINES AND PLACE FOTOS WHERE TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !!** D:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/2556670 -- foto appears **STILL (despite suggested correction(s)) MIS-PLACED** thank you **_accordingly_** for the persistent molestation you provide. **PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO.GUIDELINES AND PLACE FOTOS WHERE TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !!** === 05.08.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=23024356 post.an.ro -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL _GROSSLY_ MIS-PLACED** at 28° 2' 46.01" N 17° 14' 13.17" W, west of Antoncojo, south of Alajero ! -- **PLEASE PLACE FOTO WHERE IT WAS TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !!** D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=10606094 Sphingonotus -- **FOTO APPEARS _STILL_ (in spite of suggested correction) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 4' 24.24" N 17° 7' 45.31" W. PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO.GUIDELINES AND PLACE FOTOS **WHERE TAKEN** (OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP) !! === 04.08.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5333981 -- Thank you, honorable 'DJSHANDAN', **_accordingly_** for your DIS-RESPECTING of Panoramio.Guidelines, and your persistent, ongoing molestation and your _'valuable'_ contribution towards making GE-Map UN-usable and especially for deleting my suggestions, explanations, and pleas for correction **INSTEAD** of correcting your error ! SEE BELOW at #loc D:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/2292777 W:: CPS http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=66239 Canarina -- **FOTO APPEARS _STILL_ (in spite of several suggested correctionS(!!) and _repeated pleas_ for correction!) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 6' 20.71" N 17° 12' 51.13" W --- --- Thank you, honorable 'Canarina', **_accordingly_** for your persistent DIS-RESPECTING of Panoramio.Guidelines, the ongoing molestation you provide, and your _'valuable'_ contribution towards making GE-Map UN-usable. **PLEASE DO RESPECT PANORAMIO-GUIDELINES AND _PLACE FOTO WHERE TAKEN_ -- OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !!** ==> SAVED AS 66239.htm W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3668899 WWWWW: LESC -- foto appears **STILL (despite several suggested correctionS(!!) and repeated pleas for correction(!)) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 2' 2.79" N 17° 10' 55.88" W **_AND_ MIS-NAMED** (as explained above) --- Thank you, honorable 'LESC', **_accordingly_** for your DIS-RESPECTING of Panoramio.Guidelines, and your persistent, ongoing molestation and your _'valuable'_ contribution towards making GE-Map UN-usable. **PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO.GUIDELINES AND PLACE FOTOS WHERE TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !!** and please use meaningful, descriptive titles for all your fotos on the google earth map. Thank you **_accordingly_** in advance. -- ... -- Foto was quite certainly NOT taken from Playa del Medio (and even more certainly NOT from EAST side of Pl.d.M, where placed now) -- it was (1) [unless author was more than 10m tall] not taken from any playa, but from a viewpoint several meters above sea level, and (2) it was taken from (east side of) Lomada de Tecina, and it shows(foreground-to-background) (the east side of)Pl.Tapahuga, (the tip of)Lomo del Joradillo, (the eastmost part of)Pl.Chinguarime, and Punta Gaviota. Pl.d.Medio is hidden behind L.d.Joradillo. -- as may easily be confirmed by a look on GE and/or other fotos on Panoramio. - compare e.g. 6377221, **PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO.GUIDELINES AND PLACE FOTOS WHERE TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !!** ==> SAVED AS 3668899.htm D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=11773271 HEBRARD -- **FOTO APPEARS _STILL_ (in spite of suggested correction(S)(!) _GROSSLY_ MIS-placed** at 28° 6' 23.84" N 17° 14' 13.79" W as may easily be confirmed using GoogleEarth and comparing with other fotos. --- Thank you, honorable 'HEBRARD', **_accordingly_** for your DIS-RESPECTING of Panoramio.Guidelines, and your persistent, ongoing molestation and your _'valuable'_ contribution towards making GE-Map UN-usable. **PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO.GUIDELINES AND PLACE FOTOS WHERE TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !!** D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=11773268 #---- CPS sent 17.08.009 === 01.08.009 === C:: ?? W:: SUGG:MOVED-TO-SEA 11773590 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3142013 CPS:: 3142013 28.125950° -17.256810° SAVED AS D:\img\pano\3142013.htm D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7464718 ildef fragoso: -- **FOTO APPEARS _STILL_ (in spite of suggested correction(s)!) MIS-placed** at 28° 8' 54.74" N 17° 12' 10.58" W, where it was CERTAINLY NOT taken. -- **PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO.GUIDELINES AND PLACE FOTOS WHERE TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !!** Q:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/8687261 jac hendrix "National Park GARAJONAY" -- **Are you certain your foto is placed correctly?** -- Foto imho probably was taken in immediate vicinity of Laguna Grande (I think I've walked there, several times; and comparison with other Panoramio-fotos at Laguna Grande seems to support that) but it is now placed at 28° 9' 38.06" N 17° 14' 33.48" W, NW of Meriga, north of "Ctra. Laguna Grande", and --according to my maps-- (not far but) _OUTSIDE_ P.N.G. WWX:: --------------------------------------- W:: SUGG:SEA http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2931017 CPC:: 2931017 28.138171° -17.201193° MIS:: 28° 7' 41.92" N 17° 10' 14.16" W ; 28.128311° -17.170600° 28.128311 -17.170600 EAN -- **FOTO IS _STILL_ (in spite of suggested correctionS and repeated pleaS for correction) GROSSLY MIS-placed** at 28° 7' 41.92" N 17° 10' 14.16" W, near Incherada, --- Thank you, honorable 'EAN', **_accordingly_** for your persistent, ongoing molestation and your _'valuable'_ contribution towards making GE-Map UN-usable. -- **PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO.GUIDELINES AND PLACE FOTOS WHERE TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !!** --- Thank you **_accordingly_** in advance. W:: SUGG:SEA http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=8516816 CPC:: 8516816 ??? Bananen Palme 1 Haus cristal1995 -- So, no time to correct/improve, but you did take time to **MIS-PLACE AGAIN**. -- Thank you **_accordingly_** for your persistent, ongoing molestation and your _'valuable'_ contribution towards making GE-Map UN-usable. -- **PLEASE PLACE FOTO WHERE IT WAS TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !!** -- and please use meaningful, descriptive titles for all your fotos on the google earth map. --- Thank you **_accordingly_** in advance. -- SAVED AS D:\img\pano\8516816.htm === 31.07.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=19739057 CPC:: 19739057 28.174083° -17.188066° MIS:: 28° 10' 34.88" N 17° 11' 2.67" W ; 28.176356° -17.184075° Rolf Schunk -- **FOTO APPEARS _STILL_ (in spite of suggested correction) MIS-placed** and quite OBVIOUSLY so, at 28° 10' 34.88" N 17° 11' 2.67" W, which is down in the barranco and BELOW the houses it looks clearly DOWN on and not up to. -- PLEASE PLACE FOTO WHERE IT WAS TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !! **PLEASE PLACE YOUR F..ABULOUS FOTO(s) _WHERE TAKEN_ OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !! !!** === 28.07.009 === C:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/15178406 WW:: Sebastian Zurawski WW:: WiederWiederholungsTrottel W:: CPS http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=66239 WWW:: Canarina -- **FOTO APPEARS _STILL_ (in spite of suggested correctionS and repeated pleas for correction!) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 6' 20.71" N 17° 12' 51.13" W --- PLEASE DO RESPECT PANORAMIO-GUIDELINES AND **PLACE FOTO WHERE TAKEN** -- OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=13966451 CPC:: 13966451 28.090255° -17.109757° MIS:: 28° 5' 25.19" N 17° 6' 35.61" W ; 28.090330° -17.109892° WW:: HEBRARD -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction(s)!) MIS-PLACED** and OBVIOUSLY so: placed directly in front of the building which it shows diagonally, FROM A CORNER -- PLEASE PLACE FOTO **WHERE TAKEN** OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=19574659 p4t4r -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction!) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 10' 46.90" N 17° 11' 7.00" W and quite OBVIOUSLY so, as it is mis-placed BELOW the buildings it clearly LOOKS DOWN ON. -- PLEASE PLACE FOTO **WHERE TAKEN** OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=8686921 jac hendrix -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction!) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 10' 54.66" N 17° 11' 4.99" W, ca. 10m above sea level, OBVIOUSLY MIS-placed as it was clearly taken from higher up. -- PLEASE PLACE FOTO **WHERE TAKEN** OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2078544 madiazg -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction!) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 11' 11.28" N 17° 11' 9.32" W -- PLEASE PLACE FOTOS **WHERE TAKEN** OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=13958411 HEBRARD -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction!) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 11' 4.33" N 17° 11' 16.89" W and OBVIOUSLY so, as can be verified e.g. by a brief glance at GE-Map. -- PLEASE PLACE FOTOS **WHERE TAKEN** OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! PS: thank you very much **_ACCORDINGLY_** for the LOT of MIS_information you provide, and your _'valuable'_ contribution towards making GE-Map UNUSABLE. -- PS dazu eines meiner LieblingsZitate: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Good people and bad people have one thing in common. They both make mistakes. Only, - good people can admit their mistakes and learn from them. Gute Menschen haben mit schlechten eines gemeinsam: beide machen Fehler. - Nur: gute Menschen geben ihre Fehler zu und lernen daraus. -- 'Otto Frank'(Ben Kingsley) in "Anne Frank", US 2001, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0246430/ nach dem Buch: "Das Maedchen Anne Frank" von Melissa Mueller ----------------------------------------------------------------- D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=6991524 Garrotevil -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction!) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 8' 15.71" N 17° 17' 53.94" W and OBVIOUSLY so, as it was taken looking down onto Embalse de las Tiles, but is placed below Embalse de las Tiles -- PLEASE PLACE FOTO **WHERE TAKEN** OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3419926 Juan Guión -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction!) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 8' 15.71" N 17° 17' 53.94" W and OBVIOUSLY so, as it was clearly taken ON A ROAD, but is NOT placed ON a ROAD. -- PLEASE PLACE FOTO **WHERE TAKEN** OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! === 27.07.009 === D:: Votivkirche http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=59202 Daniel Meyer -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction!) MIS-PLACED** at 48° 12' 50.19" N 16° 21' 32.36" E which would be inside or on roof a building , and certainly not where it was taken, as it was clearly taken of the street. -- PLEASE PLACE FOTO(S) **WHERE TAKEN** OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! D:: Votivkirche http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=474434 -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction!) MIS-PLACED** at 48° 12' 58.87" N 16° 21' 35.21" E, which would be inside or on roof of Hotel Regina, and certainly not where it was taken. -- PLEASE PLACE FOTO WHERE IT WAS TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! -- === 25.07.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=590342 Thomas Fietzek -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction!) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 6' 35.02" N 17° 13' 0.63" W and quite OBVIOUSLY so, as can easily be confirmed by comparing with other fotos and/or a brief look at GoogleEarth (note e.g. the rocks at 28.108996° -17.216140° which would appear in the foreground if looking from current position towards R.Agando, but which are not in your foto, ...) => PLEASE PLACE FOTO WHERE IT WAS TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! -- => D:\img\pano\590342D.jpg === 23.07.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=349169 Bertrand Guizard -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction!) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 8' 51.40" N 17° 11' 47.94" W, below TF-711. compare 9743908 and other fotos (note that the building in your foto are NOT on TF-711 but way further up toward Roque San Pedro). => PLEASE PLACE FOTO WHERE IT WAS TAKEN ! -- D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=6922806 ainars bruvelis -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction!) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 9' 56.30" N 17° 11' 50.10" W and quite OBVIOUSLY SO, as it is placed in the middle of houses, with no houses at all to be seen in the foreground. - if your memory does not, then a brief look at GE+panoramio-fotos should show you where it was taken. => PLEASE PLACE FOTO WHERE IT WAS TAKEN (OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP) !! -- D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2407012 odinsraaben -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 10' 48.93" N 17° 10' 44.01" W -- PLEASE PLACE FOTO WHERE IT WAS TAKEN (OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP) !! -- Karl Ejnar Rindebæk: D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7368684 -- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction) MIS-PLACED** at 28° 5' 30.03" N 17° 6' 38.82" W and quite OBVIOUSLY so: (assuming your foto is placed in the right street - what I cannot confirm and do not dispute) it was quite certainly made from the west side of the street, with the sun shining from the right=south, shadow pointing left=north. => PLEASE CORRECT PLACEMENT. -- === 21.07.009 === ksavoie0: D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3038078 --- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of SEVERAL(!) suggested correctionS!) _TOTALLY_ MIS-PLACED** and OBVIOUSLY so, as it clearly shows a creek in wet area, but is placed at ( 28° 6' 57.23" N 17° 12' 10.96" W ) on a steep hill with dry pine forest. please place foto(s) WHERE TAKEN (from) (or simply remove from GoogleEarth-MAP). suggested position is a guess only, but a PLAUSIBLE one; **current position is quite CERTAINLY WRONG** thank you accordingly for your continuing molestation. tashi delek --- simcup: D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3777058 --- **FOTO APPEARS STILL (in spite of suggested correction) probably MIS-PLACED** current position ( 28° 6' 27.79" N 17° 12' 46.19" W ) would indicate author trespassing in P.N.G. after breaking through the bushes in pretty steep terrain. please place foto(s) WHERE TAKEN (from) (or remove from GoogleEarth-MAP). suggested position is PROBABLY correct; tashi delek --- DJSHANDAN: W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5333981 --- SEE BELOW at #loc --- === 20.07.009 === canarina: W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=66239 CPS:: 66239 28.108999° -17.214535° LESC: W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3668899 HEBRARD: W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=11773271 HEBRARD: W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=11773268 === 19.07.009 === LESC: W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=4826215 -> cpc JaMajka: W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3142013 === 18.07.009 === GIGA-SEUFZZZ: die nächsten 6 W:: ... - 4 WW:: - 2 anscheinend gelöscht, TROTZ meiner VerbesserungsVorschlaege - die durch andere fotos bestätigt werden W:: JaMajka: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3142013 ildef fragoso: W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7464718 jac hendrix: W:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/8687261 EAN: W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2931017 Keith Gonzalez: anscheinend gelöscht (auf Panoramio, 01.08.009 klarerweise noch auf GE => SAVED ) Keith Gonzalez: C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2210217 Wooden Children Garajonay [Laguna Grande; misplaced at 28.131036° -17.229996° ] SAVED AS D:\img\pano\2210217.jpg woodanimal & ~children at Laguna Grande: 20404626 Keith Gonzalez: C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2210190 La Gomera Sunset [??; misplaced in El Cercado, at 28.118016° -17.282867° ] SAVED AS D:\img\pano\2210190.jpg MEGASEUFZZ. die ersten 3 W:: nachverfolgt: alle 3 persistieren auf ihrem fehler. W:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/15178406 Canarina: W:: CPS http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=66239 HEBRARD : W:: CPS http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=13966451 => PLEASE PLACE FOTO WHERE IT WAS TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! PLEASE PLACE FOTOS WHERE TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! CORRECTION SUGGESTED (ONCE) =========================== Y:: === 08.09.009 === D:: qqqccc###ccc - marker einfügen (first)corrections D:: D:: D:: D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=26475044 ---> 26475044.jpg === 06.09.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=26354878 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=26354897 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=25846081 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=25846085 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=26270410 === 03.09.009 === C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=26270325 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=26354865 === 01.09.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=26270297 === 31.08.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=26270441 === 30.08.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=26230901 === 26.08.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=26003863 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=25846089 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=26036014 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=26037256 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=26057588 X:: -------------------X === 16.08.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=25401554 CPC:: 25401554 28.132739° -17.322011° === 14.08.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/2930510 CPC:: 2930510 28.175163° -17.266054° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7162225 CPC:: 7162225 28.178866° -17.269909° D:: 2930517 http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2930517 CPC:: 2930517 28.175510° -17.266235° === 13.08.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=8547763 CPC:: 8547763 28.192622° -17.261665° -- foto shows Roque el Cano (near Vallehermoso) and appears **GROSSLY MIS_PLACED**! compare e.g. 181583; was taken from near 28° 11' 36.74" N 17° 15' 39.69" W. -- please use meaningful, descriptive titles for all your fotos placed on the google earth map. and correct location! W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=25373218 foto which shows ROCKS in foreground is MIS-placed (where there are NO rocks in foreground. -- **please place your f..abulous foto WHERE THE CAMERA WAS** ??? D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=25414105 CPS:: 25414105 28.103896° -17.209347° CPS:: 11773264 28.105755° -17.210833° c:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=25435093 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=25401750 CPS:: 25401750 28.131097° -17.322727° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=25435098 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=25435101 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=9734032 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17445440 foto is **STILL (despite suggested correction) MIS-PLACED** PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO+GE.GUIDELINES AND **PLACE YOUR F...ABULOUS FOTOS _WHERE TAKEN_** -- W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17445508 CPS:: 17445508 28.051766° -17.300476° CPS:: 17445440 28.051766° -17.300476° CPS:: 17445440 28.051732° -17.300624° === 12.08.009 === C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7070896 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=22441793 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=22441752 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=20016338 CPC??? 20016338 compare: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/2890026 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/8936818 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17966488 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=20162650 CPS:: 20162650 28.153222° -17.199690° === 10.08.009 === W:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/4978387 CPS:: 4978387 28.108994° -17.215560° foto apears **STILL (despite suggested correctionS) _GROSSLY_ MIS-PLACED** at 28° 7' 31.02" N 17° 12' 23.94" W. compare e.g. 12278571 for correct placement and PLEASE PLACE FOTO WHERE TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! === 08.08.009 === C:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/7066961 foto is MIS-placed. was probably taken from Calle Garabato; compare 17744296. please place foto(s) WHERE TAKEN. === 05.08.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=20404636 CPS:: 20404636 28.109010° -17.214633° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=19574717 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=10285859 CPS:: 10285859 28.108966° -17.215721° === 04.08.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2455063 CPS:: 2455063 28.105411° -17.247505° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=1198895 CPS:: 1198895 28.119518° -17.310453° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=6398406 CPS:: 6398406 28.131927° -17.323322° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=956957 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17744350 CPS:: 17744350 28.124460° -17.160708° -- this is NOT "en Hermigua" (around the Presa en valle de Hermigua, which btw. is called "Presa de MULAGUA", there are no houses. AND the road would be on other side of valley. AND background would be different). foto shows Presa de Chejelipes; compare e.g. 12762178 **PLEASE CORRECT TITLE & PLACEMENT !** D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3037837 CPS:: 3037837 28.161434° -17.203303° -- hi. - foto appears **GROSSLY MIS-PLACED** (in VGR instead of Valle Hermigua!!) - please use meaningful, descriptive titles for all your fotos on the google earth map. foto shows Ermita de San Juan. compare e.g. 5650891 D:: VGR.oben http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5258631 CPS:: 5258631 28.118669° -17.313498° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=22755203 CPS:: 22755203 28.108980° -17.214663° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=22755242 CPS:: 22755242 28.108989° -17.215792° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=14701624 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3417081 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=957604 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=11773591 CPS:: 11773591 28.089710° -17.151096° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5324530 CPS:: 5324530 28.091507° -17.162647° -- PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO.GUIDELINES AND **PLACE FOTOS WHERE TAKEN** - and please use meaningful, descriptive titles for all your fotos on the google earth map. foto shows Roque del Sombrero (does not have much to do with Ayamosna) C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17743399 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17743380 -- foto was GROOSLY MIS-PLACED. have corrected placement. - please use meaningful, descriptive titles for all your fotos on the google earth map. foto shows view down into valley de LaLaja/Chejelipes with Lomo Fragoso behind D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=9996814 CPS:: 9996814 28.186698° -17.222301° -- foto was **GROSSLY MIS-PLACED**. have corrected placement -roughly. please place foto WHERE TAKEN. === 03.08.009 === W:: (Jerdune north of Peraza) 4498320 === 02.08.009 === C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3416967 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=23024356 foto appears GROSSLY MIS-PLACED (south of Alajero!) please place your foto(S) WHERE TAKEN (or remove from GE-map) D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3668459 CPS:: 3668459 28.057262° -17.228124° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=21639213 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=1461978 CPS:: 1461978 28.084001° -17.215346° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17966507 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=18118578 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17458458 Foto appears **GROSSLY MIS-PLACED**, in valle abajo. As can be verified by a brief glance on GE, it was taken from Macayo. **Please place foto(s) WHERE TAKEN.** - and please use meaningful, descriptive titles for all your fotos on the google earth map. === 01.08.009 === W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=4498301 CPS:: 4498301 28.093519° -17.194054° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=14649199 CPS:: 14649199 28.099392° -17.185528° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=23736456 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5885149 CPS:: 5885149 28.064550° -17.174061° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=11796656 CPS:: 11796656 28.056600° -17.134034° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5884300 CPS:: 5884300 28.071879° -17.144539° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=331423 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=10606150 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=10606094 === 31.07.009 === C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17458901 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=4825831 CPS:: 4825831 28.142544° -17.197605° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17950027 === 30.07.009 === C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=13694700 R.San Pedro was **GROSSLY MISPLACED** in Antoncojo ! C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2094799 === 28.07.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7759916 CPS:: 7759916 28.186074° -17.201198° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17458684 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17458679 -- foto appears **STILL (despite suggested correction) MIS-placed** at 28° 11' 2.56" N 17° 11' 15.50" W. I had suggest correct placement at 28.182630° -17.187089°, (GE-placemarks available as *.kmz.zip in folder location_disputes) on the same road, about 120m closer to Hermigua, where the starway leading down from the road, can be identified in GE. please correct placement, and please use meaningful, descriptive titles for all your fotos on the google earth map. -foto(taken WHEN?) shows Playa de Hermigua. D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5323655 CPS:: 5323655 28.179508° -17.186069° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=1816021 CPS:: 1816021 28.179508° -17.186069° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=1816000 CPS:: 1816000 28.178205° -17.183505° W:: SUGG:SEA http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=13958392 foto (looking down on houses) is **OBVIOUSLY MISPLACED** (no houses below). -- => PLEASE PLACE FOTO WHERE IT WAS TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! -- foto (looking down on houses) is **STILL OBVIOUSLY GROSSLY MISPLACED** at 28° 11' 27.21" N 17° 12' 11.89" W, (where there is no houses below). -- +#STOP C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=16905799 -- still misplaced, D:\img\pano>16905799.jpg placement of 16905799 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/25276232 -- hi, Jörg -- welcome/de nada/gerngeschehen -- unfortunately, foto is still not placed in correct position (sorry) but on the wrong side of the hill(s) west of Agulo. -- please see 25276232 - (what I think is) correct position marked by green X (can be determined quite certainly with GE using the street(left) coming nearly directly towards viewpoint, and football field to the right) -- LG aus Wien ???:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=288430 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3729025 === 27.07.009 === W:: SUGG:SEA http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=8516816 foto is **STILL OBVIOUSLY _GROSSLY_ MISPLACED** at 28° 9' 5.84" N 17° 10' 21.58" W -- **PLEASE PLACE FOTO WHERE IT WAS TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !!** C:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/5565801 PLEASE USE **MEANINGFUL**, DESCRIPTIVE TITLES FOR all YOUR FOTOS ON THE GoogleEarth-MAP. - foto shows Cumbre de Tajaque (and doesn't have much to do with Deg.Peraza). current location is *obviously* wrong, from there you would have to look through(!) R.Agando. -- **PLEASE PLACE FOTO(S) WHERE TAKEN** W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=11773264 -- foto apears **STILL MIS_PLACED; in spite of suggested correction and REPEATED PLEAS for correction** PLEASE PLACE YOUR FOTO(S) WHERE TAKEN - OR REMOVE FROM GE-MAP !! -- And if "Sommet de l'ile"=="Summit/Peak of the Island" then that's not exactly true, is it? **Veuillez placer la photo a l'endroit où était l'appareil -- Ou -svp- enlevez la photo de la GE-Carte.** **FOTO APPEARS _STILL_ (DESPITE _repeated_ detailed explanation and _numerous pleas_ for correction MIS-PLACED** at 28° 6' 9.26" N 17° 12' 33.13" W Compare my 3-foto-montage which was taken from about where this foto is placed now. **STOP MOLESTING PANORAMIO-USERS WITH YOUR MIS-INFORMATION!!** **CORRECT YOUR ERRORS!!** **OR REMOVE YOUR MISPLACED FOTOS FROM THE GE-MAP !!** X:: === 26.07.009 === D:: 1745928 http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=1745928 CPS:: 1745928 28.088028° -17.233240° it must be IMADA ! (which btw, looked considerably smaller not too long ago) your foto seems to show (although from different directions) the same rock as in http://www.panoramio.com/photo/24916960 and this certainly is "Casanueva, 1024m" between Imada and Alajero. so your foto quite probably was made from near/above Imada, direction Benchijigua ... -- D:\img\GOM\G12\CasaNuev.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/24916960 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5391989 CPS:: 5391989 28.124646° -17.161341° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3421382 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=20739454 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/5324265 CPS:: 5324265 28.124705° -17.161499° foto appears **grossly MISplaced**, at 28° 6' 46.60" N 17° 12' 46.80" W, between Roques Ojila and Zarcita ! -- please place foto(s) WHERE TAKEN ! C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=16905805 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=19739057 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=4946315 CPS:: 4946315 28.177708° -17.186418° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2243316 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=19574659 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=8686921 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2078544 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=13958411 this village has a name: AGULO. foto appears grossly MISplaced at 28° 11' 4.33" N 17° 11' 16.89" W, near Lepe. **PLEASE DO PLACE YOUR FOTO(S) _WHERE TAKEN_** C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=6922833 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/509321 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2930497 -- hi. -- (out of the way, in the sea, but still placed, and not correctly) -- a foto can be removed (un-mapped) from GE-map by (WorkAround:) delete + upload again (and NOT placing it). -- if you know or find a better way - please let me know. -- W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=6991524 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=8314330 CPS:: 8314330 28.084915° -17.133451° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/5324457 CPS:: 5324457 28.097586° -17.112295° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6967998 CPS:: 6967998 28.094435° -17.198614° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=1325696 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3419926 X:: === 24.07.009 === C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=1529818 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=11249319 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=15058937 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=8082337 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=59202 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2779193 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=474434 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=9743908 CPS:: 9743908 28.152228° -17.203451° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=6922817 === 20.07.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3860816 CPS:: 3860816 28.202802° -17.252873° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2931069 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3326328 CPS:: 3326328 28.174523° -17.258650° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7067001 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=509084 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=12049145 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2556670 === 19.07.009 === C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2688638 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=4841011 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=349169 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=6922806 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=4526228 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=1837476 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=257067 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7623381 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7241370 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2407012 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=1198670 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=1237981 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=15178463 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=15178436 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=15178447 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=10834250 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=20284540 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=6258002 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=4258274 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=22780952 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7368684 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2561121 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2561134 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17486210 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17486204 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=6371802 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=11281621 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5172501 CPS:: 5172501 28.087580° -17.107515° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5323705 CPS:: 5323705 28.108667° -17.105246° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5323789 CPS:: 5323789 28.108649° -17.105140° #---- CPS Sent 13.08.009 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=4826215 CPS:: 4826215 28.140436° -17.197896° W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5324242 CPS:: 5324242 28.118570° -17.164900° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5724524 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3038078 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3777058 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=18174257 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=20756357 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5333981 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/5565816 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17743452 === 18.07.009 === W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=11773268 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=11773271 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=22276946 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=20305850 CPS:: 20305850 28.029809° -17.193824° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5323879 CPS:: 5323879 28.030577° -17.190419° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=10567482 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=10100058 CPS:: 10100058 28.029511° -17.193983° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=4498251 CPS:: 4498251 28.031614° -17.196965° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=11032041 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=11797012 CPS:: 11797012 28.028696° -17.196074° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17457679 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17457701 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=23326749 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3070606 CPS:: 3070606 28.027616° -17.205956° W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3668899 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=13966466 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3120876 CPS:: 3120876 28.092135° -17.111097° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7444260 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2292777 CPS:: 2292777 28.108882° -17.214326° W:: CPS http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=66239 === 17.07.009 === W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3142013 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/1368744 CPS:: 1368744 28.152867° -17.199638° W:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/7464718 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/17414308 CPS:: 17414308 28.148280° -17.204214° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=1974878 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=14820782 - Barranco de Las Rosas y Tenerife; C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3417440 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=589453 CPS:: 589453 28.179113° -17.266109° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2292766 CPS:: 2292766 28.180901° -17.265739° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2930424 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=277910 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=370236 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/370199 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=4530088 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=4846470 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=14644859 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=4841542 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=3345617 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=172996 CPS:: 172996 28.090347° -17.108987° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7343503 CPS:: 7343503 28.090313° -17.109902° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2407027 CPS:: 2407027 28.092485° -17.111253° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/3932043 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17486431 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7444060 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2954718 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2407069 CPS:: 2407069 28.088888° -17.105588° W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=13966451 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=4027875 CPS:: 4027875 28.089766° -17.106042° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=5884654 CPS:: 5884654 28.091026° -17.111678° W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=432452 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2438697 CPS:: 2438697 28.186713° -17.222201° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17950027 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2957521 CPS:: 2957521 28.162578° -17.195865° === 16.07.009 === D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=12298025 CPS:: 12298025 28.109688° -17.248297° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2455515 -> px C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=6849610 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=66239 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17445777 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17445774 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/14275964 CPS:: 14275964 28.179921° -17.186071° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/18749316 CPS:: 18749316 28.114862° -17.284041° C:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/956957 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/15178406 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=12924055 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=17947046 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=20430561 CPS:: 20430561 28.085198° -17.136855° W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2210190 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2210217 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/227152 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=2931017 W:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=590342 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=6371044 D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7425072 CPS:: 7425072 28.099438° -17.255379° D:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=7425372 CPS:: 7425372 28.099422° -17.254902° CPC= correction being sent to Corrections@Panorapio.Com, CPS= correction sent to Corrections@Panorapio.Com C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=956957 -- ab jetzt mit C:: markiert - zwecks statistischer Auswertung: grep W:: / C:: -- anscheinend mehr W als C !!! -- bis jetzt: korrigierte gelöscht (= Fehler) === 14.07.009 === C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=4103572 C:: http://www.panoramio.com/suggest/?id=9114359 X:: # end-marker for pandis.py D...Disputed W...Wi(e)derholungstrottel C...Corrected CPC...(being)submitted to Corrections@Panoramio.Com; CPS...submitted ================================================================== OTHER: http://www.summitpost.org/images/original/375948.jpg Pico Gomero??? (851m) and Roque del Sombrero(ok) (662m) IGN/Goldstadt/Baedeker Tagamiche 983/979/- Pico Gomero 754/754/754 R.Sombrero 657/672/672 R.Berruga 832/832/831 ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== TIPPS: ==> http://wda.tradivarium.at/panosel.htm ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== von wo genau (am Weg von CFZ zum Agando) aufgenommen: panodis: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/5722121 panodis: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/5080210 ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ###========= ###OWN ============================================ ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== TEST http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19572315 ================================================================== *************************** ******* #GOMERA ******* *************************** D:\img\GOM\G02\cf910214.jpg Casa Forestal de Zarcita, 1991-02-14 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/26399038 28° 6' 39.55" N 17° 12' 18.58" W -- G02 ??? steht auf dem bild; aber war ich da nicht alleine cameralos unterwegs ? *************************** ******* #VIENNA ******* *************************** #T Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof 1997 d:\doc\exal\up\FRANZJO1.JPG ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20188137 48° 13' 31.30" N 16° 21' 40.46" E @ >>>>>> 48.225361 16.361239 #T Ringstraße (Burgring) 1997 d:\doc\exal\up\RING1.JPG ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20188143 48° 12' 15.41" N 16° 21' 46.66" E @ >>>>>> 48.204281 16.362961 Killboard Improvement by Anon Activist(s), 1997 - [plain "documentary" foto from the streets of Vienna. No tricks or double exposures and no digital editing] - see here for more of the series. ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== ******************************************************** ******* ###location.disputes ##MIS-placements ******* ******************************************************** MIS-placement of 17458679 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/25486528 -- --- adding as comment to 17458679 --- 25486528 is (NOW not far, only between 100 and 200 m) but **CLEARLY MIS-PLACED**, despite suggested correction, explanation and plea for correction. from current location ( 28° 11' 2.56" N 17° 11' 15.50" W ) the first bend in the road would be to the left; the first bend in the road is, however, to the right. I had suggest correct placement at 28.182630° -17.187089°, on the same road, about 120m closer to Hermigua. (and made GE-placemarks available as *.kmz.zip in folder location_disputes) where the stairway leading down from the road, can be identified in GE. As (pressumably) author FELIPE ALONSO _deleted_ my explanations and plea for correction **_INSTEAD_** of correcting his error, comments are now archived with 25486528. **PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO.GUIDELINES AND PLACE FOTOS WHERE TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !!** and please use meaningful, descriptive titles for all your fotos on the google earth map. -foto(taken WHEN?) shows Playa de Hermigua. persistent MIS-placement of 11773264 D:\img\pano\11773264.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/25412589 -- 11773264 appears (less than 1 km, but) **_clearly_ MIS-placed**, at 28° 6' 5.72" N 17° 12' 32.82" W --despite suggested correction(s), detailed explanations and numerous pleas for correction-- as may easily be verified by a brief look on GoogleEarth-Map, or 25412589, or compare this 3-foto-montage which was taken from near where 11773264 is MIS-placed now. As author HEBRARD most persistently refuses to correct position and keeps deleting explanations+pleas for correction instead, comments are now archived with 25412589. persistent MIS-placement of 5333981 D:\img\pano\5333981.jpg C:: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/25232237 -- YAPPA-DAPPA-DOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! !! !!! placement of 5333981is corrected ! (at last) and it took me only about one or two hours of work ! MIS-placement of 4498320 D:\img\pano\4498320.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/25230055 -- 4498320 appears **STILL MIS-PLACED**, at 28° 6' 2.72" N 17° 11' 19.67" W, **north of Carretera del Centro, north-west of Deg.Peraza** see 25230055. it is quite **OBVIOUSLY MISPLACED**, as it is not placed on any road. It should probably be placed on Carretera del Sur (aka. Carr.Deg.Peraza) at Jerdune, **as has been suggested**. -- **PLEASE CORRECT PLACEMENT** -- foto NOW appears, in slightly changed position, **STILL GROSSLY MIS-PLACED**, at 28° 5' 56.18" N 17° 11' 12.87" W, ON Carretera del Centro, in immediate vicinity og Deg.Peraza. Foto does NOT match placement, as can be confirmed by comparison with other fotos on Panoramio. --- Thank you, honorable LESC, **_accordingly_** for the persistent, ongoing molestation you provide, and your _'valuable'_ contribution towards making GE-Map UN-usable. **PLEASE PLACE FOTO WHERE TAKEN (=VERY PROBABLY IN THE SEVERAL TIMES SUGGESTED POSITION IN JERDUNE) --OR-- if you are unable to do so, or if this is to much of a bother to you, SIMPLY REMOVE IT FROM GE-MAP** Thank you **_accordingly_** in advance. SAVED AS 4498320.htm persistent MIS-placement of 11773590 d:\img\pano\1177359A.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/24265558 -- --- some time ago I [wda] wrote, as comment to 11773590 --- pls have a look at GE-screenshot 24265558 -- do you really want to claim that you can see position El Cabrito, X2: 28.060745° -17.144416° h = 0m from 28° 4' 53.48" N 17° 7' 37.20" W = X1, h = 211 m ? especially when considering --for example-- the in-between position X3 (RED marker; 28.080022° -17.127959° h = 255m) (or similar; but comment was removed by (presumably:) 'HEBRARD' ) placement of 11773601 http://www.panoramio.com/photo/24532959 -- earlier comments on 11773601 with previous discussion and explanation were deleted by HEBRARD, who did not respond. - on 28.07.009 I asked again for correction, providing further explanation. -- Today, despite several suggestions and pleas for correction, 11773601 is as **OBVIOUSLY MIS-PLACED** as always, 'HEBRARD'(apparently) AGAIN deleted explanations & plea(s) for correction **INSTEAD** of correcting the error. == **I repeat:** == SEE 24532959 ! 11773601 does VERYprobably NOT show Igualero and current position at 28° 5' 34.51" N 17° 14' 50.40" W is quite **certainly wrong** (this position being just south of a hill that would appear prominently in if not block the view towards Igualero; furthermore Pico Igualero is much greener than hill shown in foto.) 11773601 probably shows Tagamiche viewed from south-east. compare 24922936 for a view of Tagamiche from (south)-west. --- Thank you, honorable 'HEBRARD', **_accordingly_** for your DIS-RESPECTING of Panoramio.Guidelines, for the persistent, ongoing molestation you provide, and your _'valuable'_ contribution towards making GE-Map UN-usable. **PLEASE RESPECT PANORAMIO.GUIDELINES AND PLACE FOTOS WHERE TAKEN OR REMOVE FROM GOOGLE-EARTH-MAP !! !!** (atleast)one of the two is MIS-placed http://www.panoramio.com/photo/24910059 -- see 24910059 : either 7241462 (still at 28° 10' 58.34" N 17° 11' 14.42" W) or 1000846 (still at 28° 10' 52.01" N 17° 11' 13.10" W) is misplaced (if (hopefully)not both). -- please correct placement ! ================================================================== ================================================================== ****************************** ******* GOMERA ******* ****************************** 2DO: Nebel / Wolken über Agando, arcoiris über Bnchijigua #T 'Sunrise' over Tenerife, 2000-09 D:\img\GOM\G09\sunset.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/user/1119875 28° 6' 32.84" N 17° 12' 24.52" W #T El Drago Centenario D:\img\GOM\G13\2\15x10\203.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/25062415 28° 4' 27.98" N 17° 14' 46.92" W #T Degollada & Bar Peraza, Tagamiche 2000-09 D:\img\GOM\G09\berru03.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/24922936 28° 5' 34.03" N 17° 11' 16.16" W D:\img\GOM\G09\TdeH_01.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/24921741 #T Teide desde Hermigua, 2000-09 28° 10' 47.46" N 17° 11' 6.48" W I vouch for correct placement, and apologize for the low quality (fotos taken with a $1-'camera', and scanned with a $0-scanner from small, old, dusty, scratched prints) D:\img\GOM\G09\tdeh_11.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/24921742 #T Teide desde Hermigua, 2000-09 28° 10' 47.48" N 17° 11' 6.43" W ================================================================== for placement of Roque(s) de San Pedro (y Pablo) see: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6952651 ================================================================== 'ABSTRAKT'bunt d:\img\pano\HPIM2125.JPG ================================================================== ================================================================== ===== G13 - from Billa-Scans ===== ================================================================== #T Guayaba 2005-10 d:\img\GOM\G13\Guayaba.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20964223 28° 2' 53.75" N 17° 10' 47.00" W @ >>>>>> 28.048264 -17.179722 [SIGHHHHHHHHH] d:\img\GOM\G13\Guaya.jpg comment= 'professionell' (und nicht etwa von Perutz-film, sondern von einem Kodak Negativ!) digitalisiertes Bild [SEUFZZZZZZZZZ] #T Los Christianos, 2005-10-28 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20964586 d:\img\GOM\G13\LosChr13.jpg 28° 3' 17.48" N 16° 42' 46.04" W @ >>>>>> 28.054856 -16.712789 #T Playa Santiago, 2005-10-13 d:\img\GOM\G13\Santi13.jpg 28° 1' 36.57" N 17° 11' 49.83" W @ >>>>>> 28.026825 -17.197175 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20929095 ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== #T Alto de Tacalcuse, "Felsenhäuser" 2000-09 D:\img\GOM\G09\TACALCU.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19954809 28° 4' 45.44" N 17° 10' 33.53" W @ >>>>>> 28.079289 -17.175981 #T Gezeiten-Modell für Gomera, 26.9.-9.10.2008 D:\img\GOM\tide025.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19950614 --- comment= (simple) Model of the tides for Gomera, 26.9.-9.10.2008, see here for explanation and more. --- old_comment= (simple) Model of the tides for Gomera, 26.9.-9.10.2008, using data ( geocentric position of sun and position+distance of moon ) obtained from Chris Marriot's (highly recommendable) SKYMAP program, and Steffen Maus' "Modell des Tidenhubs bei Variation des Abstandes Erde-Mond" combined in an xls-file. (grafics like this one are not well rendered by jpg; see original excel-file ) === ================================================================== ================================================================== ================================================================== G12 .. scanned 1500 x 1020 px Bilder (10x15) bläulich/blass --- 7 x 10 cm --- scan: 300 dpi --- crop to 1260 x 840 px => #T Casas de Contrera 1999-12 d:\img\GOM\G08\contre8.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20375739 28° 3' 53.02" N 17° 10' 26.72" W @ >>>>>> 28.064728 -17.174089 #T 'Sunrise' over Tenerife 1998-03-31 d:\img\GOM\G06\sunrise.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20350430 28° 2' 24.18" N 17° 10' 30.06" W @ >>>>>> 28.040050 -17.175017 #T La Laja (dese R. de Carmona) 1998-04 d:\img\GOM\G06\LaLaja5.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20350435 28° 6' 36.14" N 17° 12' 46.46" W @ >>>>>> 28.110039 -17.212906 #T El Valillo 1999-03 d:\img\GOM\G07\valillo1.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20226224 28° 6' 2.79" N 17° 20' 50.31" W @ >>>>>> 28.100775 -17.347308 #T Camino Bailadero - La Laja 1999-04 (1) d:\img\GOM\G07\b_ll_1.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20226227 28° 7' 23.32" N 17° 12' 34.77" W @ >>>>>> 28.123144 -17.209658 #T Hermigua 2000-09 D:\img\GOM\G09\hermig9.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19930181 28° 10' 26.51" N 17° 10' 59.55" W @ >>>>>> 28.174031 -17.183208 #T Nord-Eingang zum Agando-Stollen 2000-09 D:\img\GOM\G09\tunnel.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19930189 28° 6' 40.29" N 17° 12' 28.03" W @ >>>>>> 28.111192 -17.207786 #T Playa de Chinguarime\Salvado 1999-12 D:\img\GOM\G08\salv3.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19923977 28° 2' 16.33" N 17° 10' 19.61" W @ >>>>>> 28.037869 -17.172114 #T "Los Roques" 1999-12 D:\img\GOM\G08\roques07.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19882560 28° 6' 10.12" N 17° 12' 3.72" W @ >>>>>> 28.102811 -17.201033 #T La Laja 1999-12 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19882567 D:\img\GOM\G08\lalaja7.jpg 28° 6' 10.13" N 17° 12' 3.66" W @ >>>>>> 28.102814 -17.201017 #T "Los Roques" 1999-12 D:\img\GOM\G08\roques08.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19841820 28° 6' 14.35" N 17° 12' 33.92" W @ >>>>>> 28.103986 -17.209422 #T D:\img\GOM\G08\miroques.jpg Mirador de "Los Roques" y Roque de Agando 1999-12 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19838286 28° 6' 41.08" N 17° 12' 56.69" W @ >>>>>> 28.111411 -17.215747 # OLD, but was MISSING in this here file: G07 (?) D:\img\GOM\AGANDO0.JPG #T Roque de Agando desde Roque de Zarcita 1998-04 http://static.panoramio.com/photos/original/6050724.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6050724 28° 6' 42.71" N 17° 12' 54.57" W @ >>>>>> 28.111864 -17.215158 #T Tejiade..Peraza..Tacalcuse 1999-12 (5-foto-200°-panorama) D:\img\GOM\G08\teji38.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19770174 28° 3' 50.26" N 17° 11' 24.27" W @ >>>>>> 28.063961 -17.190075 28° 3' 50.26" N 17° 11' 24.27" W @ >>>>>> 28.063961 -17.190075 D:\img\GOM\G08\SanSeb8.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19687643 #T San Sebastian (desde la guagua) 1999-12 28° 5' 11.10" N 17° 7' 49.94" W @ >>>>>> 28.086417 -17.130539 D:\img\GOM\G08\SanSeb9.jpg 28° 5' 4.93" N 17° 8' 13.66" W @ >>>>>> 28.084703 -17.137128 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19687646 #T San Sebastian (desde la guagua) 1999-12 d:\img\GOM\G08\peraza8.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19687652 #T Degollada de Peraza 1999-12 28° 5' 32.60" N 17° 11' 12.29" W @ >>>>>> 28.092389 -17.186747 D:\img\GOM\G08\chingu8.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19687665 #T Barranco de Chinguarime 1999-12 28° 5' 31.97" N 17° 11' 12.35" W @ >>>>>> 28.092214 -17.186764 D:\img\GOM\G08\chingu9.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19687658 #T Barranco de Chinguarime 1999-12 28° 5' 32.15" N 17° 11' 16.47" W @ >>>>>> 28.092264 -17.187908 D:\img\GOM\G10\LaLaja10.jpg #T La Laja 2001-01 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19650949 28° 6' 44.55" N 17° 11' 38.90" W @ >>>>>> 28.112375 -17.194139 D:\img\GOM\G10\RainBows.jpg #T Rainbows 2001-01 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19650954 28° 6' 45.88" N 17° 10' 22.27" W @ >>>>>> 28.112744 -17.172853 D:\img\GOM\G11\chingu2.jpg #T Barranco de Chinguarime 2002-09 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19637092 28° 3' 39.05" N 17° 10' 56.96" W @ >>>>>> 28.060847 -17.182489 D:\img\GOM\G11\chingu3.jpg #T Bco. de Chinguarime/de los Castradores 2002-09 28° 3' 39.05" N 17° 10' 56.96" W @ >>>>>> 28.060847 -17.182489 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19637098 D:\img\GOM\G11\teji2.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19637106 #T Bco.+Pl.Chinguarime..Tecina..Aeropuerto desde Tejiade 2002-09 28° 3' 47.37" N 17° 11' 22.45" W @ >>>>>> 28.063158 -17.189569 #T Fortaleza de Chipude desde Merica 1999-03 D:\img\GOM\G07\merica1.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19626713 28° 6' 3.06" N 17° 20' 18.32" W @ >>>>>> 28.100850 -17.338422 #T Morning sun .. Tejiade 1999-12 D:\img\GOM\G08\teji0.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19622626 28° 2' 51.53" N 17° 10' 30.81" W @ >>>>>> 28.047647 -17.175225 #T Bco.+Pl.Chinguarime..Tecina..Aeropuerto desde Tejiade 1999-12 D:\img\GOM\G08\teji1.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19622634 28° 3' 50.26" N 17° 11' 24.27" W @ >>>>>> 28.063961 -17.190075 EMBALSE de La Laja= 28.115645 -17.197936 --- 7 x 10 cm --- scan: 200 dpi --- crop to 840 x 560 px => [?TOO]small: 50-70 KB #T Camino Bailadero - La Laja 1999-04 (9) D:\img\GOM\G07\b_ll_10.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19617693 28° 6' 57.43" N 17° 11' 52.52" W @ >>>>>> 28.115953 -17.197922 comment= Der -leicht zu findende- Weg von La Laja am Stausee vorbei, den Bach hinauf, und zur Wasserleitung (vom El-Cedro-Stollen um den Ojila herum zum Agando-Stollen), quert das Bild im Vordergund. Wanderer, die -auf dem etwas weniger leicht zu findenden Weg- zum (Mirador el) Bailadero hinauf wollen, sollten (spätestens)hier bei diesen Felsen nach rechts, also den Hang hinauf, abbiegen. Viele haben das übersehen, und so das (Hoch-)Tal von La Laja und die oben erwähnte Wasserleitung näher kennengelernt. ================================================================== --- 7 x 10 cm --- scan: 200 dpi --- crop to 840 x 560 px => [?TOO]small: 50-70 KB #T El Teide desde Alto de Garajonay 2000-09 * D:\img\GOM\G09\teide9.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19465309 28° 6' 35.00" N 17° 14' 54.04" W @ >>>>>> 28.109722 -17.248344 #T Leaving Gomera on Ferry "Benchijigua" 2000-01-07 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19478463 * D:\img\GOM\G08\ferry32.jpg 28° 3' 35.50" N 16° 58' 6.18" W @ >>>>>> 28.059861 -16.968383 * D:\img\GOM\G09\000920r1.jpg #T 'Sunrise' over Tenerife 2000-09-20 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19486056 28° 2' 24.18" N 17° 10' 30.18" W @ >>>>>> 28.040050 -17.175050 * D:\img\GOM\G09\000920r2.jpg #T 'Sunrise' over Punta Gaviota 2000-09-20 28° 2' 22.29" N 17° 10' 30.71" W @ >>>>>> 28.039525 -17.175197 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19486087 * D:\img\GOM\G09\000913R.JPG #T 'Sunrise' over Tenerife 2000-09-13 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19486102 28° 2' 24.18" N 17° 10' 30.18" W @ >>>>>> 28.040050 -17.175050 * D:\img\GOM\G09\000913S.JPG #T 'Sunset' behind Tecina 2000-09-13 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19486211 28° 2' 24.21" N 17° 10' 30.13" W @ >>>>>> 28.040058 -17.175036 * D:\img\GOM\G08\sset3.JPG #T 'Sunset' behind Tecina, winter solstice 1999 (3 foto montage) ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19615221 28° 2' 24.21" N 17° 10' 30.15" W @ >>>>>> 28.040058 -17.175042 #T Mirador el Bailadero 1999-04 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19410788 D:\img\GOM\G07\b_ll_2.jpg BLL2= 28.122621 -17.207873 28° 7' 21.44" N 17° 12' 28.34" W @ >>>>>> 28.122622 -17.207872 #T Camino Bailadero - La Laja 1999-04 (3) ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19410797 D:\img\GOM\G07\b_ll_3.jpg BLL3= 28.122284 -17.207654 28° 7' 20.22" N 17° 12' 27.55" W @ >>>>>> 28.122283 -17.207653 #T Camino Bailadero - La Laja 1999-04 (4) ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19410806 D:\img\GOM\G07\b_ll_4.jpg BLL4= 28.122262 -17.207088 28° 7' 20.14" N 17° 12' 25.52" W @ >>>>>> 28.122261 -17.207089 #T Camino Bailadero - La Laja 1999-04 (5) ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19410808 D:\img\GOM\G07\b_ll_5.jpg BLL5= 28.120234 -17.204677 28° 7' 12.84" N 17° 12' 16.84" W @ >>>>>> 28.120233 -17.204678 #T Camino Bailadero - La Laja 1999-04 (6) ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19410810 D:\img\GOM\G07\b_ll_6.jpg BLL6= 28.120027 -17.204172 28° 7' 12.10" N 17° 12' 15.02" W @ >>>>>> 28.120028 -17.204172 #T Camino Bailadero - La Laja 1999-04 (7) ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19410818 D:\img\GOM\G07\b_ll_7.jpg BLL7= 28.119254 -17.203794 28° 7' 9.31" N 17° 12' 13.66" W @ >>>>>> 28.119253 -17.203794 #T Camino Bailadero - La Laja 1999-04 (8) ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19410820 D:\img\GOM\G07\b_ll_8.jpg BLL9= 28.118216 -17.201322 28° 7' 5.58" N 17° 12' 4.76" W @ >>>>>> 28.118217 -17.201322 #T Embalse de La Laja 1999-04 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19410825 D:\img\GOM\G07\b_ll_9.jpg BLL9 28° 7' 5.58" N 17° 12' 4.76" W @ >>>>>> 28.118217 -17.201322 #T Vista desde Roque de Zarcita 1998-04 * D:\img\GOM\agando7.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19409329 28° 6' 42.71" N 17° 12' 54.57" W @ >>>>>> 28.111864 -17.215158 comment= this is (nearly exactly) the same view as http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6050724 only in different weather 6050724.comment= see http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19409329 for (nearly exactly) the same view, only in different weather #T Roques de Carmona y Agando desde Roque de Ojila 1998-04 * D:\img\GOM\G06\agando6.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19409332 28° 6' 50.65" N 17° 12' 37.17" W @ >>>>>> 28.114069 -17.210325 #T Roque de Zarcita...Garajonay desde Roque de Ojila 1998-04 D:\img\GOM\G06\zarcita6.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19409335 28° 6' 51.03" N 17° 12' 37.34" W @ >>>>>> 28.114175 -17.210372 #T Valle alto de Benchijigua desde Mirador de Tajaque 2000-01 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/25392604 D:\img\GOM\G06\tajaque3.jpg 28° 6' 32.70" N 17° 13' 28.21" W #T Barrancito Punta Gaviota 1999-12 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19369050 D:\img\GOM\G08\bgavio1.jpg 28° 2' 9.57" N 17° 10' 12.23" W @ >>>>>> 28.035992 -17.170064 #T Barrancito Punta Gaviota (con ferry Hierro-Gomera) 1999-12 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19369058 D:\img\GOM\G08\bgavio2.jpg 28° 2' 9.48" N 17° 10' 12.24" W @ >>>>>> 28.035967 -17.170067 #T Acantilado Punta Gaviota con ferry "Benchijigua" desde Hierro a Gomera 1999-12 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19369061 D:\img\GOM\G08\bgavio3.jpg 28° 2' 8.63" N 17° 10' 12.36" W @ >>>>>> 28.035731 -17.170100 ================================= ================================= ================================= CANARIAS DESDE EL ESPACIO D:\img\GOM\canaries.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19333408 ================================= ================================= TO-DO: ÜBERARBEITEN: D:\img\AUSTRIA\NOE1.jpg => NOE1A.jpg ÜBERARBEITEN: neu scannen ?! D:\img\GOM\G08\benji2.jpg === NICHT IN GE AUFGENOMMEN => UEBERARBEITEN ! === QQQQ1 D:\img\GOM\G09\carmona9.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6842805 Panorama desde roque de Carmona - preview 28° 6' 36.00" N 17° 12' 47.19" W @ >>>>>> 28.110000 -17.213108 ================================= ================================= Los Aceviños NJnnnjjj ================================= ================================= ================================= ================================= 0 == uploaded, UNplaced * == uploaded + placed G09 #T Bar Peraza...Risco de la Fortaleza 2000-09 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19349266 d:\img\GOM\G09\peraz1.jpg G09 #T Roques de San Pedro y Pablo...Hermigua 2000-09 D:\img\GOM\G09\pedro1.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19343791 28° 8' 29.20" N 17° 12' 0.55" W @ >>>>>> 28.141444 -17.200153 >>>>> 28.141444 -17.200152 !!! OK, works !!! * panoramio is great ! * G9 #T Salto de Aqua de el Cedro 2000-09 D:\img\GOM\G09\cedro1.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19344521 >>>>> 28.139827 -17.213930 #T (draft:) Playa de Valle Gran Rey, 1993 & 1999 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19340901 O D:\img\GOM\vgr9399b.jpg UNPLACED, G03 #T Costa sur con P.Parchel..Roque del Herrero..Punta Gorda 1993-02 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19341720 * D:\img\GOM\G03\sur1993b.jpg D:\img\pano\ 7x10 --- 7 x 10 cm --- scanned: 200 dpi --- cropped to 840 x 560 px => small: 50-70 KB --- FONT = #T Ferry Gomera "Benchijigua" 1998-03 = G6 D:\img\GOM\G06\ferry1.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19140982 #T Ferry Gomera "Benchijigua" 1998-03 = G6 * D:\img\GOM\G06\ferry2.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19140988 #T Marina de San Sebastian 1998-03 D:\img\GOM\G06\sanseb3.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19140994 #T Parkraumbewirtschaftung und Torre del Conde 1998-03 D:\img\GOM\G06\torre4.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19165002 #T Camino de Casa Forestal a R.Zarcita 1998-03 D:\img\GOM\G06\casafz5.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19168463 #T Morning sun on R.Ojila & C.F.Zarcita 1998-03 D:\img\GOM\G06\ojila6.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19168470 #T Heavy rain, many flowers at C.F.Zarcita 1998-03 D:\img\GOM\G06\casafz7.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19168481 #T Camino de Jerduñe a Tacalcuse 1998-03 D:\img\GOM\G06\Jerdune1.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19208144 Barranco de Chinguarime, Tecina 1998-03 ?? --- G12: 9 x 13 cm --- scan: 200 dpi -- crop to 1000 x 670 px => 85 KB #T Vista desde (Alto de) Enchereda 2003-04 (1./4) d:\img\GOM\G12\enche1.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20156142 28° 8' 56.18" N 17° 10' 30.53" W @ >>>>>> 28.148925 -17.175192 next: (2./4) #T Vista desde (Alto de) Enchereda 2003-04 (2./4) d:\img\GOM\G12\enche2.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20156157 28° 8' 56.20" N 17° 10' 30.69" W @ >>>>>> 28.148944 -17.175192 next: (3./4) #T Vista desde (Alto de) Enchereda 2003-04 (3./4) d:\img\GOM\G12\enche3.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20156161 28° 8' 56.10" N 17° 10' 30.77" W @ >>>>>> 28.148917 -17.175214 next: (4./4) ((( Vista desde (Alto de) Enchereda 2003-04 (4./4) ((( d:\img\GOM\G12\enche4.jpg ((( =ca= #T Vista desde (Alto de) Enchereda 2003-04 * D:\img\GOM\G12\enche01.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19208150 28° 8' 56.12" N 17° 10' 30.81" W @ >>>>>> 28.148922 -17.175225 first: (1./4) #T Vista desde (Alto de) Enchereda 2003-04 (1+2./4) d:\img\GOM\G12\enche12.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/20156171 ================================= ================================= U ... Un-mapped ================================= PANORAMIO>> KML stands for Keyhole Markup Language Keyhole was the company who developed originally Google Earth and the technology behind, then Google adquired this company. >> ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/11804945 U d:\img\gom\G13\1\117.jpg #T Gummibaum (rubber plant, Indian rubber fig, Ficus elactica) in la Laguna de Playa Santiago ******************* ***** AUSTRIA ***** ******************* WW009B - 22.07.009 Hochrotherd (Breitenfurt), Blick nach SW, 22.07.009 D:\img\hp\WW009B\ww009b.jpg 48° 7' 42.30" N 16° 6' 52.50" E http://www.panoramio.com/photo/24844847 Schwarzkiefer, Pinus nigra, im Licht der tiefstehenden Abendsonne http://www.panoramio.com/photo/13516632 Blick auf Foehrenberge von Sulzer Hoehe http://www.panoramio.com/photo/13517139 D:\img\AUSTRIA\WECHSEL.JPG Wechsel http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6951290 47° 34' 8.18" N 15° 53' 27.42" E @ >>>>>> 47.568939 15.890950 Wechsel.Parkplatz: 47.5677 15.8647 Hoher Wechsel: 47.5302 15.9140 D:\img\AUSTRIA\NOE1.jpg http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6842722 NOE_Am Peilstein 48° 1' 4.61" N 16° 2' 46.70" E @ >>>>>> 48.017947 16.046306 ******************* ******************* D:\img\GOM\G05\LaLaja2.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/8786265 #T La Laja desde roque de Ojila 1996-08 28° 6' 51.09" N 17° 12' 37.69" W @ >>>>>> 28.114192 -17.210469 D:\img\GOM\G08\SanSeb.jpg #T San Sebastian 2000-01-07 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6720654 28° 5' 12.63" N 17° 6' 26.67" W @ >>>>>> 28.086842 -17.107408 D:\img\GOM\G08\S_Uhr.jpg #T Sonnenuhr 2000-01-07 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6720672 28° 5' 22.92" N 17° 6' 22.23" W @ >>>>>> 28.089700 -17.106175 D:\img\GOM\G09\carmona1.jpg #T Roque de Carmona (desde roque de Ojila) 2000-09 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6574899 near 28.114 -17.2041 28° 6' 50.41" N 17° 12' 42.63" W @ >>>>>> 28.114003 -17.211842 D:\img\GOM\G12\Roja.jpg #T Playa+Roque de la Roja 2003-04 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6511977 8° 3' 47.37" N 17° 9' 4.80" W @ >>>>>> 8.063158 -17.151333 D:\img\GOM\G12\C_Sur.jpg #T Costa Sur con Roque del Herrero, Punta de Parchel, Punta Gaviota 2003-04 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6512022 28° 3' 30.66" N 17° 8' 43.48" W @ >>>>>> 28.058517 -17.145411 D:\img\GOM\G10\Fortal2.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6466933 #T Steinspirale auf dem Fortaleza de Chipude 2002-01 28° 5' 59.02" N 17° 16' 37.23" W @ >>>>>> 28.099728 -17.277008 D:\img\GOM\G11\Parchel1.jpg #T Punta de Parchel (viewed from west of Pl.Suarez) 2002-09 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6472100 28° 2' 33.54" N 17° 10' 5.59" W @ >>>>>> 28.042650 -17.168219 D:\img\G11\Parchel2.jpg #T Punta de Parchel (closeup) 2002-09 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/18965839 28° 2' 33.87" N 17° 9' 51.99" W @ >>>>>> 28.042742 -17.164442 #T Bco. del Negro, Roque de Berruga 2000-09 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6481677 28° 5' 53.30" N 17° 11' 5.82" W @ >>>>>> 28.098139 -17.184950 Shortcuts often make long delays [and especially so on Gomera]! -- Not wanting to walk on the road down from Degollada de Peraza to Jerduñe and then on to Tacalcuse, I had asked if there were maybe a sendero and gotten instructions. These nice people even watched over me and whistled me back from the wrong path (to the right on the foto). But the path was broken away (just above my luggage, in the foto) .. and so I ended walking on the road anyway, several hours later, after having climbed all the way back up again... Just fine, too: this way you REALLY get to know the landscape! D:\img\GOM\G10\Roques3.jpg #T Los Roques 2001-01 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6333930 28° 6' 48.71" N 17° 12' 14.48" W @ >>>>>> 28.113531 -17.204022 D:\img\GOM\G08\ching1.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6235125 #T Playa de Chinguarime (desde Punta Gaviota) 2001-01 => casas de Tejiade in background up right 28° 2' 14.92" N 17° 10' 18.57" W @ >>>>>> 28.037478 -17.171825 D:\img\GOM\G05\ching1a.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6377208 #T Playas del Medio, Chinguarime, y Salvado 1996-08 near 28.03, -17.17 ?? 28° 2' 18.74" N 17° 10' 22.39" W @ >>>>>> 28.038539 -17.172886 D:\img\GOM\G05\playas.jpg ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6377221 #T Playas del Tapahuga, Medio, y Chinguarime 1996-08 near 28.03, -17.17 ?? 28° 1' 57.19" N 17° 11' 2.67" W @ >>>>>> 28.032553 -17.184075 D:\img\GOM\G10\hermig2b #T Laurisilva, camino a Encherada 2001-12 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/8211570 28° 8' 33.00" N 17° 10' 49.44" W @ >>>>>> 28.142500 -17.180400 D:\img\GOM\G10\hermig1b #T Laurisilva, camino a Encherada 2001-12 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6190535 28° 8' 32.84" N 17° 10' 49.50" W @ >>>>>> 28.142456 -17.180417 D:\img\GOM\G12\PSLAGUNA.JPG #T Gummibaum (rubber plant, Indian rubber fig, Ficus elactica) in la Laguna de Playa Santiago 2003-04 * Elegio's "Tecina" MiniMarket rechts im Bild ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6227290 28° 1' 54.26" N 17° 11' 35.20" W @ >>>>>> 28.031739 -17.193111 D:\img\GOM\G09\garajo1.jpg ... TOO SMALL #T Panorama desde Garajonay 2000-09 (preview) DELETED: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6295003 28° 6' 35.05" N 17° 14' 54.08" W @ >>>>>> 28.109736 -17.248356 #T Panorama desde Garajonay 2000-09 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/19834981 28° 6' 35.00" N 17° 14' 54.08" W @ >>>>>> 28.109722 -17.248356 - comment= 9-foto-360°+ Panorama desde Garajonay, Septiembre 2000 -- with Tenerife, el Hierro and La Palma visible. (the plastic-roofed hut in the foreground has fortunately been removed meanwhile.) -- image is (auto)stitched, and -with 3920 x 510 px- will probably look better when viewed in a grafics program instead of a webbrowser. D:\img\GOM\G05\tener1.jpg #T Tenerife desde casa forestal de Zarcita 1996-08 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6377227 28° 6' 33.38" N 17° 12' 24.33" W @ >>>>>> 28.109272 -17.206758 D:\img\GOM\G11\tener2.jpg, sept. #T Sun rising out of Tenerife, seen from near casa forestal de Zarcita 2002-09 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6435283 28° 6' 38.22" N 17° 12' 20.33" W @ >>>>>> 28.110617 -17.205647 D:\img\GOM\G11\agando3.jpg, sept. #T Panorama around Roque Agando 2002-09 ## http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6435285 28° 6' 28.20" N 17° 13' 13.45" W @ >>>>>> 28.107833 -17.220403 === U==Un-mapped, NICHT PLATZIERT === D:\img\G14\AVIE3.jpg Vienna airport approach corridors U http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6305402 wcave2.jpg WolfCave2 U http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6081748 D:\img\gom\g08\wcave3.jpg WolfCave3 (2.1.2000) U http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6235109 --- entwürfe --- qqqwwwqwqw ##TODO: -- einzel scannen + (auto)stitch: -- *1 > 2666 px ; *2 2666 px D:\img\GOM\G08\benji2.jpg Valle (alto) de Benchijigua 2000-01 U http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6377233 D:\img\GOM\G08\salvado2.jpg orig= D:\img\GOM\G08\salvado1.jpg U http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6377250 Playa Salvado, Punta Gaviota 2001-01 D:\img\GOM\G08\tecina2.jpg Loma Tecina al atardecer 2001-01 ??? U http://www.panoramio.com/photo/6377256 --- --- --- === === === ====== ====== IGN := Mapa del Instituto Geografico Nacional 1978 (1:50,000) BAE := Baedeker (1:30,000 ) GST := Goldstadt 1997 (1:50,000) ====== ====== ===================== ==== COORDINATES === ===================== ?[?] unerprobt [wenig bekannt] X unguenstig S - ohne Sonnenschutz unbewohnbar chinguarime-W(est) ( W->E ) ?XX chin-W nr 1 zwischen nadeloehr und gemeinschaftsh ?XX chin-W nr 2 zwischen nadeloehr und gemeinschaftsh === gemeinschaftshoehle ?X chin-W-3 ?X chin-W-4 ?sX library cave (ueber gemeinschaftshoehle) chinguarime-E(ast) (von unten nach oben; von W nach E (also links-rechts vom meer aus) ) ?? robinsonhoehle (im barranco hinten) ?XXX PFOERTNERHOEHLE = ziemlich iA., seit 200x kaum noch bewohnbar SXX STEMPELHOEHLE 274 ? SONNENHOEHLE(aka. Panzerh (?) aka. Schattenh (?) ) (ueber der pfoertnerhoehle) 'salvado' (von unten nach oben; von W nach E) ?XX 'ne kleine? ( vhbv sternhoehlchen ) ? AUGENHOEHLE (vom strand aus gesehen links neben theater-/todeshoehle) XXX THEATERHOEHLE aka. TODESHOEHLE -- S prinzesshoehle (kleine hoehle bei koenigs-/spiegelhoehle) koenigs-/spiegelhoehle =?= rasta's cave [199x] -- ... sind praktisch nur zusamen bewohnbar *** WOLFCAVE s?X rainerhoehle==topcave, mirador @Coordinates? ?? --Vorbehaltlich-(Hochwillkomenen!)-Besseren-Vorschlaegen := GAVIOTACAVE= hoehle am lomo(??? **1**) oben (oestlich+ueber ehemaliger rainerhoehle) WOLFSCAVE 28° 2' 22.90" N 17° 10' 30.10" W @ >>>>>> 28.039694 -17.175028 brandstelle: 28.039421 -17.175344 WOLFSCAVE.Lager (Schaumstoffpolster, Badetuch) 28° 2' 22.41" N 17° 10' 30.75" W @ >>>>>> 28.039558 -17.175208 BANANENWASSERHAUS 28° 2' 54.33" N 17° 10' 47.83" W @ >>>>>> 28.048425 -17.179953 ROBINSCAVE ca. 28.042209 -17.176917 TOPCAVE # 28.039836 -17.174781 wohl eher: 28° 2' 23.55" N 17° 10' 29.88" W @ >>>>>> 28.039875 -17.174967 RASTASCAVE 28° 2' 22.37" N 17° 10' 26.91" W @ >>>>>> 28.039547 -17.174142 GAVIOTACAVE ?? 28° 2' 23.07" N 17° 10' 24.59" W @ >>>>>> 28.039742 -17.173497 BF BADEFELSEN ok 28° 2' 20.16" N 17° 10' 31.64" W @ >>>>>> 28.038933 -17.175456 PH PUNTA_DE_LA_HERRADURA ok 28° 1' 54.64" N 17° 10' 58.74" W @ >>>>>> 28.031844 -17.182983 BS BLACK_STEPS ok 28° 2' 18.54" N 17° 10' 21.27" W @ >>>>>> 28.038483 -17.172575 PP PUNTA_PARCHEL ok 28° 2' 33.84" N 17° 9' 49.79" W @ >>>>>> 28.042733 -17.163831 PG PUNTA_GAVIOTA ok 28° 2' 9.65" N 17° 10' 4.61" W @ >>>>>> 28.036014 -17.167947 G1 Gaviota-1 = West-'Eck' (Sicht->Salvado) 28° 2' 8.24" N 17° 10' 14.90" W @ >>>>>> 28.035622 -17.170806 G2 28° 2' 9.26" N 17° 10' 4.74" W @ >>>>>> 28.035906 -17.167983 G3 Gaviota-1 = Ost-'Eck' (Sicht->Pl.Suarez) 28° 2' 12.53" N 17° 10' 1.26" W @ >>>>>> 28.036814 -17.167017 RdH Roque del Herrero 28° 2' 53.51" N 17° 9' 21.02" W @ >>>>>> 28.048197 -17.155839 ================================================================== ================================================================== **1** ====== IGN := mapa del instituto geografico nacional; 1:50,000 1978 ... unzweifelhaft lomA 1) LEO 2) IGN: "loma de cascante" "loma del seima" "loma del guincho" ... ====== ================================================================== [ my apologies for attaching a comment to a foto it has nothing to do with (but i could not find an emailaddress or other contact info in your profile) ] re: your comment (which you might want to -and maybe ought to- delete) on http://www.panoramio.com/photo/26585636 "der atlantik kann auch sanft sein auf gomera, playa ingles" by kontrastReich, """ @ wda - meaningful titels, descriptive... hm - should she/he use better YOUR titels? G 01, G 02, G 03, G 04.... Oh, I see... Sorry, but I think, that the title "Atlantic can be soft/ softly Atlantic" does much more "mean" to me, than G 01, G 02.... Please don't mind :-) """ "der atlantik kann auch sanft sein auf gomera, playa ingles" certainly IS a good(unique, desriptive) title which quite probably was added only AFTER I had asked kontrastReich to improve the title. what you write about "G 01, G 02," does not seem to make much sense. IF you should be referring to the TAGS (G02..G13, no G01 and no G##) i'm using please note the difference between TAGS and TITLEs. [please delete this comment, as it has nothing to do with the foto it is attached to.]