last update: 2024-04-25 #### "Sonderdrucke" IN ARBEIT ... (oder auch nicht) ... ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Oldest Representation of Hallucinogenic Mushrooms, Giorgio Samorini, Integration no.2&3, 1992 (not all pictures) W9: INT*.bmp "... Occasionally I felt as if I was out of my body and wondered if I had died. ... constantly changing colors ... sickly green and blue ... a horror trip as one would say today ..." ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Discovery of LSD, Abert Hofmann at a "colloquium" at UCSC, October 1977, transcribed by Peter Stafford, intro by Alexander Shulgin; ISLAND VIEWS 1.2, winter/spring 1993; orig. pub. in BLOTTER #1 by the Psychedelic Education Center, Santa Cruz, CA. W9: ISLV*.bmp ------------------------------------------------------------------ LSD: Completely Personal, Dr. Albert Hofmann at the 1996 Worlds of Consciousness Conference in Heidelberg, Germany >> c:\doc\LSD_Completely_Personal.htm MOJIBAKED ------------------------------------------------------------------ Psychedelic Rites of Passage, Ram Dass, MAPS XIV.2, 2004 >> c:\doc\psychedelic_rites_of_passage.pdf ------------------------------------------------------------------ Peyote buttons, Shumla Cave No. 5 on the Rio Grande in Texas: ca. 3700 BC Psilo-terracotta, Colima, Mexico: ~ 0 e.v. Cave-paintings, TASSILI, Algeria: ~~7000 BC ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ W9:: shd52.jpg Chavin Deity with San Pedro, Sh.D.52, 199 RM* = Ralph Metzner, Ritual Approaches to Working with Sacred Medicine Plants, Sh.D. 51, 1999 peyote* = James Mooney (US.B.of Ethnology), The Peyote Plant and Ceremony, Jan. 1896 in The Therapeutic Gazette, reprinted in Sh.D.50, 1998 ISLV* = Albert Hofman at a colloquium at UCSC, Oct. 1977, in , reprinted in Blotter #1 Island Views 1.2, 1993 INT* = Giorgio Samorini, The oldest Representations of Hallucinogenic Mushrooms in the world (Sahara Desert, 9000-7000 B.P.) ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ *** wda's books ***** (most of) ********************************** plus hinweise auf einige medien der SBW -- staedtische buechereien wien; plus einige zitate nicht (optimal) geordnet -- use search function ---- ! fast alle ausleih-bar ! ### manche zu verschenken ### #### viele schon verschenkt ---- [[[ vermisst/verloren ]]] ((( (noch) nicht in meiner Sammlung -- GESUCHT ---((( noch nicht erschienen X >>> verliehen an X >> X >> verliehen an X X <<< ausgeliehen von X ( X <<< ausleihbar von X ) >>> bestellt (also voraussichtlich demnext in meiner Sammlung) {{{ ausleihbar von SBW -- Staedtische Buechereien Wien; ### ... ### zu verschenken ( langsam auf dem Weg zum OBS/KostNixLaden ) ##X## verschenkt (an X) #### verschenkt (via OBS/KNL) UUU (bought, received, but yet) UNread =? (bought, received, but yet) UNread TAGS: #B Buddhismus #P Pilzzucht === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === SUCHE: (Deutsch oder Englisch) ====== R.A.Wilson - - The Sex Magicians - The Tale of The Tribe ZENRINKUSHU === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === neu(er) (erfasst) in meiner Sammlung: === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ==== bbbbbestellen(?): =========== BESTELLEN -- im Jan/Feb !!! ? Brenda Cooper - Edge of Dark (The Glittering Edge-1) Az: 22,- + versandSHIT Marko Kloos - Descent (PalladiumWars-4) (2024) -- ==== bbbbestellt: =========== ? LEM - Contrarian (GrandIllusion-3) (8/2023, TB:6/24) 1250814472 ==== NEU / ~being read (soon:) ===========qqqq nnnneu nnnew ? Ken Liu - Grace of Kings (Dandelion1) (2015) 1800240341 #### *_ Gemma Malley - The Declaration (2007) 1599902958 #### *. Marko Kloos - Terms of Enlistment (Frontlines1) (2013) 1477809783 #### *._ Marko Kloos - Lines of Departure (Frontlines2) (2014) 1477817409 #### *._ Marko Kloos - Angles of Attack (Frontlines3) (2015) 9781477828311 #### *_ Marko Kloos - Chains of Command (Frontlines4) (2016) 1503950328 #### *_ Marko Kloos - Fields of Fire (Frontlines5) (2017) 1503940713 #### *_ Marko Kloos - Points of Impact (Frontlines6) (2018) 154204846X #### *_ Marko Kloos - Orders of Battle (Frontlines7) (2020) 1542019583 #### *_ Marko Kloos - Centers of Gravity (Frontlines8) (2022) 1542032814 **. Marko Kloos - Aftershocks (PalladiumWars-1) (2018???) 1542043530 ** Marko Kloos - Ballistic (PalladiumWars-2) (2020) 1542090075 ** Marko Kloos - Citadel (PalladiumWars-3) (2021) 1542027241 >> 4 #### Gene Wolfe - The Book Of The New Sun (Shadow&Claw1) 1473216494 = *- The Shadow of the Torturer (1980) *-- The Claw of the Conciliator (1981) #### ** Ernst Wolff - Friedrichs Traum von der Freiheit (3/2022) 3985842302 #### **. Milton Mayer & Richard J. Evans - They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45 (1955) 022652583X ? (Kung Fu Dsi) Konfuzius - Der Weg der Wahrhaftigkeit (D v. R.Wilhelm, 1914; 2008 Anaconda) 9783866471993 #### *. LEM - Isolate (GrandIllusion-1) (2021) >>> LEM - Councilor (GrandIllusion-2) (2022,TB2023) 1250814472 ? Michael Nehls - Das indoktrinierte Gehirn: Wie wir den globalen Angriff auf unsere mentale Freiheit erfolgreich abwehren (08/2023) 3981404882 ? Heiko Schöning - Angriff aufs Mikrobiom: Game Over II (12/2023) 9083379213 ? Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (11/2021) 1510766804 #### **** Rainer Mausfeld - Hybris und Nemesis: Wie uns die Entzivilisierung von Macht in den Abgrund führt - Einsichten aus 5000 Jahren (11/2023) 3864894077 p.362: Field Manual 100-6 (8/1996) => C:\doc\FieldManual_100-6__437397.pdf ; INFORMATION DOMINANCE (p. 1-9) p.363: (US DoD) Joint Vision 2020 => C:\doc\JointVision_2020__446826.pdf #### * Bill Watterson + John Kascht (Illustrator) - The Mysteries (10/2023) 1524884944 #### *. (DOW) OPFERSCHICKSALE Widerstand und Verfolgung im NS (2013) 9783901142635 #### * *. * Harry Harrison - Deathworld (1960) Omnibus 1473228379 #### - Harry Harrison - Der Planeten-Retter (1964, D:1986) 34104240855 also by HH: stainless steel rat #### .- ElHand, LyleHopwood, LisaMason, Misha, KK.Rusch - Unter die Haut (Phantastischer Erz. am. Autorinnen; D 1990) ? Die Teufelsbrücke (u.a. Sagen aus Ö) 3224112581 ? Gilles-Eric Seraline & Jerome Douzelet - Die Affäre um die MONSANTO PAPERS (Wie ein Weltkonzern unsere Gesundheit gefährdet und die Freiheit der Wissenschaft bedroht) Vorwort: Vandana Shiva; 9783958835825 some M.Papers: => ? Gustav Meyrink (1868-1932) - Der Golem (1915) ? Richard Adams - Watership Down (1972) ? Boccacchio (1313–1375) - Das Decameron (1353) ? Andreas Sönnichsen - Die Angst- und Lügenpandemie: Ein Beitrag zur Aufarbeitung der Coronakrise (05/2023) ISBN 3739205148 ? Ray Bradbury - Womething Wicked This Way Comes (1962) 9781501167713 #### *. Brian McClellan - Promise of Blood (PowderMageTrilogy-1) (2013,TB2014) 9780356502007 #### *. Brian McClellan - The Crimson Campaign (PowderMageTrilogy-2) 035650204X #### *. Brian McClellan - The Autumn Republic (2015, PowderMageTrilogy-3) 0356502074 #### *. Brent Weeks - The Black Prism (Lightbringer-1) (2010) 9781841499048 #### *.- Brent Weeks - The Blinding Knife (Lightbringer-2) (2012) 9781841499062 #### *.- Brent Weeks - The Broken Eye (Lightbringer-3) (2014) 9781841499116 #### *- Brent Weeks - The Blood Mirror (Lightbringer-4) (2016) 9780356522463 #### *- Brent Weeks - The Burning White (Lightbringer-5) (2019) 0356504646 #### - Das große Cartoonsutra (2015) 9783902980234 #### .- Virale Cartoons (2020) 9783902980922 WO??? Mark Rosemann - The Villa, the Lake, the Meeting: Wannsee and the Final Solution () WO??? Thomas Keneally - Schindler's List (1982) ? Ivan Illich - Die Nemesis der Medizin: Die Kritik der Medikalisierung des Lebens (1975,TB2021) CHBeck 3406776795 + rororo 349914834x #### Carlos Latuff - Israel-Palästina-Karikaturen (2021) 3985860203 #### Margaret Craven - I heard the Owl cann my Name (1973) Tolkien - The Hobbit (There and Back Again) (1937) 0261103342 #### *- Kazuo Ishiguro -- Klara and the Sun (2021) 9780571364909 (KI: The Remains of the Day, Never Let Me Go -- DVD) Geore Orwell - Animal Farm () -- ### *(-) Mattias Desmet -- The Psychology of Totalitarianism (2022) 1645021726 #### H.R GIGER ARh+ (1991) 3894502738 T_:Kräutermärchen (1991) 3853250068 ? Alan Watts - Beyond Theology (1964) 0394719239 ? Victor Hugo (1802-85) - Notre-Dame von Paris 3458319980 **** Der Weg der Wahrheit - Sucharit Bhakdi im Gespräch (6/2023) 3936767726 #### **** Sucharit Bhakdi, Karina Reiss - Schreckgespenst Infektionen: Mythen, Wahn und Wirklichkeit (2016) **** Sucharit Bhakdi, Karina Reiss - Corona Fehlalarm? Zahlen, Daten und Hintergründe. Zwischen Panikmache und Wissenschaft: welche Maßnahmen sind im Kampf gegen Virus und COVID-19 sinnvoll (06/2020) **** Sucharit Bhakdi, Karina Reiss - CORONA UNMASKED (2021) #### .- Miles Cameron - Artifact Space (2021) ww Homer - Odyssee R 315000280x Homer - Ilias R 3151002494 John Milton - Das verlorene Paradies R 315002191x *** Hermann von Bering - Die Corona-Lüge (12/2020) 9783347214248 ? Monika Donner - Corona-Diktatur (03/2021) 9783950331448 #### .- James Brayken - The Veiled Edge of Contact (2022) 9781739748418 #### *(-) Marc Elsberg - Helix (2018) 3734105579 Irrlicht und Morgenröre (5 Erzählungen aus dem alten China) Oskar Wilde (1854-1900) - Erzählungen und Märchen (1910) D.H.Lawrence (1885-1930) - Lady Chatterley (DE) >>> D.H.Lawrence (1885-1930) - Lady Chatterley's Lover D.H.Lawrence (1885-1930) - Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928) AsShitEDition The Trial of Lady Chatterly (Penguin) #### Margaret Anna Alice - The Vapor, the Hot Hat, and the Witches’ Potion: A Fairy Story 9798456609564 #### - Michael K. Iwoleit - Rubikon (1984) 3548310915 #### *(-) Michael K. Iwoleit - Psyhack (2007) 9783927071131 ** Martha Wells - The Cloud Roads (Raksura-1) (2011) 1949102181 ** Martha Wells - The Serpent Sea (Raksura-2) (2012) 1949102297 ** Martha Wells - The Siren Depth (Raksura-3) (2012) 1949102300 ** Martha Wells - The Edge of Worlds (Raksura-4) (2016) 1597808970 >>> Martha Wells - The Harbors of the Sun (Raksura-5) (2017) 1597809330 FUKKKKKAMAZON **. Martha Wells - The Falling World & *** The Tale of Indigo and Cloud (RaksuraStories-1) (2014) 1597805351 ** Martha Wells - The Dead City & The Dark Earth Below (RaksuraStories-2) (2015) 9781597805377 *. Jacey Bedford - Empire of Dust (Psi-Tech-1) (2014) 0756410169 * Jacey Bedford - Crossways (Psi-Tech-2) (20??) 0756410177 *. Jacey Bedford - Nimbus (Psi-Tech-3) (2017) 0756411890 *. Jacey Bedford - Winterwood (Rowankind-1) (2016) 0756410150 * Jacey Bedford - Silverwolf (Rowankind-2) (2017) 0756411912 *. Jacey Bedford - Rowankind (Rowankind-3) (2018) 0756414989 *?? H. G. Wells -- The Shape Of Things To Come (1933) 147322165X *+ Tad Williams - The Dragonbone Chair (Memory, Sorrow and Thorn-1) (1988) 9781857236163 *+ Tad Williams - The Stone of Farewell (Memory, Sorrow and Thorn-2) (1990) 0886774802 Fear comes where it is invited. His eyes were as alert as a child's ... [O]nly a fool desires cheerful ignorance. -- Tad Williams, "Stone of Farewell" p.237 *. Tad Williams - To Green Angel Tower-1 (Memory, Sorrow and Thorn-3) (19??) 1473642124 *+ Tad Williams - To Green Angel Tower-2 (Memory, Sorrow and Thorn-4) (19??) 1473642132 *. Tad Williams - The War of the Flowers (2003) 1912681250 #### -- Chris Brookmyre - Fallen Angels (2019) 0349143226 *.- Chris Brookmyre - Places in the Darkness (2017) 035650624X (als Krimi: *?, als SciFi: --) **** Anon.; Mary Holland & Zoey O'Toole, eds. - Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth (2022; orig. pub. in Israel, early 2019) ISBN 9655981045 References: Ch. 1, "Turtles...: Vaccine Clinical Trials" free pdf: C.S.Lewis - (The Cronicles of) NARNIA (1950-56) 9780007419432 #### ** V. I. Lenin (1870-1924) - "State and Revolution" (written 8-9/1917, pub. 1918) ISBN 0781614271925 #### .-- Neal Stephenson/Nicole Galland - The Rise And Fall Of D.O.D.O. (Dodo1) (TB 2018) 0008132593 *.- Margaret Fortune - Nova (Spectre War-1) (?? TB 2020) 0756410827 *- Margaret Fortune - Archangel (Spectre War-2) (2017) >?> . Margaret Fortune - Iolanthe (Spectre War-3) (????) #### *- Suzanne Palmer - Finder (TB 2020) 0756416353 Derrick Jensen -- Marijuana: A Love Story (2022) 1954744552 #### *** Naomi Wolf -- The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 and the War Against the Human (2022) 1737478560 (title = ref. to "Das Leben der Anderen" (2006; 137 min) Yasha Levine -- Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet (2018) 1610398025 #### Theodor Adorno &al.-- The Authoritarian Personality (1950) 1788731646 **? C.J.Hopkins - Trumpocalypse: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. I (2016-2017) 9783982146409 *** C.J.Hopkins - The War on Populism: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. II (2018-2019) 3982146410 *** C.J.Hopkins - The Rise of the New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020-2021) (2022) 9783982146423 .-- Summary of ... Fauci -- CHD/RFK-Jr., Daniel Tracy; ISBN 9798774986620 #### *. Amos Elon - A Pity of it All: A Portrait of Jews in Germany 1743-1933" 9780140283945 Heiko Schöning - Game Over: COVID-19 | ANTHRAX-01 9789493262096 #### *.- Wilkie Collins - The Moonstone (1868) 9781847494221 #### . Gunnar Kaiser - Der Kult (2022) 9783967890280 CD -> mp3 -> nz2 #### *** Sandra Kristin Meier - Karl - 2050 (2020) 978352642292 #### *. Michael Cobley - Seeds of Earth (Humanity's Fire-1) (2009) #### --/ Michael Cobley - The Orphaned Worlds (Hu.Fire-2) (20010) 9781841496344 ---- -- Michael Cobley('s 1st:) Shadowkings (horrorFantasy) **+ G. M. Gilbert: Nürnberger Tagebuch. Gespräche mit den Angeklagten. **+ G. M. Gilbert: Nuremberg Diary (1947) #### Joost Meerloo - Delusion and Mass Delusion (reprint-on-demand ausgabe 2021, ISBN 9781684225484 Orig.: 1949, Nervous and Mental Disease Monographs [No. 79] #### *** Joost Meerloo - Rape of the Mind (1956) #### The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing #### +- Paolo Bacigalupi - The Windup Girl (2009) 9780356500539 #### *+. Jamie Delando - 2020 Visions (1997) 9783946952596 **. Neil Gaiman - The Graveyard Book (2008) 9780747594802 #### * Susanna Clarke - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (2004) 0747574111 #### -- Megan O'Keefe - Velocity Weapon (Protectorate-1) (2019) #### .-- Neal Asher - The Soldier (2018) #### -- Jeff Vandermeer - Annihilation (SouthernReach-1) (2014) 9780008139100 #### ** Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Crimes Against Nature: How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy *** Arkady Martine - A Memory Called Empire (2019) *** Arkady Martine - A Desolation Called Peace (2021) **. Martha Wells - All Systems Red (Murderbot Diaries 1) (2017) 9780765397539 **. Martha Wells - Artificial Condition (~2) (2018) 1250186927 **. Martha Wells - Rogue Protocol (~3) (2018) 9781250191786 **. Martha Wells - Exit Strategy (~4) (2018) 9781250191854 $$$ Martha Wells - Network Effect (~5) (2020) 1250229863 $$$ Martha Wells - Fugitive Telemetry (~6) (2021) 1250765374 #### *. Martha Wells - Death of the Necromancer (1998) 0380788144 #### .- Martha Wells - Wizard Hunters (2003) 038080798X Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) #### *-- The Human Condition (1958; Wege aus einer kranken Gesellschaft) #### *- The Origins of Totalitarianism (1948/51; Über das Böse) Harvest, ISBN 780156701532 #### ** E.Czerneda - Beholder's Eye (Webshifters-1) (1998) #### *. E.Czerneda - Changing Vision (Webshifters-2) (2000) #### *- E.Czerneda - Hidden in Sight (Webshifters-3) (2003) #### *- E.Czerneda - Survival (SpeciesImperative-1) (2004) #### .- E.Czerneda - Migration (SpeciesImperative-2) (2005) #### .-- E.Czerneda - Regeneration(SpeciesImperative-3) (2006) #### .-- ~Omnubis(1-3) ** Elizabeth Moon - Trading in Danger (Vatta's War-1) (2003) .- Elizabeth Moon - Moving Target (Vatta's War-2) (2004) #### .- Ann Leckie - Translation State (2023) 0356517926 #### **. Ann Leckie - Ancilliary Justice (2013) - Hugo+Nebula+ACC-winner 9780356502403 #### ** Ann Leckie - Ancilliary Sword (2014) 9780356502410 #### *. Ann Leckie - Ancilliary Mercy (2015) 9780356502427 ==== read =========== #### **+ Genetik (eine Vortragsreihe, 1957) #### *-- Vernon Coleman - Endgame: The Hidden Agenda 21 (03/2021) #### *** Postman, Conscientious Objections: 9780679734215 Stirring Up Trouble About Language, Technology and Education (1988) #### *** Postman, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology (1992) ***+ Bernard Campell - Ökologie des Menschen: Unsere Stellung in der Natur von der Vorzeit bis heute (1987) #### *** E.Cooper - The Uncertain Midnight (1958) #### Gerhard Wisnewsi - Verheimlicht - vertuscht - vergessen 2021: Was 2020 nicht in der Zeitung stand #### Andy Andrews - How Do You Kill 11 Million People? (2012/2020) "An intricate web of Lies, delivered in stages, designed to ensure the cooperation of the condemned ..." Each measure, each restriction on their rights and freedoms was sold to them as for their own good. They were told that the restrictions were temporary, that the gvmt. only wanted what was best for them, and that, if they followed the orders, no further harm would come to them. ~- Andy Andrews, "How Do You Kill 11 Million People?: Why the Truth Matters..." (2012), as quoted and summed up by .... WHO WHERE was that ? #### -.- Black Crouch - Dark Matter (2016) **** Simone Gold (M.D., J.D.) - I Do Not Consent (2020/10) ISBN 9781642938906 #### .-- Thor Kunkel: Das Wörterbuch der Lügenpresse (2020/03) #### .- Will MacIntosh - Defenders (2013) #### +/- Michael Morris - LOCKDOWN (2020) It was just the perfect cataloysr for the largest experiment ever on humanity. There will be no going back to the old normal! 9783938656655 #### **-(-) C.J. Hopkins - Zone 23 (2015) (interessant; aber 'n Horrortrp und (zu)(cyber)punkish) #### **- Dennis E. Taylor - We Are Legion (Bobiverse-1) (?2016) *.- Dennis E. Taylor - We Are Many (Bobiverse-2) (2017) *-* Dennis E. Taylor - All These Worlds (Bobiverse-3) (2017) #### *- Dennis E. Taylor - The Singularity Trap (2018) ??? Samuel Butler (1835-1902) - EREWHON (1872) & ~ REVISITED #### Marc Elsberg ZERO - Sie wissen, was du tust (????) (ungekürzte Lesung; 2 mp3-CD) Letzlich sind den meisten Menschen Bequemlichkeit und 'Sicherheit' wichtiger als Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit. Damit wissen sie ohnehin nichts anzufangen. -- Marc Elsberg ZERO, ISBN 9783837124965, ch. 51 In the end, for most people convenience and 'security' are more important than freedom ans independence. Whichthey wouldn't know whatto do with anyway. [my transl.] Bertrand Russel (1872-1970) #### **** - The Impact of Science on Society (1952, based on lectures) #### **** - Why I am not a Christian (and other essays) #??# Howard Zinn - Eine Geschichte des Amerikanischen Volkes [sic; grässlich übersetzt] 3937623507 A People's History of the U.S. (1980) #### Peter Fritz - Politik der Angst: 9/11 und die Folgen (2011) #### "Morton Rhue" (Todd Strasser) - The Wave / Die Welle (1981) #### Etienne de La Boetie - The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude (1552-3) (transl. by Harry Kurz) #### Dr. Judy Mikovits, K.J.D. Heckenlively - PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION - Restoring Faith in the Promise of Sciemce (2020) *** Foreword "Moral Courage and Our Common Future" by RFK, Jr. (2020) **** K.J.D. Heckenlively(*): Inoculated (2016) Co-Autor (with Judy Mikovits) of PLAGUE & PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION (2019) "Dr. Frank DeStefano(*), who runs the Vaccine Division [of the CDC] orchestrated this corruption. DeStefano is a criminal and he committed scientific research fraud and he is guilty of injuring all these people. I am saying this and I am using his name. If what I say is untrue, it is an act of slander and I want him to sue me. If he didn't do it, he ought to sue me. He ought to file a suit this afternoon and enjoin me from ever saying that again. If someone said that about me, I would sue them immediately. I am saying to you, Frank DeStefano, if you didn't poison these children, you need to sue me right now and shut me up because what I'm saying is damaging to your career. [pause; to the crowd:] Let's see what he does on Monday." -- Robert Kennedy, Sat., 2015-10-24 at a demonstration in Grant Park, Atlanta, GA, across the headquarters of the CDC. As of the writing [K.J.D. Heckenlively, "Inoculated" (2016) ISBN 9781945390968, p.363] Dr. DeStefano has not brought any legal action against R.K., Jr. *) Hauptautor der Studie, die [(**) solange manipuliert wurde, bis sie] keinen Zusammenhang zwischen Impfungen und Autismus fand **) wie Mitautor und späterer Whistleblower Bill Thompson bezeugt **** Torsten Engelbrecht (journalist) & Claus Köhnlein (medical specialist) - VIRUS MANIA How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense (2007; Orig.: VIRUS-WAHN); which includes RFKj's "Deadly Immunity(*)" *) Removed from; available on RollingStone for subscribers only; found at GlobalResearch: => GR__Vaccinations_Deadly_Immunity._Government_Cover_up_of_a_Mercury_Autism_Scandal.htm #### Schnauze Alexa! - Schnauze Alexa! *?* Liu.K.Cixin: The Three-Body Problem (1) (?2014) =? L.K.Cixin: The Dark Forest of Liu - The Three Body Problem (2) (?2014) =? L.K.Cixin: Death's End - The Three Body Problem (3) (2010; UK:2016) BUY? L.K.Cixin: The Wandering Earth (-2017) Benito Mussolini: The Cardinal's Mistress Sukasaptati (Pantscha tantra, das Indische Papageienbuch) BEYOND MISINFORMATION (2015) JENSEITS DER TÄUSCHUNG (2016) Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) "UTOPIA" O:latin 1516 Der Utopische Staat (Rowohlt) = Morus: Utopia (1516) Campanella: Sonnenstaat (1602) Bacon (1561-1626): Neu-Atlantis (1626) ??? Lewis Mumford - The Myth of the Machine #### *** Bertold Brecht (1898-1956) "Leben des Galilei" (1955) *** J. Millay (ed.) - Radiant Minds: Scientists Explore the Dimensions of Consciousness Chr.T.Tart, ... **?? Kevin Robert Ryan, "AnotherNinteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects" (2013) **?? Mark H. Gaffney, "Black 9/11" (2012) #### **** Riane Eisler - The Chalice and the Blade (1987) Fritz Habeck (1916-1997): Taten und Abenteuer des Doktor Faustus (1970) J.W.Dunne (1875-1949): An Experiment with Time (1927, 3rd ed. 2001) (Pref. by Russell Targ) Susan Lindauer - Extreme Prejudice Philip Shenon - The Commission (2008) Richard A. Clarke (*1950) - Against All Enemies (2007) Thierry Meyssan "9/11 The big lie" (2002) By Way of Deception [The making and unmaking of a MOSSAD agent] ==== ~recently read =========== #### Conan Doyle - Sherlock Holmes (D. von B. Donath, Budapest 1906; 3 Bändchen) #### Greg Egan - Axiomatic (2016) #### Michel Grimaud - Sonne aufKredit (1975) #### *!* Joachim Fernau: HALLELUJA - Die Geschichte der USA (1977) "Kapitalismus ist keine Wirtschafts- oder Gesellschaftsstruktur, Kapitalismus istdie Übernahme derRegierungdurch die Hochfinanz. Er ist zugleich immer das Ende der reinen Politik." #### Adam Higginbotham: Midnight in Chernobyl - The Untold Story of the World's Greatest Nuclear Disaster ISBN 1982115351 N. K. Jemisin (*1972) #### *- The Fifth Season: The Broken Earth, Book 1 #### *- The Obelisk Gate: The Broken Earth, Book 2 #### - The Stone Sky: The Broken Earth, Book 3 *** Daniel Quinn - Beyond Civilization (????) #### *** Daniel Quinn - The Story of B - An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit (1996) #### *** Daniel Quinn - Ishmael (1992) Taker cult :: Leaver cultures #### *** Daniel Quinn - ? D: My Ishmael #### ***? Eve Ensler - The Vagina Monologues (1998) #### *** BertoldBrecht - Der gute Mensch von Sezuan (geschr.1938-40,1943) #### Holger Strohm - Gaia Weint (naja) #### ** Daniel Domscheit-Berg - inside WikiLeaks - Meine Zeit bei der gefährlichsten Website der Welt (2011) #### Karlheinz Deschner (1924-2014): OPUS DIABOLI - 15 unversöhnliche Essays über die Arbeit im Weinberg des Herrn (1987) #### *** Linda Polman - Die MitleidsIndustrie: Hinter den Kulissen internationaler Hilfsorganisationen De Crisiskarvaan (2008) / War Games (2010) #### *+- GOREVIDAL - History of the National Security State (2014) TRNN #### **+ the essential GORE VIDAL (1925-2012) (edited by Fred Kaplan) #### Sebastian Haffner - Defying Hitler (O: Geschichte eines Deutschen; geschrieben 1939) #### - David Brin (*1950): Earth (1990) #### - David Brin: Uplift = Sundiver, StartideRising, The UpliftWar #### **. Joe Abercombie - A Little Hatred (Age of Madness-1) (2019) 9780575095885 #### ** Joe Abercombie - The Trouble with Peace (AoM-2) (2020) 9780575095946 #### *. Joe Abercombie - The Wisdom of Crowds (AoM-3) (2021) 0575095970 ** Daniel Abraham - Age of Ash (Kithamar-1) (2022) 0316421847 $$$ Daniel Abraham - Blade of Dream (Kithamar-2) (? 2024) 0356515443 Daniel Abraham - The Long Price Quartet A Shadow in Summer (2007) A Betrayal in Winter (2007) An Autumn War (2008) The Price of Spring (2009) **. Daniel Abraham - The Spider's War (The Dagger and the Coin-5) (2016) 0356504743 "... well-bruised by the world, wearing his scars and weariness gracefully" ** Daniel Abraham - The Widow's House (The Dagger and the Coin-4) (2014) 1841498912 *. Daniel Abraham - The Tyrant's Law (The Dagger and the Coin-3) (2013) 0356504719 *. Daniel Abraham - The King's Blood (The Dagger and the Coin-2) (2012) 1841498904 *. Daniel Abraham - The Dragon's Path (The Dagger and the Coin-1) (2011) 1841498882 "I choose not to believe in any gids as an act of charity... Towards the gods. Seems rude to think they couldn't make a world better than this." (p.172) "James A. Corey" = Ty Franck + Daniel Abraham #### **. James A. Corey - Leviathan Wakes (2011?) (Expanse-1) #### ** James A. Corey - Caliban's War (2012) (Expanse-2) #### ** James A. Corey - Abaddon's Gate (2013) (Expanse-3) #### ** James A. Corey - Cibola Burn (2014) (Expanse-4) #### *. James A. Corey - Nemesis Games (2016) (Expanse-5) #### *. James A. Corey - Babylon's Ashes (2016) (Ex-6) #### *. James A. Corey - Peresepolis Rising (2017) (Ex-7) 0356510328 #### *. James A. Corey - Tiamat's Wrath (2019) (Ex-8) 0356510360 #### * James A. Corey - Leviathan Falls (2021) (Ex-9) 0356510387 -- OSC, Orson Scott Card (*1951) -- **?* ENDER (= Ender's Game + Speaker for the Dead) 1977/85 *** Xenocide (Ender-3) (1991) *** Children of the Mind (Ender-4) (1996) *** Ender in Exile (Ender-5) (2005) ??? ? Treasure Box (1996) 006109398x -- **** Ender's Shadow (Ender-6=Shadow-1) (1999) ? Shadow of the Hegemon (Shadow-2) (2000) 0812565959 ?> Shadow Puppets (Shadow-3) ?> Shadow of the Giant (Shadow-2) (TB 2008) ?> Shadows in Flight (Shadow Saga, 5) (TB 2013) ?> The Last Shadow (Shadow Saga, 6) (TB 2022) -- ?> A War of Gifts: An Ender Story **** 1ST MEETINGS (Other Tales from the Ender Universe) (2003) - The Polish Boy (2003) - Teacher's Pest (2003) - Ender's Game (1977) - Investment Coincillor (2000) #### **. Orson Scott Card - Empire (2016) -- Orson Scott Card + Aaron Johnston {*IDIOT*} -- #### *- Earth Unaware (1st Formic War-1) (2012) #### *-- Earth Afire (1st Formic War-2) (2013) #### *-- Earth Awakens (1st Formic War-3) (2014) ?? *.- The Swarm (2nd Form.War-1) #### -- The Hive (2nd Form.War-2) (2019) 9780765375650 #### *- Orson Scott Card + Aaron Johnston - Invasive Procedures (2007) 076531424X #### OSC + Doug Chiang: Robota () #### Elias Davidsson - Psychologische Kriegsführung und gesellschaftliche Leugnung (2017) #### Elias Davidsson - Hijacking America's Mind on 9/11: Counterfeiting Evidence (2011) #### "Inci Y." ERSTICKT AN EUREN LÜGEN - Eine Türkin in D erzählt (3.Aufl.2005) #### Dr.P.D.Carter & E.Woodworth, preface by Dr.James E.Hansen - "Unprecedented Crime" (2018) (schrecklich) #### Naomi Klein - "No Logo!" (2000) {{{ Die Schock-Strategie: der Aufstieg des Katastrophen-Kapitalismus ### This Changes Everything (2015) [3] THE SHOCK DOCTRINE: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism - by Naomi Klein (U$ documentary, m.D.Ut., 5 min) #### **- Len Bracken - Shadow Government: 9-11 and State Terror (2002) "We have no opinion on your Arab – Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary [of State James] Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960’s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America." -- April Glaspie in meeting with S.H., 1990-07-29; quoted e.g. by Len Bracken in "Shadow Government: 9-11 and State Terror" 2002, p. 131; also on #### Christian Parenti - "Lockdown America" (1999) (-> c2c.rtf) #### William Kotzewinke - The Fan Man (1974) Hey man, what a shitload of crap, man!!! #### David Ray Griffin - BUSH AND CHENEY: HOW THEY RUINED AMERICA AND THE WORLD (2017) #### Rob Grant - INCOMPETNCE (bad is the new good) 2003 (set in "the far too near future" US of E, where laws are most strictly enacted that state that "no one shall be discriminated against because of sex, race, religion, or lack of competence, knowledge, or skills; or stupdity or such ...) #### Voltaire - Candide (1759; anon. E transl.) #### P.Joseph - The New Human Rights Movement: Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression (2017) #### Mathew Gregory Lewis - The Monk (1795) #### Lance DeHaven-Smith - Conspiracy Theory in America (2013) #### Michael E. Mann - Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy (2016) *** Aidan Monaghan - Declassifying 9/11: A Between the Lines and Behind the Scenes Look... (2012) *** Mark H. Gaffney (Foreword by David Ray Griffin) - The 9/11 Mystery Plane and the Vanishing of America (2008) *** Paul Schreyer - Faktencheck 9/11: Eine andere Perspektive 12 Jahre danach (2013) }}} **** Matthias Bröckers - "JFK - Staatsstreich in Amerika" (2012) #### *** Jack D. Forbes (intro by Derrick Jensen) - Columbus and Other Cannibals: The Wetiko Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism, and Terrorism #### Chris Hedges - Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle (2010) #### Graeme MacQueen - The 2001 Antrax Deception: The Case for a Domectic Conspiracy (2014) #### *** Hans H. Ziemann - EXPLOSION im Atomkraftwerk (1977) }}} HolgerStrohm - Friedlich in die Katastrophe (1981) #### **** Karl Alois Schenzinger - ATOM (1950) -- ein (ausgezeichnet recherchierter) "Roman" 1. Die Frage (im alten Athen) (1982) 2. Die Antwort (Curie, Rutherford, Planck, ...) 3. Die Wirkung The 9/11 Toronto Report (2013) ? **- Rebekah Roth "Methodical Completion" (2016) #### *- Rebekah Roth "Methodical Deception" (2015) #### *- Rebekah Roth "Methodical Illusion" (2014) #### Dirk C. Fleck - "Feuer am Fuß (Maeva-Trilogie-3)" (2015) "43 a.C." ( #### Inge Hannemann - Die Hartz-IV-Diktatur: Eine Arbeitsvermittlerin klagt an (2015) #### DER (oesterschei$$'s) GROSZE IFON-GUIDE, ISBN 9120029292406 "" die wichtigsten IPPS und TRICKS !!! -- die 350 besten Apps -- PLUS: Die neuesten Andoid-Smartphones "" " Euro 9.90 " (hinten) #### AF_ Herzstolpern - Liebesstress per SMS 2005, ISBN 3781706028 #### John Sladek - The Reproductive System (1968) (zieml.ausgeflippt&intell.) Carls Sagan - Aufbruch in den Kosmos (Boca's Brain, 1974) Ralph Giordano - Wenn Hitler den Krieg gewonnen hätte (Die Pläne der Nazis nach dem Endsieg) 1989; ISBN 3891362641 (ganzOben,rechts) Gehl: Deutsche Geschichte in Stichworten, Heft 4 (1871-1940; (c) 1938) #### Joseph Delmot - [Juden] In Ketten (1925; Fraktur) #??# Tom Holt - WISH YOU WERE HERE (1998) "frothy, fast, & funny" #### **** Der Papalagi - Die Reden des Südseehäuplings Tuiavii aus Tiavea (1920) #??# Stephen Hawking (1988) Eine kurze Geschichte der Zeit A.P.French (UNI-TEXT: MIT Einführungskurs Physik) Die spezielle Relativitätstheorie (1971) #### Martin Maier: Erste Hilfe Handbuch für ErwerbsAL () #### Samuel R Delaney - Babel-17 (1967) (naja) -- MILITARY "Sci"Fi: #### ** Tanya Huff: Confederation of Valor #### = Valor's Choice (2000) + The Better Part of Valor (2002) #### ** Tanya Huff: Heart of Valor (2007) #### * Tanya Huff: Valor's Trial (2008) #### * Tanya Huff: The Truth of Valor (2010) #### .- Tanya Huff: An Ancient Peace (2015, Peacekeeper #1) -- FANTASY: *** Tanya Huff: Wizard of the Grove (1999) = *** Tanya Huff: Child of the Grove (1988) + #### ** Tanya Huff: The Last Wizard (Wizard Crystal) (1989) #### .- Tanya Huff: The Enchantment Emporium (2009) #### -- Tanya Huff: The Wild Ways (2011) *** Tanya Huff: The Silvered (2012) **. Tanya Huff: Of Darkness, Light, and Fire = Gate of Darkness (1989), Circle of Light, The Fire's Stone (1990) #### *. Tanya Huff: Blood Price (1991) (vamp.) #### *. Tanya Huff: Blood Trail (1992) (werwolves) #### *. Tanya Huff: Blood Lines (1993) (mummy) #### *. Tanya Huff: Blood Pact (1993) (zombies) Celia S. Friedman #### ?- C.S.Friedman - This Alien Shore (1998) #### *. C.S.Friedman - The Madness Season (1990) #### ** Celia Friedman - Black Sun Rising (Coldfire Trilogy-1) (1994,TB2006) 1841495417 #### *. Celia Friedman - When True Night Falls (Coldfire Trilogy-2) (1994,TB2006) 1841495425 #### *. Celia Friedman - Crown Of Shadows (Coldfire Trilogy-3) (1995,TB2006) 1841495433 *** C.S.Friedman - Feast of Souls (MagisterTrilogy-1) (2007) **. C.S.Friedman - Wings of Wrath (MagisterTrilogy-2) (2009) *? C.S.Friedman - Legacy of Kings (MagisterTrilogy-3) (2011) #### - Becky Chambers - The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet: Wayfarers 1 (2014) --Leska-MIND-LINKs-- #### ** Lisanne Norman - Turning Point (Sholan Alliance-1) 1993 (; anfängerhaft?) #### *. Lisanne Norman - Fortune's Wheel (Sholan Alliance-2) 1995 #### *- Lisanne Norman - Fire Margins (Sholan Alliance-3) 1996 #### .- Razor's Edge (Sholan-4) 1997 (anfängerhaft? - nö, eher murkserisch) === Stephen Swiniarksi / S. Andrew Swann === #### Moreau-Omnibus= *. Forests of the Night (1993) * Emperors of the Twilight (1994) .- Specters of the Dawn (1994) Fearful Symmetries (????) #### The Hostile Takeover Trilogy= ** Profiteer (1995) *. Partisan (1995) *- Revolutionary (1996) #### *- The Dragons of the Cuyahoga (2001) #### *. Broken Crescent (2004) 075640214X XXXX .. The Dwarves of Whiskey Island (Daw Fantasy Anthology) 7,21 Derzeit nicht auf Lager. Apotheosis: ** Prophets (2009) 978756405410 ** Heretics (2010) 0756406137 *. Messiah (2011) 0756406579 CJCh - C. J. Cherryh (*1942) *. CJC + Jane S. Fancher - Alliance Rising (Hinder Stars 1) (2019) 0756412722 ? CJC + Jane S. Fancher - Alliance Unbound (HS-2) 2023 0756415969 (( Physik: tw. NichtGenügend; aber darauf kommts bei CJC absolut nicht an. Kommunikation, Linguistik, translation, mediation, representation, politics, diplomacy ... ausgezeichnet ! )) z.B.: Auseinandersetzung zwischen Starship-Captain A und der mächtigsten Frau des Planeten, um den sie im Orbit sind, B; T = (Hauptperson von CJ.Cherry's "Foreigner-Series," translator, mediator, representative, ...: A: "... Tell her she's a damned bastard!" -- T: "...She adresses you by an untranslatable term, which may be highly derogatory or which may express respect for an opponent..." - - - B: "Return the compliment." Mehrere Seiten später: A: " ... I called her a bitch--" T: "No. You called her a damned bastard." ### Gene Wars: ### *. Hammerfall (2001) 0061052604 ### *. Forge of Heaven (2004) 0380979039 #### Alternate Realities Omnibus: *(*-) Port Eternity (1982) *(*-) Voyager in Night (1981) *(*-) Wave Without a Shore (1984) #### -- The Dreaming Tree (1983) #### ** The Faded Sun (Mri-trilogy-omnibus) Kesrith - Shon'jir - Kutath #### Alliance Space (2008) Omnibus: Merchanter's Luck (1982) 40,000 in Gehenna (1983) The Deep Beyond (Alliance-Union Universe) *. Cuckoo's Egg (1985) ** Serpent's Reach (1980) #### *- Chanur Omnibus 0886779308 The Pride of Chanur Chanur's Venture The Kif Strike Back #### .- Chanur's Endgame (=Ch.Homecomeng/Legacy) 9780756404444 #### * Cyteen: The Betrayal, The Rebirth and The Vindication (1988, Hugo - NaJa) 9780446671279 #### .- At the Edge of Space: Brothers of Earth (1976) / Hunter of Worlds (1977) 0756401607 *** Foreigner (1984, 10th anniv.ed. 1994) (Phoenix is back: SHejidan, MALguri) ** Invader (Foreigner-2) 1995 (next week: SH; troubles with Hanks-paidhi) *** Inheritor (F-3) 1996 (6 month later, with Jase: Geigi's-SH-MogariNai) *** Precursor (F-4) 1999 (3 years later: (MOsph-SH)-taking the SpaceStation) *** Defender (F-5) 2001 (6+yrs later,C=6: Valasi-memorial-SS-Ship) **** Explorer (F-6) 2003 (1yr:Ship-Reunion) *** Destroyer (F-7) 2005 (+1yr:C=8: SS-MO-Taiben-TIRnamardi) *** Pretender (F-8) 2005 (Next Days: TIR-BUjavid) *** Deliverer (F-9) 2007 (winter: BU-MAL) *** Conspirator (F-10) 2009 (spring: SH-NAjida-KAjiminda) *** Deceiver (F-11) 2011 (C=8y10m, ND: NA/KA-Targai-TANaja) *** Betrayer (F-12) 2011 (ND: TAN-NA) **. Intruder (F-13) 2012 (ND: TAN(2)-BU **. Protector (F-14) 2013 (C=9; SH-TIR) **. Peacemaker (F-15) 2014 (ND, SH) **. Tracker (F-16) 2015 ***. Visitor (F-17) 2016 *. Convergence (F-18) 2017 *. Emergence (F-19) 2018 ? *. Resurgence (F-20) 2019 *. Divergence (F-21) 2020 0756414318 ??? Defiance (F-22) TAA #### ***- Terry A. Adams - The D'neeran Factor = #### ***- Sentience (1986) + #### ***- The Master of Chaos (1989) #### ***- Terry A. Adams - Battleground (2013) HTD *** Harry Turtledove - A World of Difference (1990) *?* Harry Turtledove - Second Contact (Colonization-1) 1999 *-* Harry Turtledove - Down to Earth (Colonization-2) 2000 EES - E.E. "Doc" Smith #### - EES - Second Stage Lensmen (History of Civilization) (1942/42//56) (as Zweite Imerium) #### EES - Wächter des Mahlstroms/The Vortex Blaster (1960)(Lens-7)(naja) #### EES - The Skylark of Space (1928) ((( EES - Skylark Three ((( EES - Skylark of Valeron #### EES - Skylark Duquesne (1965) #### A.A.Attanasio - In Other Worlds (1985) #### A.E.van Vogt (1950) The Undercover Aliens #### A.E.van Vogt "Die Expedition der 'Space Beagle'" "The Voyage of the S.B." 1950 Nexialismus ("Alien"-Prototyp!) Ixtl #### A.E.van Vogt (1971) "More than Superhuman / Die Zeit der Androiden" #### Maria Montessori - Kinder sind anders (1950) (aus dem. It.) "der Mensch bildet sich durch Arbeit." #### -(*) Dr. Jennifer R. Pournelle - OUTIES (2010) #### Masterpieces of TERROR and the supernatural - A Treasury of Spinechilling Tales Old & New -- edited by Marvin Kaye * ... * Ray Russell - SARDONICUS * Parke Godwin - STROKE OF MERCY "God is gone. Even Satan is obsolete. There's only us." *** (Pater) Anthony de Mello (1931-1987) -- "Eine Minute Weisheit" (D:1986) #### -- "Eine Minute Unsinn - Weisheitsgeschichten" (D:1993) -- "The Song of the Bird" (1982) #### -- "Taking Flight - A book of story meditations" (1988) -- "Pater", wirkt aber eher (Sufi/Tao/Zen)-ähnlich als katholizistisch *** James Alexander Thom - Panther in the Sky (1989) ( movie adaption = Tecumseh - The Last Warrior (1995) -- #### **** Charles Darwin - The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection -or- The Preservation of the Favoured Races is the Struggle of Life (1859); edited with an intro by J.W.Burrow #### *** Hans Querner & al - Vom Ursprung der Arten - Neue Erkenntnisse und Perspektiven der Abstammungslehre (1969) #### Dee Brown - An Indian History of the American West: BURY MY HEART AT WOUNDED KNEE (1970) #### *** Ana T. Forrest - Fierce Medicine: Breakthrough Practices to Heal the Body and Ignite the Spirit #### *** Gegen den ATOMSTAAT: 300 Fotodokumente... Texte von W.Biermann &al. (1979) #### *** Robert Jungk - Der ATOMSTAAT: Vom Fortschritt in die Unmenschlichkeit (1977) ISBN 3463007045 Atomindustrie - das bedeutet permanenten Notstand unter Berufung auf permanente Bedrohung. ... Angesichts solcher Aspekte liegt es fast nahe, polemisch zu fragen, ob nicht diese Machtaspekte der Atomindustrie sie gewissen Kreisen so attraktiv macht, obwohl die wirtschaftlichen Gewinnaussichten der "Neuen Kraft" so zweifelhaft geworden sind. (S.196f) ... Der Konflikt geht nicht nur um eine bestimmte Technik, sondern um alle Erscheinungsformen und Machtabhängigkeiten der großindustriellen Technologie. (202) "Nuclear industry... this means permanent state of emergency justified by permanent threat. ... "Ich bin froh, dass ich kein junger Mann mehr bin. Und meine Enkel tun mir zutiefst leid." (157) -- David Lilienthal (1. Chef der AEC) vor einer Senatskommission über die "Proliferation von A-Waffen" befragt. #### Das GREENPEACE-Handbuch des Atomzeitalters: Daten-Fakten-Katastrophen (1989) #### -> SBW Alfred Habdank Skarbek Korzybski (1879-1950) - ***+ Science and Sanity An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics (c) 1933, 1941, 1948 by A.K., 1958 by C.S.Read 5th edition with Preface by Robert P. Pula and Revised and Expanded Index, 825 p. (c) 1994, 3rd printing 2005, ISBN 0-937298-01-8 **+ A.H.Korzybski - Manhood of Humanity: The Science and Art of Human Engineering (Classic Reprint) (1921 !) #### *** Hans Bemmann - STEIN UND FLÖTE und das ist noch nicht alles (ein Märchenroman) 1983 #### Goethe Gesamtausgabe (repro von ~1903, Fraktur, illustriert) #### Karl Kraus - Die letzten Tage der Menschheit I+II (dtv) #### SVEN HEDIN - Abenteuer in Tibet (1919) ===== for-ever-read... William Shakespeare(1564-1616) THE COMPLETE WORKS (Wells and Taylor) #### The Arden Shakespeare: HAMLET (1982) #### New Penguin Shakespeare: HENRY V (1968) ===== #### Favourite Love Poems - chosen by Charles Osborne #### -- John D. MacDonald: The Scarlet Ruse (1973) #### -- Stephen R. Donaldson - Das Verwundete Land (ziiimlicher schwachsinn!) #### Stephen R. Donaldson - The Wounded Land (1980) 0006161405 #### Stephen R. Donaldson - The One Tree (1982) 0006163831 RMM #### . R.M. Meluch - Sovereign (1979) #### * R.M. Meluch - Jerusalem Fire (1985) #### ** R.M. Meluch - Kriegsvögel / Warbirds (1989) (Tannia-Erde-Occo) #### *** R.M. Meluch - Chicago Red (1990) #### ** R.M. Meluch - The Myriad: Tour of the Merrimack #1 (2005) #### ** R.M. Meluch - Wolf Star: Tour of the Merrimack #2 (2005) #### ** R.M. Meluch - The Sagittarius Command: Tour of the Merrimack #3 (2007) #### ** R.M. Meluch - Strength and Honor: Tour of the Merrimack #4 (2008) #### ** R.M.M.Omnibus: Merrimack 3+4 #### *- R.M. Meluch - The Ninth Circle: Merrimack #5 (2011) #### *-- R.M. Meluch - The Twice and Future Caesar: Merrimack #6 (2015) #### Ann Tizia Leitich - Unvergleichliche Amonate (Roman einer Indianerin) (Cpt. John Smith & Pocahontas A. "Nonpareilla") 1947 #### - Suzanne Collins "HUNGER GAMES - Tributes of Panem" (2008) #### -- Suzanne Collins "HUNGER GAMES (3) MockingJay" (2010) ~ ekelhaft: sensationsgeil, seicht und blöd. Ergo: populär. --- um Größenordnungen besser/sympathischer: --- #### ** Kristin Cashore "Graceling" (2004) {{{ *** Kristin Cashore "Fire" (2009) {{{ *** Kristin Cashore "Bitterblue" (2012) ** Pierre Grimbert - Die Magier #??# 1: Gefährten des Lichts (1999; D:2008) #??# 2: Krieger der Dämmerung (1999; D:2008) #??# 3: Götter der Nacht () --- --- MZB ? Marion Zimmer Bradley - Die Herrin von Avalon (1996, D 98) 3596142229 ? Marion Zimmer Bradley - Asharas Rückkehr (1996, D 2000) 3426609711 ? Marion Zimmer Bradley - Die Feuer von Troja (1988, Firebrand 1987) -- (Kassandra) ? Marion Zimmer Bradley - Sharras Exil (1981) 3426609657 #### Marion Zimmer Bradley - Reise Ohne Ende (Endless Universe) 1975 Transmitter/Späher #### Gilbert Obermair - Denkspiele auf dem Schachbrett u.a.: Pentominoes #### Andreas Gruschke - Tibetische Mythen und Legenden #### *!!* Dieter Duhm - Der unerlöste Eros (1991) ( Eros Unredeemed: The World Power of Sexuality ) {{{ Timur Vermes "Er ist wieder da" #### *** Herbert Rosendorfer "Briefe in die chinesische Vergangenheit" 1986 #### Erhard Eppler "Vom Gewaltmonopol zum Gewaltmarkt?" 2002 trotz bzw. abgesehen von 9/11 (Nachbeten des offiziellen Märchens) und AfghanIRAK (ok: irak kam ja erst danach) INTERESSANT. ? *. Scott Westerfeld "Afterworlds" (2014) #### -*- Scott Westerfeld "Fine Prey" (1998) **** Scott Westerfeld "The Risen Empire" 2003 (= R.E + Killing... !) == #### **** Scott Westerfeld "Weltensturm ([Risen Empire AND] Killing of W.)" 2003 (D von Andreas Brandhorst 2008) #### .- Scott Westerfeld - Midnighters #1: The Secret Hour (2004) #### - Scott Westerfeld - Midnighters #2: Touching Darkness (2004) #### ** Scott Westerfeld "LEVIATHAN" (2009) #### ** Scott Westerfeld "BEHEMOTH" (2010) {{{ **. Scott Westerfeld "Uglies/Pretties/Specials" #### **- Scott Westerfeld - Zeroes (2015) #### *.- Scott Westerfeld "Impostors" (2018) #### *** Scott Lynch "The LIES of LOCKE LAMORA" (2006) #### *** Scott Lynch "READ SEAS UNSER RED SKY" (2007) #### **** Scott Lynch "REPUBLIC OF THIEVES" (2013) ? "The Thorn of Emberlain" (????) ? "Bastards and the Knives" (????) #### John Christopher "The City of Gold and Lead" 1962 #### *** Milan Kundera "The Book of Laughter and Forgetting" (1978) #### Gudrun Pausewang - "Die Wolke - jetzt werden wir nicht mehr sagen können, wir hätten von nichts gewusst." (1987) #### * Richard K. Morgan "Altered Carbon" (D.Unsterblichkeitsprogramm) 2002 #### *? Richard K. Morgan "Broken Angels" 2003 #### *- Richard K. Morgan "Market Forces" 2005 #### ?- Richard K. Morgan "Woken Furies" 2005 #### * Richard K. Morgan "Black Man" (Skorpion, Th1rte3n) 2007 #### Tony Hey & Patrick Walters - Das Quantenuniversum: Die Welt der Wellen und Teilchen #### Wolfgang Schorlau "Die Letzte Flucht" (2011) AWB: Anwendungsbeobachtungen Pharma.Umsatzrendite: 30-40 % !?!?? vgl.: Die Pharma-Mafia #### *!* Günther Schwab "Der Tanz mit dem Teufel (ein abenteuerliches I'view)" (1958 !) #### **** Lewis Mumford - The Story of Utopias (1922) Lewis Mumford - The Myth of the Machine (1964 ?) {{{ Lewis Mumford "Technics and Civilization" (1934!) ***** 'democratic vs. authoritarian technics' technics = the interplay of technologies with the specific social circumstances they arise from and lead to Dharma the Cat -- Philosophy with Fur Malcolm Glaswell "BLINK - The Power of Thinking Without Thinking" 2005 "We need to respect the fact that it is possible to know without knowing why we know and accept that -sometimes- we're better off that way" p.52 thin-slicing; adaptive consciousness ---------------------- Miniwörterbuch-Latein VERBOS ESPANOLES - conjugados sin abreviacion Spanisch-Sprachführer, Miniwörterbuch, Lehrbucher ... im VZ ---------------------- #### ***** Linguistics - An Intro to Language and Comm #### Akmajian, Demers, Farmer, Harnisch; 1995 #### Frederick Bodmer - Die Sprachen der Welt #### Egmont R. Koch, Fritz Vahrenholt "Seveso ist überall - Die tödlichen Risiken der Chmeie", 1978, ISBN 3462012908 #### "Seveso oder Wie Verantwortung zur Farce wird" 1979, Birgit Kraatz (Hg.) ISBN 3499143496 #### P. Pringle "Nuclear Barons" (1981) Prof. Chris Busby - "Wings of Death - Nuclear Pollution and Human Health" (1995) #### Hamilton: 1x lesen = mehr als genug #### kann mit zB I.M.Banks bei Weitem nicht mithalten #### - Peter F. Hamilton "A Quantum Murder" (1994) #### - Peter F. Hamilton "Pandora's Star" (2004) ("Commonwealth") #### - Peter F. Hamilton "Die Boten des Unheils [P's Star -2]" (2004) #### - Peter F. Hamilton "The Dreaming Void (Void Trilogy-1)" 2007 #### - Peter F. Hamilton "The Temporal Void (Void Trilogy-2)" 2009 #### - Peter F. Hamilton "The Evolutionary Void (Void Trilogy-3)" 2010 #### - Peter F. Hamilton "Great North Road" (2012 (?) ) #### Peter F. Hamilton - Der Armageddon~Zyklus: #### 1. "Die unbekannte Macht" ("The Reality Dysfunction 1" 1996) #### 2. "Fehlfunktion" ("The Reality Dysfunction 2" 1996) #### 3. "Seelengesänge" ("The Neutronium Alchemist 1" 1998) #### 4. "Der Neutronium Alchemist" ("The Neutronium Alchemist 2" 1998) #### 5. "Die Besessenen" ("The Naked God 1" 1999) #### 6. "Der Nackte Gott" ("The Naked God 2" 1999) #### * R.C. Wilson "Bis and Ende aller Zeit" (A Bridge of Years 1991) #### * Robert Charles Wilson "Darwinia" 1998 #### * Robert Charles Wilson "Spin" HUGO 2005 #### *** Robert Charles Wilson "Julian Comstock (21st c. America)" 2009 #### Peter Michael Hamel "Durch Musik zum Selbst" (1976) #### Pearl S. Buck "Das Haus der Erde" China-Trilogie = "Die Gute Erde/Söhne/Das geteilte Haus" (c)1959/1980 ["The Good Earth/Sons/A House Divided" 1931/2/5 #### Neil Gaiman "Neverwhere" 1996 #### *** Neil Gaiman "Stardust" [a faerie tale] 1999 ?? T.Pratchett & N.Gaiman "Good Omens" ???? Terry Pratchett (1948-2015) =========================== "Strata" (1981) "The Dark Side of the Sun" (1976) #### Terry Pratchett "Der Wühler"(Diggers) 1990 DISCWORLD ========= RW=Rincewind; W=Witches; TA=TiffanyAching; CW=CityWatch "The Color of Magic" (1983, RW=Rincewind, discworld-1) "Light Fantastic" (1986, RW, 2) ** "Equal Rites" (1987, W, 3) #### "Mort" (1987, 4) "Sourcery" (1988, RW, 5) *** "Wyrd Sisters" (1988, W, 6) ####- "Pyramids" (1989, 7) * "Guards! Guards!" (1989, CW(dragon), 8) ####- "Eric" (1990, RW, 9) ####- "Moving Pictures" (1990, 10) "Reaper Man" (1991, 11) *** "Witches Abroad" (1991, W, 12) "Small Gods" (1992, 13) *** "Lords'n'Ladies" (1992, W, 14) * "Men at Arms" (1993, CW(gonne), 15) #### * "Soul Music/Rollende Steine" (1995, 16) - "Interesting Times" (1994, RW, 17) * "Maskerade" (1995, W, 18) ** "Feet of Clay" (1996, CW(poisson), 19) ####- "Hogfather" (1996, 20) { sbw:DVD } #### ** "Jingo" (1997, CW/Klatch, 21) ####- "The Last Continent" (1998, RW, 22) ** "Carpe Jugulum" (1998, W, 23) *** "The 5th Elephant" (1999, 24) ** "The Truth" (2000, 25) #### "Thief of Time" (2001, 26) {{{ "The Last Hero" (2001, 27) *** "Maurice and his educated rodents" (2001, 28) * "Night Watch" (2002,CW(timetravel), 29) #$$# ** "Wee Free Men" (2003; TA; 30) #### "Mostruous Regiment" (2003, 31) #### "A Hat Full of Sky" (2004, TA, 32) & audio-CDs ** "Going Postal" (2004, MvL, 33) *** "Thud!" (2005, CW(KoomValley), 34) #### * "Wintersmith" (2006, TA, 35) #### "Making Money" (2007, MvL, 36) #### "Unseen Academicals" (2009, 37) *** "I Shall Wear Midnight" (2010, TA, 38) {{{ *** "Snuff" (2011, Vimes, 39) {{{ *** "Raising Steam" (2013, MvL, 40) {{{ *** Dodger (2012) #### *** The Shepherd's Crown (2016) >>?>> A Stroke of the Pen: The Lost Stories (10/2023, TB:4/24) WYRD SISTERS - THE PLAY (adapted for the stage by Stephen Briggs) 1996 => DVD: WYRD SISTERS (1997; 140 min) [10] {?? Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter - The Long Earth {{{ +?- Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter - The Long War (2013) Stephen Baxter - "Multiversum 3: Ursprung" ("Manifold 3: Origin" 2001) #### *?*? Julian Jaynes "Der Ursprung des Bewusstseins" (1988/1993) [The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (1976)] **!** Arthur Janov "DIE ANATOMIE DER NEUROSE" (1976) [Anatomy of Mental Illness (1971) ] {{{ Farley Mowat - Der Untergang der Arche Noah (Vom Leidend der Tiere unter den Menschen) 1987 = Sea of Slaughter 1984 **** "Thought to Exist in the Wild: Awakening from the Nightmare of Zoos" (2007) written by DJ; photographs by Karen Tweedy-Holmes Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith, Max Wilbert - BRIGHT GREEN LIES (2021) #### *** Derrick Jensen "How Shall I Live My Life" (2008) On Liberating the Earth from Civilization ???? *** Derrick Jensen "A Language older Than Words" (2000) #### **** Derrick Jensen "The Culture of Make Believe" (2002) #### **** Derrick Jensen "walking on water" (2003) **?? Derrick Jensen &al "Welcome to the Machine: Science, Surveillance, and the Culture of Control" (2004) #### **** Derrick Jensen "ENDGAME Vol.I - The Problem of Civilization" (2006) #### **** Derrick Jensen "ENDGAME Vol.II - Resistance" (2006) {{{ D: "Das OEKO-Manifest" **** Derrick Jensen/Stephanie McMillan "As the World Burns: 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Stay in Denial" (2007) DJ "How Shall I Live My Life? - On Liberating Earth from Civilization" (2008) **** Derrick Jensen & Aric McBay - "What We Leave Behind" (2009) #### **** Derrick Jensen "Resistance Against Empire" (2010) #### *** Derrick Jensen "Lives Less Valuable" (2010) #### **** DJ & Aric McBay & Lierre Keith - "Deep Green Resistance" (2011) #### *** DJ "Truths Among Us: Conversations on Building a New Culture" (2011) #### *** Derrick Jensen "Songs of the Dead" (2009) #### *** Derrick Jensen "Voices of Resistance - Thought to Exist in the Wild, and other Essays" (2018) (imho:) most highly recommendable: Derrick Jensen's "A Language older Than Words" (2000) + "The Culture of Make Believe" (2002) + "ENDGAME: Vol.I - The Problem of Civilization, Vol.II - Resistance" (2006) + "Resistance Against Empire" (2010) **** Derrick Jensen - "Dreams" (2011) --> Derrick Jensen - "Anarchism and the Politics of Violation" (upcoming) #### Derrick Jensen/Stephanie McMillan "Mischief in the Forest" (2010) (a grafix novel) *** Bill McKibben - "Eaarth" (2010) #### **** Clive Hamilton - "Requiem for a Species - Why We Resist the Truth about Climate Change" 2010; ISBN 978-1-84971-081-7 *?* E.M.Lerner - "Fools' Experiments" (2008) #### H.D.Thoreau - "WALDEN" (1854) & other writings Samuel R. Delany - "Triton" Anthony J. Hall - "Death of American Empire & 4th World" (2003) ?? Alastair Reynolds - "Terminal World" (2010) #### 0- Alastair Reynolds - "Unendlichkeit (Revelation Space)" (2000) **** gerhArd SEYFRIED - "INVASION AUS DEM ALLTAG" 1981 **** gerhArd SEYFRIED's "Cannabis Collection - Kiff-Cartoons 1973-2003" #### *** gerhArd SEYFRIED - "FLUCHT AUS BERLIN" 1990 === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === (m)eine kleine Anthologie zum thema ('nazi- und alltags-) fa$ci$muss' ( 'Anthologie' - griechisch: Blumensammlung, Bluetenlese) SIEHE kfasc.htm , nebenan W.Shirer, ... Hitler, Mussolini W.Reich, E.Fromm, R.Wolff, ... höchst empfehlenswert: William L. Shirer "AUFSTIEG UND FALL DES DRITTEN REICHES", besser im. O.: "THE RISE ANF FALL OF THE THIRD REICH; A History of NAZI Germany" (?um)1960 Shirer hat es selbst erlebt: als Berichterstatter in Deutsch-Europa 1925 bis Dez. 1940 und ab Herbst 1945 in Nuernberg... ) Detailliert auf 1100 Seiten! Eine Klasse fuer sich! Wohl DIE (beste verfuegbare einzelne) Geschichte NAZI-Deutschlands === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === #### K.E.Becker, F.Hiebl, & HP.Schreiner - "Rudolf Steiner [(1861 - 1925)] - Der antroposophische Weg" (1983) #### Norman Finkelstein - "The Holocaust Industry: The Abuse of Jewish Victims" 2000 **** Noam Chomsky "Hopes and Prospects" 2010 **** Noam Chomsky, ed. by Anthony Arnove "The Essential Chomsky" 2009 #### **** Noam Chomsky "World Orders, Old and New" 1994 #### **** "absolute" Noam Chomsky #### "absolute" Marshall McLuhan #### Marshall McLuhan "Die magischen Kanaele; undestanding media" (O: 1964) D 1968 #### * Paulo Coelho - "Manual of the Warrior of the Light" 1973 (( schwach; seicht; was die Popularität erklärt )) *?* Platon (427-347 v.Chr.) - DER STAAT und die Philosophen #### #B *** Thich Nhat Hanh "Das Herz von Buddhas Lehre: Leiden verwandeln - die Praxis des glücklichen Lebens" 1998 #### **** Paul Chafe - "Exodus: The Ark" (2009) #### **** Paul Chafe - "Genesis (Ark)" (2007) #### ?? Paul Chafe - "..Death of the Phoenix" (1996) P.C. "Destiny's Forge" - s.u. #### -- Sergej Snegov - Menschen wie Götter (1966, D2001) (totalSchachsinn) #### *** H. G. Wells "Menschen, Göttern gleich" (1927) = Men, Like Gods (1923) ((nicht in SBW; auf amazon nur sauteuer !)) Anlässlich der von H.G.Wells zum Ausdruck gebrachten Abscheu von Massen (-menschen, -aufläufen, ...) UND Studium des gratis-Klopapiers (bes. Werbung) ... dachte ich mir ... Es gibt heutzulanden va. 2 Gruppen von Menschen: Die überwältigende Mehrzahl versucht kramphaft (meist zwanghaft und oft bis zur selbst-Schädigung oder -Zerstörung) sich der kranken Masse anzugleichen; und eine winzige Minderheit, die versuchen dem gegenzusteuern, und die von der Masse erbittert angegriffen und verfolgt und systematisch kaputtgemacht werden. Denn ... siehe psy.rtf #### H.G.Wells - NEW WORLD ORDER (1939) " Countless people will hate the NWO and will die protesting against it. " -- quoted in #### *** H.G.WELLS "Die Geschichte unserer Welt" erweiterte Neuausgabe 1953, (C)1926; O: "A short History of the World" #### ** H.G.WELLS & Philip Ziegler - "An illustrated short history of the world" 1922/1965/1987 #### H. G. Wells "SELECTED SHORT STORIES" (timemachine, land of tzhe blind, ...) #### H. G. Wells "THE TIMEMACHINE" #### H. G. Wells "THE INVISIBLE MAN" (1897) ?? H. G. Wells "THE WAR OF THE WORLDS" (1898) #### H. G. Wells "THE FIRST MEN IN THE MOON" ('bridge series' w\simplified vocabulary) (1901) #### H. G. Wells "THE ISLAND OF DOCTOR MOREAU" (1896) #### H.G.Wells "When the Sleeper Wakes" 1899 " Bubble-machines, aeropiles & ~planes, city='hotels', Euthanasy wind-vanes, wind-wheels absolutely fictious business; creches .. with wet-nurses: mechanical figures, with arms, shoulders, breasts of astoninglishy realistic modelling, articulation, and texture, but mere brass tripods below, and having in the place of features a flat disk bearing advertisements. #### Heinz Haber "Unser Blauer Planet; Unser Mond", 1971 #### Heinz Haber "Unser Wetter - Einführung in die moderne Meteorologie" 1971 #### *** Hartmut Graßl/Reiner Klingholz "Wir Klimamacher - Auswege aus dem globalen Treibhaus" 1990 *** Wolfgang Wenng - "Freimaurerei, eine Philosophie der Menschlichkeit" 1987 -- Die Bibel (Einheitsübersetzung) #### --- D von Max Henning: DER KORAN (Qur'an) #### --- "Der Edle Qur'an" Die ungefähre Bedeutung in D; 9.Aufl. 03/2013 ***** siehe Islam.rtf ! ***** #B ** Reden des Buddha, aus dem Pali-Kanon - D von Ilse-Lore Gunsser, reclam 6245 (1957) #### #B *** Thich Nhat Hanh "OLD PATH WHITE CLOUDS - the life story of the buddha" #B * L'enseignement du Buddha / The Teaching of Buddha (1966, Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai = Buddhist Promoting Foundation, Japan) (dieses Buch liegt -wie im W die Bibel- im Osten oft in Hotelzimmern auf) "Die Welten des" Philip K. Dick = "Die seltsame Welt des Mr.Jones" ("The World Jones Made" 1956) + "Und die Erde steht still" ("Eye in the Sky" 1957) + "Die Invasoren von Ganymed" ("The Ganymed Takeover" 1967) + "Die rebellischen Roboter" ("We can build you" 1977) #### .- Ubik (1969) K. Marx und F. Engels - "Ausgewählte Werke" Verlag Progress, Moskau 1976 " Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch! " #### Bram Stoker - "Dracula" (D von Stasi Kull) #B "A Primer of Soto Zen - a transl. of Dogen[1200-1253]'s Shobogenzo Zuimonki by Reiho Masunaga" (1972) #### #B ***! "ZEN und HAIKU, Mu in der Kunst HaiKühe zu hüten" - Günter Wohlfart (1997) reclam 9647 #### HAIKU, Japanische Gedichte - D von Dietrich Krusche (1994) TANKA, Japanische Fuenfzeiler - D ... , reclam HAIKU, Japanische Dreizeiler - D von Jan Ulenbrook (1995) reclam 9400 HAIKU, Japanische Dreizeilerm Nue Folge - D von Jan Ulenbrook (1998) reclam 9690 #### SHINKOKINWAKASHU, Jap. GedichtSammlung (Tanka&Haiku), 1205 (!!) - reclam #### *** Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) - "Der Prophet" (O: "The Prophet" 1923) ?WO *** Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) - "Worte wie die Morgenröte (Rose Marie Krizantis, ed.)" ?WO ? Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) - "Das Reich der Ideen) ### * Kh.G. - Texte (1983) 3442084326 #### Greg Bear - "EON" 1985 Oscar Wilde(1854-1900) - "An Ideal Husband (a play)" 1895 #### Adolf Hungry Wolf - "Vater Sonne, Mutter Erde - Zeugnisse indianischen Lebens im Einklang mit der Natur" 1981 (D: 1984) #### Thubten Dschingme Norbu(*) - TIBET VERLORENE HEIMAT - erzählt von Heinrich Harrer (1960) *) Tenzin Gytsos älterer Bruder #B **** Dalai Lama "The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality" 2005 #### Dalai Lama "A Call for Revolution" (2017) #### **** Sharon Begley "Train your Mind, Change your Brain" 2007 "..How a new science reveals ourextraordinary potential to transform ourselves" --- foreword by the [14th] Dalai Lama --- ad (WEF's) halali ich weigere mich, auch nur den namen und wenn er zitiert wird, nutze ich mittlerweile (wie früher beim TV bei werbung) den schenllvorlauf habe zwar eigentlich besonderes interesse an dem thema (mind/AI/...) aber sogar die "SciFi" ausgesuchter autoren kommt selten ohne "-[meist für schmerzhafte blödheit verliehen]" bei mir weg, selbst wenn die romane(geschichten) ansonsten interessant/nettZuLesen/... Kurzweil hab ich gelesen, va. die IM die SM hab ich mir doch (heute recherchiert) auch gekauft (2008; nicht gewartet bin in OBS) weil doch beträchtliches "echo" und heute wiedergefunden, was ich mir notiert: #### *- Ray Kurzweil "The Age of Intelligent Machines" 1990 ... Naja #### --- Ray Kurzweil "The Age of Spiritual Machines" 1999 (2008 gekauft) ... was ein Sch...wachsinn! (nichts gelernt, Blödheit quadriert) *** Theodore Roszak "Der Verlust des Denkens - Über die Mythen des Computer-Zeitalters" (1989) O: The Cult of Information: The Folklore of Computers and the True Art of Thinking (1986) (ein Plädoyer gegen das "Datenverarbeitungsmodell des Geistes" -wda) Information :: Idee | Wissen "... vielversprechende Technologie ... an sich...großartig ... zu einem Mittel der Überwachung und Kontrolle, der...Zentralisierung, der Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung und der Kriegsführung degradiert. Daß PCs in Millionen in Privathaushalten stehen, wo sie vielleicht zu kaum mehr als trivialer Unterhaltung genutzt werden, kann nicht...die Macht ausgleichen, die [sie] denjenigen bringt, die sie zu solchen Zwecken mißbrauchen." "A promising and - by itself - marvelous technology ... degraded to a means of surveillance and control, of centralization..., manipulation of public opinion and warfare. PCs in millions of households, hardly ever used for more than trivial entertainment, cannot compensate for the power it gives those who abuse it for these purposes. [my transl.]" -- Th. Roszak, 1986(!) (i couldn't agree more) }}} **** Manfred Spitzer "Cyberkrank - wie das digitalisierte Leben unsere Gesundheit ruiniert" 2015 }}} **** Manfred Spitzer "Die Digitale Demenz - Wie wir uns und unsere Kinder um den Verstand bringen" 2012 Pflichtlektüre: Manfred Spitzer "Die Digitale Demenz" (2012) und "Cyberkrank" (2015) #### -- Manfred Spitzer - Pandemie (2020-05) **** Charles T. Tart - "The End of Materialism: How Evidence of the Paranormal Is Bringing Science and Spirit Together" (2009) #### *** Charles T. Tart - "Waking Up - Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential", 1986 **** Charles T. Tart - "ESP - Learning to Use Extrasensory Perception", 1975 => ESP ist (bei geeigneter Versuchsanordnung; etwa als 1 semestrige Klassenarbeit) reproduzierbar/nachweisbar **** Charles T. Tart (ed.) "Altered States of Consciousness - A Book of Readings", 1969 (fotokopien) Robert H. Thouless "From anecdote to experiment in psychical research" 1972 #### * Harlan Ellison "Die Puppe Maggie Moneyeyes (Psychodelikatessen fuer SciFi-Leser)" 1967, D 1972 #### Harlan Ellison "Troublemakers: Stories by Harlan" 1956-2001/2001 *- Harlan Ellison "PAINGOD and other delusions" (paingod 1964/ repent, harlequin 1965/ crackpots 1956/ sleeping dogs 1974/ bright eyes 1965/ discarded 1959/ wanted in surgery 1957/ deeper than darkness 1957) #### Harlan Ellison "Shatterday" (1972-)1980 #### Harlan Ellison "Spider Kiss" 1961-82 #### John Vornholt (based on JMS's) B5(book#1): Babylon 5 - Voices (1994) #### James George Frazer - "The Golden Bough. A study in magic and religion" (1922) #### *!* Alfred Bester "The Stars my Destination" 1956 (special restored text (c) 1996) ? Alfred Bester "The Dark Side of Earth " 1964 #### *** Alfred Bester "Demolished Man" 1953 #### Thomas De Quincey(1785-1859) "Confessions of an English Opium-Eather" 1821 #### Laurens van der Post "The Heart of the Hunter" 1961 (with drawings by M.Wilson) #### Sheldon Rampton "WMD: The Uses of Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq" #### Charles Stross Atrocity Archives" 2004 (bla bla bli bla bla bla blu...) #### Charles Stross "Glasshouse" 2006 ? Charles Stross "Halting State (Ace Science Fiction)" 2007 #### Frank Herbert "The Santaroga Barrier" 1962 #### Frank Herbert "The Dosadi Experiment" 1978 #### Iain Banks (1954-2013): The Steep Approach to Garbadale (2007) *** Iain M.d "Hydrogen Sonata (Culture-10)" 2012 *** Iain M. Banks "Surface Detail(C-9)" 2020 ((hell-wars)) #### *- Iain M. Banks "Transition(not-C)" 2009 ** Iain M. Banks "Matter(C-8)" 2008 ((shellworld)) *** Iain M. Banks "The Algebraist(C-7)" 2004 ((dwellers of nasqueron)) ** Iain M. Banks "Look to Windward(C-6)" 2000 ((masq' orbital)) ** Iain M. Banks "Inversions(not-C)" 1998 ((The Docter & the Bodyguard)) *** Iain M. Banks "Excession(C-5)" 1996 ((artifact)) {{{ *- Iain M. Banks "Feersum Endjin(not-C)" 1994 #### Iain M. Banks "Against a Dark Background(C-4)" 1993 #### Iain M. Banks "Use of Weapons(C-3)" 1990 ((SC)) #### Iain M. Banks "State of the Art(short fiction coll.)" 1989? *** Iain M. Banks "The Player of Games(C-2)" 1988 ((azad)) *. Iain M. Banks "Consider Phlebas(C-1)" 1987 ((idiran war; the Mind; Shar's planet)) {{{ Iain Banks "The Wasp Factory" 1984 #### F.Pohl & K.M.Kornbluth "Space Merchants (Eine Handvoll Venus)" 1952 #### ** Frederik Pohl "Gateway (Heechee Saga)" HUGO & NEBULA 1976 (naja) ???? ** Frederik Pohl "Beyond the Blue Event Horizon" #### ** Frederik Pohl "Man Plus" #### ** Frederik Pohl "Merchants' War" 1984 #### ** Frederik Pohl "The Gateway Trip" 1990 #### Frederik Pohl "Black Star Rising" 1985 #### Frederik Pohl "Heechee Rendezvous" 1984 Frederik Pohl "Annals of the Heechee" 1987 *** Frederik Pohl "Chernobyl (a Novel)" 1987 (?) #### **. (A.C.Clarke+)Frederik Pohl "The Last Theorem" 2008 #### Brian Czech "Shoveling Fuel for a Runaway Train" 2000 *.? Robert Jackson Bennett - Foundryside (Founders-1) (2019) 1786487853 *. Ken MacLeod - Beyond the Hallowed Sky (Lightspeed-1) (2021) 035651479X ('n bisschen quatschig/punkig) ??? Beyond the Reach of Earth (Lightspeed-2) (2023) >>> Beyond the Light Horizon (Lightspeed-3) (2023) #### ** Ken MacLeod "Restoration Game" 2010 #### ** Ken MacLeod "Night Session" 2008 * Ken MacLeod "The Execution Channel" *** Ken MacLeod "Learning the World: A Novel of First Contact" 2005 (14,400) ('inspired' by "deepness in the sky" (1999) ? ) #### ** Ken MacLeod "Newton's Wake" 2004 #### *- Ken Macleod "Dark Light" 2002 #### *- Ken Macleod "Cosmonaut Keep 2000 #### *- Ken Macleod "The Sky Road" 1999 #### ** Ken Macleod "Stone Canal" 1996 #### - Ken Macleod "Das Sternenprogramm" (the star fraction, 1995) D 2001 #### Stanislav Lem "Die Astronauten" (Venus:gläsernerWald,weisseKugel) 1950 #### * -- Stanislav Lem "Terminus" (1959-63) #### Stanislav Lem "Frieden auf Erden" 1986 #### Stanislav Lem(*1921) "Solaris" 1960 Stanislav Lem "Sterntagebücher" 1971 *** Stanislav Lem "Der Futurologische Kongress" 1972 #### Stanislav Lem "Die Megabit-Bombe" (1996)-1999 #### Dan Simmons "Hyperion" 1989(?) #### Roger Penrose "THE EMPORER's NEW MIND - computers, minds and the laws of physisc" 1989 #### Roger Penrose "SHADOWS OF THE MIND - a search for the missing science of consciousness" 1994 #### Roger Penrose "THE ROAD TO REALITY - A complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe" 2004 ***** Stan. Grof - " Psychology of the Future - Lessions from modern Consciousness Research " 2000 ***** Stan. Grof - " The Ultimate Journey: Consciousness and the Mystery of Death " 2006 " IDEA-driven SciFi " #### *- Robert J. Sawyer "Triggers" 2012 #### **** Robert J. Sawyer "WWW: Wonder" 2011 #### *?*? Robert J. Sawyer "WWW: Watch" 2010 #### **** Robert J. Sawyer "WWW: Wake" 2009 #### **** R. J. Sawyer - "Illegal Alien" 1988 #### *.* Robert J. Sawyer "Golden Fleece" 1990 *** Robert J. Sawyer "Far Seer" (Quintaglio Ascension - 1) 1992 *** Robert J. Sawyer "Fossil Hunter" (Quintaglio Ascension - 2) 1993 --- --- Musings of the Watcher Universes come and go. I am the sole survivor of the previous cycle of creation, of the universe that existed prior to this one. My body had ceased to have material substance countless millenia before the end of the old universe, but with forethought and determination and not a small amount of luck my consciousness managed to survive reasonably intact through that universe's contraction into a cosmic egg and the subsequent Big Bang that gave rise to this latest iteration of everything. It had been an impudent move, for who has the right to outlast the universe? And my impudence, apparently, was to be punished. I thought I had ended up in hell. ... --- --- ** Robert J. Sawyer "Foreigner" (Quintaglio Ascension - 3) 1994 ### ** Robert J. Sawyer "End of an Area" 1994 ### ** Robrt J. Sawyer "The Terminal Experiment" 1995 ### **** Robert J. Sawyer "Starplex" 1996 - (WOW!!!) the ultimate grand tour, darkies, ... ... ... *. Robert J. Sawyer "Frameshift" 1997 ### ** Robert J. Sawyer "Factoring Humanity" 1998 ### ** Robert J. Sawyer "Flash Forward" 1999 ### ** Robert J. Sawyer "Calculating God" 2000 ### Robert J. Sawyer "iterations" (short stories) 2002 ### *** Robert J. Sawyer "Hominids" (Neanderthal Parallax - 1) HUGO 2002 ### ** Robert J. Sawyer "Humans" (Neanderthal Parallax - 2) 2003 ### ** Robert J. Sawyer "Hybrids" (Neanderthal Parallax - 3) 2003 ### *** Robert J. Sawyer "Mindscan" 2005 ### *** Robert J. Sawyer "Rollback" 2007 ### Robert J. Sawyer & al. "North of Infinity: Futurity Visions"# ### - "Red Planet Blues" (2013) "Quantum Night" (2016) ??? "Golden Fleece" (2020) --- --- ### ** John Scalzi "Agent to the Stars" 1999/2005 ### ** John Scalzi "Old Man's War" 2005 ### ** John Scalzi "The Ghost Brigades" (OMW2) 2006 ### *- John Scalzi "The Android's Dream" 2006 ### *. John Scalzi "The Last Colony" (OMW3) 2007 ### *- John Scalzi "Zoe's Tale" (OMW4) 2008 ### **. John Scalzi "Lock In" 2014 ### ** John Scalzi "The Human Division" (OMW5) 2013 ??? *? John Scalzi - "The End of All Things" (OMW6) 2015 ? John Scalzi - The Collapsing Empire (TheInterdependency-1) (2017) ? John Scalzi - The Consuming Fire (TheInterdependency-2) (2018) ? John Scalzi - The Last Emperox (TheInterdependency-3) (2020) .- John Scalzi - Redshirts (2012) MARIA SABINA, ed. Jerome Rothenberg - "Selections" 2003 Wilhelm Reich - "People in Trouble (Emotional Plague of Mankind)" 1976 #### The Emotional Plague: The Root of Human Evil, Charles Konia, 2008 **** Clemens Kuby - "Unterwegs in die nächste Dimension - Meine Reise zu Heilern und Schamanen" 2003 Evangeline Walton - "Four Branches of the Mabinogion: Prince of Annwen, The Children of Liyr, The Song of Rhiannon, The Isand of the Mightys" 1974 #### - Kim Stanley Robinson - 2140 (2017) 9780356508788 #### Kim Stanley Robinson "Red Mars" NEBULA 1993 XXXX Kim St. Robinson "Green Mars" HUGO 1994 XXXX QUATSCH! Kim St. Robinson "Blue Mars" HUGO 1996 XXX #### Joe Haldeman "Forever Peace (Remembering Tomorrow)" HUGO & NEBULA 1997 (soldierboys, "humanzation") Joe Haldeman "Peace and War" Omnibus: "The Forever War" 1974 "Forever Peace (Remembering Tomorrow)" HUGO & NEBULA 1997 "Forever Free" 1999 Joe Haldeman "The Coming" 2000 *. Joe Haldeman "Camouflage" 2004 Joe Haldeman "Old Twentieth" 2005 #### Joe Haldeman "The Accidental Time Machine" 2007 #### Joe Haldeman "Marsbound" 2008 Joe+Jack Haldemann - Und fürchtet keine Finsternis (1983, D:85) 3404220838 #### Doris Lessing - LANDLOCKED 1965 #### John Brunner - Schafe blicken auf (1978) [=sheeps are looking up (1972)] #### John Brunner - Shockwave Rider (1975 / DelRey 2003) #### John Brunner - Times Without Number (1962/74) #### John Brunner - Die Opfer der Nova (Polymath/AgentsOfTerra/Cyclops) ???? John Brunner - Stand on Zanzibar () Edgar Allan Poe(1809-1849) "Die denkwürdigen Erlebnisse des Arthur Gordon Pym" Edgar Allan Poe(1809-1849) "Der Fall des Hauses Ascher", D von Arno Schmidt Deutsche Götter- und Heldensagen (neu gestaltet von Kurt Eigl; 1953) (von der öst. Jugendschriftenkommission..für wertvoll erklärt) #### ** Joan D. Vinge "PSION" (1982) "In the country of the blind, the one-eyed is stoned to death." "Humanity is an infestation, not a civilization." Vernor Vinge (*1944) "Tatja Grimm's World" 1968,1969,1986/1987 *** Vernor Vinge "The Whitling" 1976 #### *** Vernor Vinge "The Peace War" 1984 #### *** Vernor Vinge "Marooned in Realtime" 1986 (.. 50 My ) *** Vernor Vinge "Across Realtime" == "The Peace War" 1984 + "Marooned in Realtime" 1986 *** Vernor Vinge "A Fire upon the Deep" HUGO 1992 **** Vernor Vinge "A Deepness in the Sky" HUGO 1999 #### ** Vernor Vinge "Rainbows End" (2006) HUGO #### ** Vernor Vinge "Children of the Sky" (2011) UH<<< Theroux -- The Happy Isles of Oceania (Paddelgeschichte) UH<<< Theroux -- Blinding Light (Ayahuasca) {{{ Laurence Sterne -- Tristram Shandy, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Gentleman. Frank Schätzing : {{{ "Die Dunkle Seite" 1997 {{{ "Tod & Teufel" 1999 #### ** "Lautlos" 2000 # {{{ "Mordshunger" 2003 UH <<< *** "Der Schwarm" 2004 #### "Nachrichten aus einem unbekannten Universum : eine Zeitreise durch die Meere"(naja) 2006 # (( btw: i found the second book Schätzing made more or less out of the same material, "Nachrichten aus einem unbekannten Universum"(2006), much less well written )) #### Frank Schätzing - Limit (2009; Deutsch; set in 2025) #### ** Norman Spinrad "Eine Welt dazwischen" (A World Between, 1979) Pacifica: blaurosa Krieg & alle Macht den Godzillas ! *** Ben Bova "Jahrtausendwende (Millennium)" 1976 (Moonbase+Lunagrad=Selenium take over orbital stations and ABM-Lasers...) #### Fritjof Capra "Wendezeit"(1982) / "Turning Point"(1982???) #### Fritjof Capra "Das neue Denken", 1987 ??>>> Jack McDevitt - "Infinity Beach" ? #### * Jack McDevitt - "A Talent for War" 1989 """ Among our people, we maintain that WISDOM CONSISTS IN RECOGNIZING THE EXTENT TO WHICH ONE IS PRONE TO ERROR." ? Jack McDevitt - "Ancient Shores" ???? #### * Jack McDevitt - "The Engines of God" (A) 1995(2202) #### * Jack McDevitt - "Eternity Road" 1997 (earth 3XXX=3XX) #### * Jack McDevitt - "Moonfall" 1997 ##G16## #### * Jack McDevitt - "Deepsix" (A) 2001 (2223) #### * Jack McDevitt - "Chindi" (B) 2002 (2224) #### * Jack McDevitt - "Omega" (A) 2003 (2234) #### * Jack McDevitt - "Polaris" (B) 2004 """ IN AN AGE WHEN NO ONE IS HUNGRY, NO ONE NEED GO WITHOUT SHELTER, AND IN WHICH ONE NEED NOT EVEN WORK IF SHE OR HE CHOOSES A LIFE OF LEISURE """ #### * Jack McDevitt - "Seeker" (B) 2005 #### * Jack McDevitt - "Odyssey" (A) 2006 #### * Jack McDevitt - "Cauldron" (A) 2007 #### * Jack McDevitt - "The Devil's Eye" (B) 2008 #### - Jack McDevitt - "Time Travelers Never Die" (2009) #### - Jack McDevitt - "Echo (B)" 2010 (A=Academy-, B= alexBenedict- -series) #### -- Jack McDevitt - "Firebird (B)" 2012 (fad bis peinlich) #### - Robert E. Vardeman: Colors of Chaos (Weapons of Chaos-3) lllLEM: L.E.Modesitt Jr. ========================= *. Legacies 2002 (Corean Chronicles-1) 1841492523 *. Darkness 2003(?) (CC-2) 0765307049 *. Scepters 2004 (CC-3) ** Alector's Choice 2006 (CC-4) 0765313871 **. Cadmian's Choice 2006 (CC-5) 0765315289 *** Soarer's Choice 2006 (CC-6) 0765355590 *** The Lord-Protector's Daughter (2009) (CC-7) 0765361388 ***. Lady-Protector (2012) (CC-8) 0765366398 **. The Parafaith War (1996) 031285904X #### * LEM - Ghost of the White Nights (2001) 0765300958 #### . LEM - Ghosts of Columbia (Tangible Ghosts (1994), The Ghost of the Revelator (1998)) (2005) 0765313146 #### *. LEM - Timegods' World (Timediver's Dawn (1992), The Timegod (1993)) (2001) 0312874952 #### *- LEM - The Forever Hero (Dawn for a Distant Earth (1987) The Silent Warrior, In Endless Twilight (1988)) (1999) 0312868383 ? Adiamante (1996) 0812545583 1 *. The Magic of Recluse (1991) (Lerris,woodworker, Recluse...; 2 cent. after fall of FairHaven) 2 * The Towers of the Sunset (1994) (Cerlin/Megaera, Westwind--Recluse; FH building highway) 3 * The Magic Engineer (1994) 5 * The Order War (1995) 4 * The Death of Chaos (1995) 6 ** Fall of Angels (1996) (WestWind) 7 * The Chaos balance (1997) (Nylan:WW-Lornth-Naclos;Fall+2) 8 * The White Order (~1999) 9 * Colors of Chaos (1999) 0812570936 10 ** Magi'i of Cyador (2000) (Lorn,-Cpt.) 184149027X 11 ** Scion Of Cyador (2000) (Lorn,Majer-Emp.) 0312873794 12 ** Wellspring of Chaos (2004) (Kharl,cooper..) 076534808X 13 **. Ordermaster (2005) (Kharl,..envoy) 0765312131 14 ** Natural Ordermage (2007) (Rahl,scrivener) 0765357755 15 ** Mage-Guard of Hamor (2008) (Rahl...) 0765358824 16 ** Arms-Commander (2009,Saryn:WW-Lornth-Saron;Fall+10) 9780765363534 17 *. Cyador's Heirs (2014) (Lerial/Cigoerne) 9780765374783 18 *. Heritage of Cyador (2014) (Hamor;Lerial/Luba-Swartheld) 9780765376138 19 *. Mongrel Mage (2017) (Beltur,Fenard-Elparta) 9780765394699 20 ** Outcasts of Order (2018) (B/Jessyla,Elp-Vergren) 9781250172563 21 ** Mage-Fire War (2019) (B/J,Haven) 9781250207838 22 *? Fairhaven Rising (2021) (Taelya) 1250265207 .. $$ Recluce Tales: Stories from the World of Recluce (2017) 9780765386182 Az 3/24 28,- 23 $$ From the Forest (2023) (Alayiakal) 1250877288 Az 3/24 30,- 24 $$ The Overcaptain (2024) (Alayiakal) 1250902908 Az 11/24 33,- *? "Empire & Ecolitan" (2001) = "The Ecolitan Operation" (1989) = "The Ecologic Secession" (1990) *** Imager (Imager-1, Renn(thyl) d'Portraiture) (2009) (743 A.L.-) 0765360071 *** Imager's Challenge (Img-2, 2010) 1250205301 **. Imager's Intrigue (Img-3, 2010) 1250173299 *** Scholar (Img-4, 2011, Queryt Rytersyn...) 0765367718 history ... "The organization and presentation of past events in a structure that reveals not only what happened, but the patterns behind why it happened." *** Princeps (Img-5, 2013) 9780765330956 **. Imager's Battalion (Img-6, 2013) 0765332833 **. Antiagon Fire (Img-7, 2013) 0765334577 *** Rex Regis (Img-8, 2013) (...Quaeryt 0 A.L.) 0765370905 **. Madness in Solidar (Img-9, -2016) (Alastar) 0765379864 **. Treachery's Tools (Img-10) (2017) (Alastar) 0765385414 **. Assassin's Price (Img-11, -2018) (Charyn) 0765390485 *** Endgames (Img-12, 2019) (Charyn +458 A.L.) 1250293650 * LEM The Hammer Of Darkness (1985) #### .- "Solar Express" 2015 #### * "Gravity Dreams" 20?? #### *- "Flash" 2004 (ca.2150) #### *- "The Eternity Artefact" 2005 #### *- "Empress of Eternity" 2010 === ??: * David Gemmell - Legend (1986) (Drenai-1) ??: * David Gemmell - Waylander (1986) (Drenai-3) #### *. Charles Sheffield - "The Mind Pool" # #### * Charles Sheffield "Zwischen den Schlägen der Nacht" (Pentecost, S-Raum....) Robert Anton Wilson 18. 1. 1932 in Brooklyn --1. 11 2006 // RAW + Robert Shea "ILLUMINATUS!" trilogy // RAW "ISHTAR RISING" 1973/89 RAW "SEX & DRUGS - A Journey Beyond Limits" 1973/87 RAW "COSMIC TRIGGER" 1977 D #### Neal Wilgus "THE ILLUMINOIDS - secret societies and political paranoia" 1978 # #### RAW "DIE ILLUMINATI PAPIERE" (1980) D 1981 # RAW "SCHROEDINGERS KATZE - D.UNIVERSUM NEBENAN" (1979) D 1981 ((RAW "SCHROEDINGERS KATZE - D.BRIEFTAUBEN" (1981) D 1982))ch RAW "THE EARTH WILL SHAKE" 1982 RAW "PROMETHEUS RISING" 1983 RAW "THE WIDOW'S SON" 1985 RAW "THE NEW INQUISITION" 1986 #### RAW "NATURAL LAW, or Don't Put a Rubber on your Willy" 1987 RAW "WILHELM REICH IN HELL" 1987 RAW "COINCIDANCE - a head test" 1988 RAW "COSMIC TRIGGER VOL.II: Down to Earth" 1991 #### RAW "NATURE'S GOD (Illuminati Chronicles Vol.3)" 1991 #### RAW "REALITY IS WHAT YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH" 1992/1996 RAW "QUANTUM PSYCHOLOGY" 1993 RAW "RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE SITTING NOW - further tales of the illuminati" RAW "COSMIC TRIGGER VOL.III - My Life After Death" 1995 #### RAW "CHARACTER ABOVE ALL - ten presidents from FDR to GWB" 1995 RAW "TSOG (TSaristic Occupation Government) - the thing that ate the constitution, and other everyday monsters" 2002 #### RAW "EMAIL TO THE UNIVERSE and other alterations of consciousness" 2005 *** R.A.Wilson - Chaos and Beyond 1994 #### *** R.A.Wilson - Everything is Under Control 1998 Albert Hofmann (Foreword by Stanislav Grof) - LSD My Problem Child - Reflections on Sacred Drugs, Mysticism, and Science, MAPS 2006 ## --"-- MAPS 2006 hardcover edition SIGNED by AH & SG ##s 51/100, 56/100, 58/100, 92/100 ($1000), 95/100 ($1000) Albert Hofmann - "LOB DES SCHAUENS" Nachtschatten 2002 #### Albert Hofmann (1906-2008) "LSD - MEIN SORGENKIND - die Entdeckung einer >Wunderdroge<" 1979 #### Peter Lauster "Lassen Sie sich nichts gefallen" (1976) 3612279920 Peter Lauster "Lassen Sie der Seele Flügel wachsen" (1978) Peter Lauster "Die Liebe - Psychologie eines Phänomens" (1980) #??# Peter Lauster "Menschenkenntnis - Körpersprache, Mimik und Verhalten (1989) #### Peter Lauster "Ausbruch zur inneren Freiheit" (1995) === Erich Fromm === (* 23.3.1900 Frankfurt; 1934 emigriert->USA, 1949-65 Mexico; Locarno; +18.3.1980) "IHR WERDET SEIN WIE GOTT" (You Shall be as Gods 1966) *** "ESCAPE FROM FREEDOM" 1941 {{{ "PSYCHOANALYSE UND ETHIK" 1954; "Man for Himself - An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics" 1947 1973 => fromm.rtf .. in mancher Hinsicht eine Fortsetzung von "Escape from Freedom" *** "THE SANE SOCIETY" 1955 **** "THE ART OF LOVING" ("DIE KUNST DES LIEBENS" 1956) **** "DIE KUNST DES LIEBENS" (1956) Mike Wallace-Interview (1958) -> CDS [[[ **** "HABEN ODER SEIN" #### Die Seele des Menschen 1961 (D:1964; The heart of man) **** "TO HAVE OR TO BE?" (1976) ISBN 0349113459 (abacus), 0826417388 (continuum) **** "HABEN ODER SEIN? - Die seelischen GRundlagen einer neuen Gesellschaft" (1976) (dtv) {{{ *** "Anatomie der menschlichen Destruktivität" 1977 **** "The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness" 1973 => fromm.rtf **** "Psychologie fuer Nichtpsychologen" (Vortrag, 1973) -> CDS EF+ Rainer Funk *** "VOM HABEN ZUM SEIN" 1989 (D.v. Gisela Haselbacher, R.Funk) Philip K Dick(*1928) "LSD-Astronauten" (1964) D 1980 ("Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch"?) #### Philip K Dick(*1928) "Galactic Pot Healer" (1969) {{{ Philip K Dick(*1928) "Minority Report"->DVD, "Blade Runner"->DVD #### Philip Jose Farmer - Bizarre Beziehungen (The Lovers, 1961; A Woman a Day: 1968; Strange Relations: Mother: 1953, Daughter,Son: 1954, My Sister's Brother,The Alley Man(D.Müllkutscher): 1959, Interview mit P.J.F.: 1983) #### #### Philip Jose Farmer - *- The Stone God Awakens (1970) #### Philip Jose Farmer (*1918) "To Your Scattered Bodies Go (Riverworld-1)" 1970/71 HUGO #### Philip Jose Farmer "The Fabulous Riverboat (Riverworld-2)" 1971 #### Philip Jose Farmer "The Dark Design (Riverworld-3)" 1977 #### Philip Jose Farmer "The Magic Labyrinth (Riverworld-4)" 1980 #### Philip Jose Farmer "The Gods of Riverworld (Riverworld-5) #### *- DW & Jacob Holo - The Gordian Protocol: Time is a Harsch Mistress (2019) 1982124598 David Weber - D. [Mark] Weber (*1952) ======== HONORverse ====== == Honor Harrington (13 Book Series) == ** 1= On Basilisk Station (1993) *** 2= The Honor of the Queen (1993) (Yeltsin) *** 3= The Short Victorious War (1994) (Hancock St.) *** 4= Field of Dishonor (1994) *** 5= Flag in Exile (1995) *** 6= Honor Among Enemies (1996) *** 7= In Enemy Hands (1997) (Hell) *** 8= Echoes of Honor (HC 1998) "He said it calmly, with the serenity of a man who'd lived a life fuller than the vast majority of other people's." *** 9= Ashes of Victory (HC 2000) *** 10= War of Honor (HC 2002) **. 11= At All Costs (HC 2005) ** 12= Mission of Honor (HC 2010) ** 13= A Rising Thunder (HC 2012, aka. "HH-17") ** 14 Shadow of Freedom (HC 2013, aka. "HH-18", Sagnami-3) 9,0/> ** 15 Uncompromising Honor (2018, aka. "HH-19") **. Off Armageddon Reef (Safehold-#1) (2007) *** By Schism Rent Asunder (S-2) (2008) *** By Heresies Distressed (S-3) (2009) ** A Mighty Fortress (S-4) (2010) *. How Firm a Foundation (S-5) (2011) ?> Midst Toil and Tribulation (S-6) (2012) 0765361264 ?> Like a Mighty Army (S-7) (-2015) Through Firy Trials HH - Saganami Island (4 Book Series) - 1= The Shadow of Saganami (HC 2004; aka HH-16) - 2= Storm from the Shadows (HC 2009; aka. HH-17) - 3= Shadow of Freedom (HC 2013; aka. HH-18) - 4= Shadow of Victory (HC 2016; aka. HH-19) Crown of Slaves - Honor Harrington Universe (3 Book Series) - 1= Crown of Slaves (HC 2003) - 2= Torch of Freedom (HC 2009) - 3= Cauldron of Ghosts (HC 2014) Manticore Ascendant ... === *Star Kingdom Novels === *** DW - A Beautiful Friendship = StarKingdom-1 ### *** DW/Jane Lindskold - Fire Season (2012, SK2) ### *** DW/JL - Treecat Wars More TreeCat stories (by David Weber:) Beautiful Friendship (in: More than Honor, 1998) What Price Dreams? (Worlds of Honor , 1999) Changer of Worlds (~~, 2001) Best Laid Plans (Beginnings, 2013) === multiverse === #### *+- D.Weber/Linda Evans - Hell's Gate (2006, Multiverse-1) ##?# *+- D.Weber/Linda Evans - Hell Hath No Fury (2008, Multiverse-2) #### *+- D.Weber/Joelle Presby - The Road to Hell (2016 Multiverse-3) === Worlds of Honor (HH Anthologies) === *Treecats *** 1= More than Honor (1998; DW: *Beautiful Friendship; David Drake: A Grand Tour, S.M.Stirling: A Whiff of Grapeshot) *** 2= Worlds of Honor (1999; DW: *What Price Dreams?, The Hard Way Home; Linda Evans: *Stray, Jane Linkshold: Queen's Gambit, R.G.Green: Deck Load Strike) *** 3= *Changer of Worlds (2001; DW*3 & Eric Flint) ** 4= The Service of the Sword (2003; JL: Promised Land; Timothy Zahn: With One Stone; JR&VM: A Ship Named Fracis; John Ringo: Let's Go to Prague; EF: Fanatic; DW: ~~; no*) *. 5= In Fire Forged (2011); JL: Ruthlss, TZ: An Act of War, DW: Let's Dance, AP:; no*; aka. HH-13 **? 6= Beginnings (2013; DW: *Best Laid Plans, Beauty and the Beast; Charles E. Gannon: By the Book; Joelle Presvy: Obligated Service; TZ: A Call to Arms) Eric Flint & Dave Freer "The Rats , the Bats, & the Ugly" 2004 #### Stapledon "Last and First Men" (1931) + "Star Maker" (1937) ADF, Alan Dean Foster #### *** Alan D. Foster - "DESIGN FOR GREAT-DAY" [ the solarian combine's mentalics enforcing peace; inspiredby?remakeof Eric Frank Russell's ?? ] ---- ---A.D.F. - Genom (???) "Genetik is die neue plastische Chirurgie" #### - A.D.F. - Signal (The Sum of her Parts) (2012) #### -- A.D.F. - Das Ding aus einer anderen Welt (The Thing) (1982, nach einem Drehbuch von Bill Lancaster) #### *. A.D.F. - Nor Crystal Tears (1982) EFR: George R. Stewart "Leben ohne Ende" + **** Eric Frank Russell "STÖRFAKTOR" (Nuisance Value) ??? Eric Frank Russell "DER STICH DER WESPE" (WASP) 1957 #### *** Eric Frak Russell - Wasp (1957) (~Alien) #### *. Eric Frank Russell - Mind Warpers #### * Eric Frank Russell - Next of Kin #### * Deep Space (1947-52-54) 0749301031 #### Ursula K. LeGuin - "The Telling" ##G16## *** Ursula K. LeGuin - "The Left Hand of Darkness" 1969 #### *** U.K. Leguin "Planet der Habenichtse" "The Dispossessed" HUGO 1974 **? Ursula K. LeGuin - "Earth Sea Quartett" (1968/71/73/90) #### ** U.K.LeGuin: "The Lathe of Heaven" (1971) [Oneirological] (D:"..Geißel..") #### U.K.LeGuin: "Stadt der Illusionen [City of Illusions]" 1967 #### Heyne SF&F 06/4494 (1988) #### Ursula K. LeGuin - "Das Wort für Welt ist Wald" (1972) #### Peter Lorenz - "Quarantäne im Kosmos" (1981) #### Alan D. Foster - "Die denkenden Wälder [Midworld]" (1975) #### Wolfgang Ernst "Gute Form - GO - Grundlagen der Nahkampftechnik" 1971 #### Herbert W. Franke "Das P-Prinzip - Naturgesetzte im rechnenden Raum" 1995 #### ** Herbert W. Franke (*1927, Wien) "Zone Null", 1980 #### ** Herbert W. Franke "Paradies 3000", 1981 #### -- Paul J. McAuley "Verborgene Harmonien" (Secret Harmonies) (2089) ? Paul J. McAuley "Eternal Light" 1991 #### George McDonald "LILITH - a romance" (introduction by CS.Lewis) (first pub.) 1895 Scheich Saadi von Schiras(* um 1200) - Hundertundeine Geschichte aus dem Rosengarten, Ein Brevier orientalischer Lebenskunst (persisches O: Gulistan), Auswahl und D von Rudolf Gelpke 1967 Farid ud-din Attar "VOGELGESPRAECHE" (die beruehmte persische Sufi-Erzaehlung ueber die Pilgerfahrt nach innen) (?17XX, E 1954) D1988 #### Die Karawane der Derwische - Lehren der grossen Sufi-Meister (Travelling the Path of Love, 1995) Hrsg. Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, D 1997 von Franziska Espinoza #### Mark Twain "The Mysterious Stranger(erschienen posthum, 1916) and other Stories: Jumping Frog(1865), Carnival of Crime(1876), Stolen Elephant(1882), Luck(1891), 1Mio-banknote(1893), hadleyburg(1899), boons of life(1902), heaven or hell?(1902)" {{{ Mark Twain "Der Geheimnisvolle Fremde" D von Otto Wilck (1958) {{{ Publius Ovidus Naso, "METAMORPHOSES" (ca. 5 n.Chr.) D von Michael Albrecht (reclam 1994) {{{ OVID, METAMORPHOSEN, empfehlenswerte D Uebersetzungen: {{{ -- Uebertragung von Johann Heinrich Voss, mit Radierungen von Pablo Picasso, it {{{ -- von Erich Roesch, dtv {{{ von Michael Köhlmeier empfohlene D.UE.: Gerhard Fink #B Alexandra David-Neel "MAGIC AND MYSTERY IN TIBET" (Dover edition 1971, 320pp, 32 ills)("Le sortilege du mystere" 1929, Eng. 1932) 32 Bilder!! ="HEILIGE UND HEXER" (Neue Ausgabe der 1936 bei F.A.Brockhaus, Leipzig, erschienenen 3. Auflage, uebersetzt aus dem Franzoesischen von Ada Ditzen; - 2. Auflage, H.Albert Vlg., Wiesbaden 1995) ="Im Banne der Mysterien" (1972) ===> siehe keepwarm.txt #### #B Alexandra David-Neel "DIE GEHEIMEN LEHREN DES TIBETISCHEN BUDDHISMUS" D. 1998 von Dr. Hans-G. Tuerstig[unter Verwendung der 1971 in Calcutta erschienenen englischsprachigen Ausgabe] (Orig.: Franz., 1953, "Eseignments Secrets des Bouddhistes Tibetains") #B Alexandra David-Neel "IM BANNE DER MYSTERIEN" (Orig.: Franz., 1972, "Le sortilege du mystere") Lin Yutang - "The Importance of Living" (1937/65) #### Lin Yutang - "Peking [Moment in Peking]" (1939) Theodore Sturgeon "More than Human" 1953 #### *** Johannes Heinrichs (*1942, ehemals Professor an der Jesuitenhochschule in Frankfurt (St.Georgen)) "Sprung aus dem Teufelskreis, Logik des Sozialen und [Silvio Gesell's] Natuerliche Wirtschaftslehre" VitaNuova (?2000) Bruce Sterling - "Zeitgeist" (Engl.), 2000 #### * Thom Hartmann - "Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights" 2002 #### *** Thom Hartmann - "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight: revised&updated 2004: The Fate of the World and What We Can Do Before It's Too Late" 1998 (D: "Unser ausgebrannter Planet") #### IG FARBEN - von Anilin bis Zwangsarbeit. zur Geschichte von BASF, BAYER, HOECHST, AGFA u.a. Deutschen Chemie-Konzernen. - Hrsg.: CBG, Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren,, Schmetterling-Verlag 1995 " Ohne die IG FARBEN...waere es fuer Deutschland ausgeschlossen gewesen, einen Krieg zu fuehren " IG Vorstandsmitglied Heinrich Buetefisch, 1947 in Nuernberg. Vandana Shiva "BIOPIRATERIE - Kolonialismus des 21.Jahrhunderts, eine Einfuehrung" D 2002, ("Biopiracy - the Plunder of Nature and Knowledge" 1997) ............. i'm DIGITALLY subscribed to and do recommend: ...................... *, * [FriWe] Rundbrief der Friedenswerkstatt Linz, * MAPS, ............. Zeitschriften, laufende Abos, archiviert: ...................... #### * adbusters - journal of the mental environment (, #### * the entheogen review (journal of unauthorized research on visionary plants and drugs) (U$A, 4/J) ## 1.1 (1992) -- #### * MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, Bulletin (U$A, 2-4/J ) ## 21(1990),2.2,3.3,4.1--... XVI.3 winter 2006/7 XVII.2 autumn 2007 Psychedelics and Self-Discovery ............. Zeitschriften, archiviert: ...................... #### integration - journal for mind-moving plants and culture / zeitschrift fuer geistbewegende pflanzen und kultur: alle ## 1(1991)--6("1995",10/1996) #### shaman's drum - a journal of experiential shamanism: ## 11--35 Journal of Cognitive Liberties, Vol.1.1(1999), 1.2, 3.2, 2.3, 3.1(2002) ............. neuer ((erfasst)ab 2001) in meiner Sammlung: .......................... ?#### John M. Allegro - "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross", 1970 Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) #### *** Isaac Asimov & Frederik Pohl "Our Angry Earth" 1991 #### *** Isaac Asimov - "DIE EXAKTEN GEHEIMNISSE UNSERER WELT, Kosmos, Erde, Materie und Technik" (1985) R.McBride Allen "I.Asimov's CALIBAN" (1993) Greg Bear: FOUNDATION AND CHAOS (1998; D:2000) *** ISAAC ASIMOV (1920-1992) "Foundation series" - a future history, in chronological order of books ( 1) "The Complete Robot " (1982/1940-1976) --robot stories, includes "I, Robot" (1950) #### 2) "The Caves of Steel (Earth) " (1954) --first robot novel, 1954 #### 3) "The Naked Sun (Solaria) " (1957) --second robot novel #### 4) "The Robots of Dawn (Aurora) " (1983) --third robot novel {{{ =D: "Aurora oder der Aufbruch zu den Sternen" (D 1985) 5) "Robots and Empire" (1985) --fourth robot novel 6) {{{ "The Currents of Space" (1952) --first Empire novel 7) {{{ "The Stars, Like Dust--" (1951) --second Empire novel 8) {{{ "Pebble in the Sky" (1950) --third Empire novel {{{ =D: die fruehe Foundation-trilogie, "Ein Sandkorn am Himmel" / "Sterne wie Staub" / "Stroeme im All" 9) "Prelude to Foundation" (1988) --first Foundation novel (latest written) #### 10) "Foundation" (1951/4 stories written 1942-1944) --second Foundation novel, four stories #### 11) "Foundation and Empire" (1952/1945) -- third Foundation novel, two stories 12) "Second Foundation" (1953/1948,1949) -- fourth Foundation novel, two stories 13) "Foundation's Edge" (1982) -- fifth Foundation novel 14) "Forward the Foundation" (1993) -- sixth Foundation novel ** Isaac Asimov "The End of Eternity" 1955 Isaac Asimov "Earth is Room Enough" 1960 #### Isaac Asimov A Whiff of Death 1958 #### Isaac Asimov (based on the screenplay by Harry Kleiner) "FANTASTIC VOYAGE" 1966 *** Isaac Asimov - "The Gods Themselves" 1972 ("Lunatico oder Die naechste Welt" D 1972) HUGO " Der Menschheit gewidmet / und der Hoffnung, / dass der Kampf gegen die Dummheit " eines Tages schliesslich doch noch / gewonnen wird. " To mankind, and the hope that the war against folly may someday be won after all. "" " Neugier ist nuetzlich; Angst nutzlos. "" " Gegen Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens. -- Schiller, Johanna von Orleans (3. akt, szene 6) *** Isaac Asimov - "Nemesis", 1989 #### Isaac Asimov & Robert Silverberg - NIGHTFALL 1990 (based on I.Asimov's story "Nightfall", Astounding, 1941) Robert Silverberg () #### Robert Silverberg - THORNS 1967 ("pain is instructive") *** R. Silverberg - A Time of Changes (1971) #### *- R. Silverberg - Die Jahre der Aliens (1998, D 2000) #### *** R. Silverberg - Zeit der Wandlungen (D: 1980) #### W. H. Auden - "Tell me the Truth about Love (10 poems)" 1932//1994 Honore de Balzac (1799-1850) -"die tolldreisten Geschichten" (Contes drolatiques) (D 1968) Edward Bellamy "Looking Backwards, 2000-1887" 1888 Ben Bova "Im Exil" ("end of exile") 1975 #### * Karel Capek "R.U.R.-- Rossum Universal Robots" 1922/1923 #### *** Karel Capek "Der Krieg der Molche" (1936) #### Karel Capek "Krakatit" (?D: 1952) #### *** Nan Cuz & Georg Schaefer "IM REICHE DES MESCAL, Eine Indianische Legende" 1968 #### Paul Devereux "The Long Trip; A Prehistory of Psychedelia", 1997 #### Manfred Eigen/Ruthild Winkler "Das Spiel - Naturgesetze steuern d en Zufall", 1975 * Steve Erickson "Amnesiascope" 1996 'the cyberspace-trilogy:' #### William Gibson "Neuromancer" 1984 #### William Gibson "Count Zero" 1986 #### William Gibson "Mona Lisa Overdrive" 1988 >>>? William Gibson "Burning Chrome"[short stories] ))) #### William Gibson "Virtual Light" 1993 #### William Gibson "IDORU" 1996 William Gibson "ALL TOMORROW's PARTIES" 1999 #### William Gibson "Pattern Recognition" 2003 #### William Gibson "Spook Country" 2007 W.G.: pretty superfluous, all of it und auf Deutsch eher noch deutlicher so) #### Andreas Giger - "Vom Chaos zur Ekstas -oder- Bewusstseinserweiterung macht Spass" 1990 compiled by Dana Gillespie/Artwork by Joerg Huber "Mirrors of Love" 2002 #### Alexis Gilliland "Who Says Paranoia isn't 'in' any more?" (Cartoons) 1984 RAH = Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) #### *** RAH - Ein Doppellleben im Kosmos (1956) = #### *** RAH - Double Star (1956) RAH - (1980) The Number of the Beast RAH - "Methusalems Kinder" ("The Past Through Tomorrow - Future History Stories, Complete in one volume" 1967) RAH - "Beyond this Horizon" 1942 = D "Utopia 2300" 1948 #### RAH - "The Green Hills of Earth" 1951 (stories 1941-49) The Commerce Commission hat set the charges for the present three-stage lift at 30 ... a ship designed to blast off from Earth, make an airless landing on the moon, return and make an atmosphere landing, would be so cluttered up with heavy spezial equipment used only once in the trip thatit could notshow a prosit at 1000 ... Imagine combining a ferry boat, a subway train, and an express elevator-- -- R.A. Heinlein, "Space Jockey" (<1950) RAH - "Der Rote Planet" 1949 RAH - "The Puppet Masters" 1951 RAH - "Zweimal Pluto und zurueck" 1952/D2003 *** RAH - "Assignment in Eternity" 1953 == "Gulf" 1949 -- homo novis "Man is not a rational animal; he is a rationalizing animal" "Evil is essentially stupid" "Elsewhen" 1941 "Lost Legacy" 1941 -- ESP ! "Jerry was a Man" 1947 RAH - "Tunnel in the Sky" 1955 RAH - "Von Stern zu Stern" 1956 *** RAH - "CITIZEN of the Galaxy" 1957 RAH - "The Door into Summer" 1957 RAH - "Have Spacesuit-Will Travel" 1958 #### * RAH - "Starship Troopers" 1959 ** RAH - "Stranger in a Strange Land" 1961 *** RAH - "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" 1966 #### RAH - "TIME ENOUGH FOR LOVE - the life of Lazarus Long" 1973 RAH - "Expanded Universe, 1939-1977" 1980 *** RAH - "FRIDAY" 1982 * RAH - "The Cat Who Walks Through Walls" 1985 {{{ die meisten davon auf D von SBW erhaeltlich #### Paul Krassner (Fwd: Harlan Ellison) "Pot Stories for the Soul" 1999 #### J.P. Hogan - Cradle of Saturn (1999) (Schwachsinn!) #### * James P. Hogan(*1941) "The Giant Novels: Inherit he Stars(1977), The Gentle Giants of Ganymede(1978), Giants' Stars(1981)" #### ** James P. Hogan "The Genesis Machine" 1978 [ k-space, J-bomb, philipsz-drive ] * James P. Hogan "The Two Faces of Tomorrow" 1979 [ ai ] #### ** James P. Hogan "Thrice Upon a Time" 1980 [ time machine; set in 2010 ] "The biggest single obstacle that the human race must learn to overcome is its "persistent and morbid tendency to believe that certain things are impossible... "It was not long ago that self-propelled carriages were proved to be 'impossible' on principle; "survival at velocities over 50 mph was once considered 'impossible'; heavier-than-air "flight was 'impossible', and so were space travel, nuclear fusion, feeding the Third World, "and stabilizing global population. "Throughout history, today's children have yawned at yesterday's miracles. #### * James P. Hogan "Code of the Lifemaker" 1983 [ the very concept of humanity broadened mecanical evolution ] #### James P. Hogan "The Proteus Operation" 1985 #### James P. Hogan "Minds, Machines, and Evolution" 1988 * James P. Hogan "The Immortality Option" 1995 #### * James P. Hogan "Realtime Interrupt" 1995 ** James P. Hogan "Paths to Otherwhere" 1996 #### * James P. Hogan "Bug Park" 1997 [ microbots controlled by DirectNeuralCoupling ] * James P. Hogan "Outward Bound" 1999 " On Earth they've forgotten how to make everything except money. " But what good is it, if there's nothing worthwhile left to buy? #### - James P. Hogan "Rockets, Redheads & Revolution" 1999 James P. Hogan "The Legend that was Earth" 2000 #### James P. Hogan "Martian Knightlife" 2001 ?? James P. Hogan "Cradle of Saturn" #### - James P. Hogan "The Anguished Dawn" 2003 ?quatsch #### Selma Lagerloef "Das Maedchen vom Moorhof" (Fraktur!) #### Jack London "The Iron Heel" 1907 #### Ine Mayr "Ein Korb voll Pilze; erkennen-sammeln-zubereiten", ill., 1982 #### "Wild Mushroom Recipes" by the Puget Sound Mycological Society, 1969 #### ?-? Poul Anderson - A Midsummer Tempest" (1974) 0860078574 #### *(-) Poul Anderson "Sternenfahrer" = Nomaden des Weltalls (D1973) . Die fremden Sterne (1974) + Feind aus dem All (D1975) * #### *** Poul Anderson "Welt ohne Sterne/World Without Stars" + "Der Zwei-Weltenkrieg/The War of the Two Worlds" 1974 Earth defeated and occupied by Martians, both infiltrated by gengeneered (outcast, refugee-)spy/warrior-shapeshifters from Sirius #### --- G.Benford - The Bowl of Heaven (2012) MegaBullShit! (+L.Niven???hatteralzheimer?) ESISTNICHTZUFASSEN: eines der peinlich-dämlichsten Bücher, die ich je gelesen. Verwendet Elemente, die anderswo vorkommen (zB. Ringworld, Ramscoop-starship, Rama) jedoch offensichlich OHNE sie zu verstehen. Verwendet simple Begriffe wie "radioaktiv" und "Orbit" (wiederholt) FALSCH. Kriegt einfachste Rechnungen (Multipl./Div.) nicht hin. Jede einzelne Zahl, die ich nachgerechnet, ist ungenau (1x) oder Falsch (>5x). Und dann lese ich (anderswo, im "Rennen zum Mars"): "...renommierter Physikprofessor und einflußreicher Berater der US-Regierung in Sachen Raumfahrt und Energieversorgung" #### --- G.Benford - "Rennen zum Mars" (1999) fängt so an (S.9) "11.Januar 2018 / 'Willkommen daheim auf dem Mars'" ((naja. isjaschon 'nbisschen ziemlich daneben)) aber dann gehts u.a. so weiter: " ... mit Radiokarbonmethode ermittelt, dass die Lava vor fast einer Milliarde Jahren durch die Röhren geflossen ist. " (S.10) " ..laange 6 Monate..für den Hinflug " (S.10) " den 500 Tagen, die sie [auf dem Mars herum]gekrochen waren.." (S.14) " ..vor einem Jahr aus dem Erdorbit ausgeschert.." (S.19) #### --- Rubert Tralins - Android Armageddon (1974) 052300513X #### --?- Jack Vance - Die Stadt der Khasch (The Chasch) (extrem schwach) #### * Jack Vance - Fantasms and Magics (1950) #### * Anne McCaffrey - Drachengesang (Dragonsong 1976, D1981) 3453306937 -- " Galactic Center Novels " -- #### - Gregory Benford "The Great Sky River" #### -- Gregory Benford "Furious Gulf" (1994) #### ---- Gregory Benford "Das Rennen zum Mars" (1999; D:2002) *** Gregory Benford - NEIN DANKE !!! NIE WIEDER KAUFEN ! *** ? L.Niven & M.J.Harrington - The Goliath Stone (2013) Larry Niven (*1938) =================== Larry Niven "3 books of known space = Tales of Known Space/A Gift from Earth/World of Ptavvs" (1965-1990) #### Larry Niven "Ringwelt" (Ringworld-1) 1970 D1998 * Larry Niven "Protector" 1973 ** Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle - "The Mote in Gods Eye" 1974 #### Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle - "Inferno" 1976 #### Larry Niven "A World Out of Time" 1976 #### Larry Niven "Lucifer's Hammer" 1977 [ meteoric armageddon ] {{{ ** Larry Niven "DER SCHWEBENDE WALD" #### Larry Niven (ed.) "The Magic Goes Away Collection: The Magic Goes Away, the Magic May Return, and More Magic" 1978-1984 #### - Larry Niven "The Ringworld Engineers (Ringworld-2)" 1980 #### - Larry Niven & Steven Barnes "Dream Park" 1981 #? Larry Niven & Steven Barnes "The Descent of ANANSI" (1982) #### - Larry Niven "The Integral Trees" (1983) "Man-Kzin Wars [1]" 1988 (Das Katzenhaus) == Larry Niven - intro Larry Niven - "The Warriors" (Angel's Pencil) Poul Anderson - "Iron" (Saxtophs@oldredsun) * Dean Ing - "Cat House" (Lochlear@zooplanet) "Man-Kzin Wars II" 1989 (Neandertal) == Larry Niven - Intro * Dean Ing - "Briar Patch" (Lochlear@zooplanet - "Cat House" ctd.) * J.Pournelle + S.M.Stirling - "The Children's Hour" (@AlphaC:ramscoopraid, Chuut-Riit+) "Man-Kzin Wars III" 1990 (Höllenfeuer) == Larry Niven - "Madness has its place" J.E.Pournelle + S.M.Stirling - "The Asteroid Queen" (@AC:Dnivtopun; follows "Ch.Hour") Poul Anderson - "Inconsistant Star" (@tnuct-blackHole; follows "Iron") "Man-Kzin Wars IV" 1991 (Der Überlebende) == *** Donald Kingsbury - "The Survivor" (MellowYellow@Hssin-AC-W'kkai; //"Ch.Hour") Greg Bear + S.M.Stirling - "The Man Who Would Be Kzin" #### Larry Niven "N-Space" 1990 #### Larry Niven "Playgrounds of the Mind" 1991 #### Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, Michael Flynn " Fallen Angels" 1991 "Man-Kzin Wars V" 1992 (Katzenmusik) == * J.E.Pournelle + S.M.Stirling - "In the Hall of the Mountain King" (@Wunderlands 'Sierra Nevada) Thomas T. Thomas - "Hey Diddle Diddle" (@greenplanet between KnownSpace & Patriarchy) L.Niven & Jerry Pournelle "The Mote Around God's (UK:Murcheson's) Eye" 1974 Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle "The Gripping Hand" 1993 #### Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle & Steven Barnes "Beowolf's Children" 1995 #### Larry Niven "Crashlander" 1966-1975/1994 "Man-Kzin Wars VI" 1994 (Die Trojanische Katze) == Donald Kingsbury - "The Heroic Myth of Lt.N.A." (follows "The Survivor") Mark O. Martin + Gregory Benfort - "The Trojan Cat" (@slowboat .5 LY from sol) #### Larry Niven "Flatlander" (?/)1995 "Man-Kzin Wars VII" 1995 (Outsider) == Hal Colebatch - "The Colonel's Tiger" Mark O. Martin + Gregory Benfort - "A Darker Geometry" Paul Chafe - "Prisoner of War" #### Mark O. Martin + Gregory Benford - "A Darker Geometry" (1996) #### Larry Niven "The Ringworld Throne (Ringworld-3)" 1996 "Man-Kzin Wars VIII - Choosing Names" 1998 (Katz und Maus, 2001) == Larry Niven - "Choosing Names" ** Hal Colebatch - "Telepath's Dance" (follows "Warriors") * Jean Lamb - "Galley Slave" (@slowboat dest. ?) * Paul Chafe - "Jotok" (@kzinhome; X000 B.B.) * Warren W. James - "Slowboat Nightmare" (@slowboat dest. ?) #### - Larry Niven "Rainbow Mars" 1999 ** Larry Niven & Steven Barnes "Saturn's Race" 2000 #### Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle. "The Burning City" 2000 #### Larry Niven "Scatterbrain" 2003 "Man-Kzin Wars IX - It's Howling Time" 2002 (Katzenkrallen, 2003) == Poul Anderson - "Pele" (@oldredsun; follows "Iron") Larry Niven - "His Sergeant's Honor" (@WL.grossgeister monastery) Paul Chafe - "Windows of the World" (@AC.tiamat) Hal Colebatch - "Fly-By-Night" (Beow.@Home) "Man-Kzin Wars X - The Wunder War" 2003 (??) == Hal Colebatch - "One War for Wunderland" (@WL ?) Hal Colebatch - "The Corporal in the Caves" (@WL) Hal Colebatch - "Music Box" (@WL) Hal Colebatch - "Peter Robinson" (@SlaverAmplifier) #### Larry Niven "Ringworld's Children (Ringworld-4)" 2004 "Man-Kzin Wars XI" 2005 == Hal Colebatch - "Three At A Table" (@WL.?) Hal Colebatch - "Grossgeister Swamp" (@WL.grossgeisterswamp) Hal Colebatch - "Catspaws" Matthew Joseph Harrington - "Teachers Pet" Matthew Joseph Harrington - "War And Peace" Larry Niven - "The Hunting Park" #### Larry Niven "Burning Tower" 2005 ### Larry Niven "Draco Tavern" ### *** Paul Chafe "Destiny's Forge: A Man-Kzin Wars Novel" 2007 (mostly @Kzinhome) #### L.N. & Edward M. Lerner - "Fleet of Worlds" 2007 [2197-2650 =200 years before the discovery of the Ringworld] #### L.N. & Edward M. Lerner - "Juggler of Worlds" 2008 [2637-2660 =200 years before the discovery of the Ringworld] Larry Niven & Edward M. Lerner - "Destroyer of Worlds" 2009 Larry Niven & Edward M. Lerner - "Betrayer of Worlds" 2010 Larry Niven & Edward M. Lerner - "Fate of Worlds - Return from Ringworld" 2012 "Man-Kzin Wars XII" 2009 == Matthew Joseph Harrington - "Echoes of Distant Guns" Hal Colebatch - "The Trooper and the Triangle" H.C. & M.J.H - "Aquila Advenio" H.C. & M.J.H - "String" M.J.H. - "Peace and Freedom" Paul Chafe - "Independent" "Man-Kzin-Wars XIII" 2012 == Hal Colebatch & Jessica Q. Fox - "Misunderstanding" Jane Lindskold - "Two Types of Teeth" Charles E. Gannon - "Pick of the Litter", "Tomcat Tactics" Alex Hernandez - "At the Gates", "Bound for the Promised Land" David Bartell - "Zeno's Roulette" "Man-Kzin-Wars XIV" 2013 == Hal Colebatch & Jessica Q. Fox - "A Man Named Soul" (2437, liberated **** M.J.H. - "Heritage", "Leftovers" H.C. - "The Marmalade Problem", "The White Column", "Deadly Knowledge" Alex Hernandez - "Lions on the Beach" "Man-Kzin-Wars XV" 2019 == Hal Colebatch - "Sales Pitch" Martin L. Shomaker - "Singer-of-Truth" Jason Fregeau - "The Third Kzin" Hal Colebatch & Jessica Q. Fox - "Excitement" Jessica Q. Fox - "Justice" Brendan DuBois - "Saga" Brad R. Torgersen - "Scrith" #### * Hal Colebatch, J.Q.Fox - Treasure Planet (2013, A Man-KzinWars Novel) 1476736405 *** Larry Niven & Brenda Cooper "Building Harlequin's Moon" 2005 #### * Brenda Cooper "The Silver Ship and the Sea" 2007 ##G15## #### * Brenda Cooper "Reading the Wind" 2008 #### * Brenda Cooper "Wings of Creation" 2009 >>> Brenda Cooper "Edge of Dark (TheGlitteringEdge-1)" (2015) 1633880508 Brenda Cooper "Spear of Light (TheGlitteringEdge-2)" (2016) #### Eric S. Nylund "A Game of Universe" 1997 #### Eric S. Nylund "Signal to Noise" 1998 #### Eric S. Nylund "A Signal Shattered" 1999 #### Eric S. Nylund "Halo - First Strike" 2003 #### *** Hans A. Pestalozzi - "Nach und die Zukunft: Von der positiven Subversion" 1979 ?# ***** Hans A. Pestalozzi - "Auf die Baeume ihr Affen" 1989 ISBN 3729603132 Zitate siehe c2c.rtf {{{ **** Hans A. Pestalozzi - "DIE SANFTE VERBLÖDUNG - Gegen falsche New Age-Heilslehren und ihre Überbringer (Ein Pamphlet)" 1985 #### *** Neil Postman - "Amusing Ourselves to Death" 1985 #### ** Neil Postman - "Das Verschwinden der Kindheit (The Disappearance of Childhood)" 1982 (( Thomas Pynchon "V" 1963 #### Thomas Pynchon "De Versteigerung von No. 49" ("The Crying of Lot 49" 1966) #### Thomas Pynchon(*1937) "Gravity's Rainbow" 1973 #### ** Alan Rabinowitz "Beyond the Last Village" 2001 #### Micky Reman "Solar Perplexus - Achterbahn fuer die Neunziger" 1989 #### Hrsg. Ronald Rippchen "ZauberPilze: Der Gruene Zweig 155", ?1992 #### Hrsg. Ronald Rippchen "Das Recht auf Rausch: D.G.Z. 147" #### Spider Robinson "Telempath" 1976 #### Spider Robinson "By Any Other Name" (stories 1976-1985) #### Spider&Jeanne Robinson "The Star Dancers" 1977 #### Spider Robinson "Callahan's Crosstime Saloon" 1977 #### Spider Robinson "Callahan's Secret" 1986 #### Spider Robinson "Callahan's Lady" 1989 #### Spider&Jeanne Robinson "Starmind" 1994 #### Spider Robinson "Callahan's Legacy" 1996 #### Spider Robinson "Lifehouse" 1997 #### Spider Robinson "User Friendly" #### Spider Robinson "Callahan's Key" 2000 #### Spider Robinson "The Free Lunch" 2001 ((( Spider Robinson "Mindkiller" ((( Spider Robinson "Callahan's Legacy #### Rene Schweizer "DAS GAGAistische MANIFEST; Die neue Schrift zur Verblueffung des Erdballs" 1979 #### Roland Strasser "Mongolen, Lamas und Daemonen; Reiseberichte[aus Tibet und Mongolei] vielen Zeichnungen..des Verfassers", 1932 (Fraktur!) Jules Verne(1828-1905) #### Jules Verne "20000 Meilen unter den Meeren" 1869 #### Jules Verne "Reise um den Mond" 1870 #### Jules Verne "In 80 Tagen um die Welt" 1873 #### Jules Verne "Der Findling (2)" 1895 ### #### Stefan Wichmann "Wirtschaftsmacht Rauschgift" 1992 ............. Diederich's Gelbe Reihe &c ........................................................ #### DG-1 (China) I GING #### DG-6 (Tibet) Das Totenbuch der Tibeter #### DG-8 (Indien) Pfad zur Erleuchtung DG-14 (China) Dschuang Dsi - Bluetenland aka Zhuangzi #### DG-15 (Indien) Upanishaden DG-16 (Indien) Mahabharata #### DG-18 (Mexico) Popol Vuh #### DG-21 (Indien) Bhagavadgita/Aschtavakragita #### DG-22 (China) Kungfutse - Gespraeche #### DG-25 (China) Lue Bu We DG-27 (Islam) Idries Shah: Die Sufis #### DG-28 (China) Liae Dsi - Quellender Urgrund #### DG-31 (China) Li Gi - Das Buch der Riten DG-45 (Indien) Ramayana DG-119 /Islam) Idries Shah: Sufi-Wege zum Selbst #B ch <- (("Das Tibetische Totenbuch" neu uebersetzt und kommentiert von Robert F. Thurman; Vorwort: Dalai Lama)) Bhagavad-Gita (wie sie ist) Sanskrit+Deutsch, A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada #### #B Daisetz T. Suzuki - "Die grossse Befreiung; Einfuehrung in den Zen-Buddhismus" 1958 Tao Te Ching *** translated by D. C. LAU *** 1963, PenguinClassics Lao Tse "Tao-Te-King", Diogenes, D von Hans Knospe und Odette Braendli #### Laudse - "Daudedsching" (Lao-tse: "Tao-te-king") dtv, Uebers.: Ernst Schwarz Hrsg. Manfred Kluge "Die Weisheiten des Meisters MENG-TSE" (1987) #### (das Original) Kamasutra (nach der Ausgabe von Sir Richard Burton bearbeitet von Peter Schalk) 1970 Das Kamasutram - Orientalische Liebeslehre (nach R.Schmidts Übers. aus dem Sanskrit; hrsgg. v. Ludwig Knoll) (TB 2002) das original kamasutra (heyne, 3453500067) :: das kamasutram - O.L.L. (mosaic, 3442165164) die geschlechtliche vereinigung :: über den liebesgnuss wie man frauen erobert :: über den verkehr mit mädchen die kurtisanen :: über die hetären die möglichkeiten andere an sich zu fesseln - ... verführung ... :: die upanishad (geheimlehre) - das bezaubern der frauen #### Wang Schi Tschong (1526-1593) Kin Ping Meh aus dem Chinesischen(vor 1600) von Franz Kuhn; mit ill. einer alten Ausgabe; it) D 1950//1977 vgl. SBW>> reich der sinne, s.u. ............. psycho\sozio\logisches : .............................. [[[ Sigmund Freud (naja; va. historisch interessant) Wilhelm Reich (*1897, Dobrzcynica, Galizien (Bukowina). +3.11.1957, Bundesgefaengnis Lewisburg, PA) #### *** "DIE SEXUELLE REVOLUTION" (1936) ("THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION") *** "DER EINBRUCH DER SEXUELLEN ZWANGSMORAL" (Trobriand-Insulaner) ("THE INVASION OF COMPULSORY SEX-MORALITY") "EINBRUCH DER SEXUALMORAL" Vlg. f. autoritätsfremdes Denken. Graz, 1971 , noISBN) *** "DIE MASSENPSYCHOLOGIE DES FASCHISMUS" 1933 ("THE MASS PSYCHOLOGY OF FASCISM" - and most other books by WR were CENSORED in US from 1956-197X (copies removed from public libraries, books burned!) "CHARAKTERANALYSE" 1933 *** "CHARACTER ANALYSIS" 3rd, enlarged ed. 1945 esp. chapter XVI - "The Emotional Plague" [[[ "DIE ENTDECKUNG DES ORGONS 1 - DIE FUNKTION DES ORGASMUS" ("THE FUNCTION OF THE ORGASM") [[[ "DIE ENTDECKUNG DES ORGONS 2 - DER KREBS" ("THE CANCER BIOPATHY" 1948) "CHRISTUSMORD" geschrieben 1951/6-8, Orgonon, Maine, USA (NO-ISBN-Ausgabe) " THE 'ANTI-UTOPIAN' TRILOGY " ============================== ### Yevgeny Zamyatin(*1884) "We" 1923(geschrieben 1921-22; gelesen! nicht gedruckt 1923; E 1924, Cz 1927) George Orwell "Nineteen-eighty-four" 1948 Aldous Huxley (*1894 near Godalming, Surrey. +1963 CA) ============= *** "BRAVE NEW WORLD" 1932 ("SCHOENE NEUE WELT") #### "EILAND" 1962/D1973 (piper) "ISLAND" 1962 Harper&Row; orig. pub. in 1962 by Harper&Row) "APE AND ESSENCE" 1948/49 #### "ISLAND" 1962 (Tirad) #### "ISLAND" 1962 (Vintage, 2005) #### "NARRENREIGEN" (1923) D1983 #### collected short stories #### Jonathan Swift(1667-1745) "Gulliver's Travel" 1726 Arthur Janov #### ***** "THE PRIMAL SCREAM" 1970 ("DER URSCHREI" 1973); Primal Therapy: The Cure for Neurosis #### ** "DAS BEFREITE KIND" 1991 #### ** "THE NEW PRIMAL SCREAM: PRIMAL THERAPY 20 YEARS ON" 1991; ("DER NEUE URSCHREI: FORTSCHRITTE IN DER PRIMAERTHERAPIE" 1993) 2x *** Jean Liedloff "THE CONTINUUM CONCEPT" 1975 (D: "AUF DER SUCHE NACH DEM VERLORENEN GLUECK"[titel=bloed übersetzt]) 1 => HP #### *** Christiane Rochefort (*1917, Paris) "KINDER" (>>KOPIE) Franzoesisch: 1976, Grasset & Fasquelle D, 3. Auflage 1978, Trikont Muenchen ####RTRTRTRTRTRRRRRTTTTT Rainer Taeni: *1933, Eisleben; seit 1950 in Australien #### Rainer Taeni (*1933) "LATENTE ANGST: das Tabu der Abwehrgesellschaft. Versuch einer einer ganzheitlichen Theorie des Menschen" 1976, Association; neu aufgelegt als "DAS ANGST TABU UND DIE BEFREIUNG; Ich-Selbst -- Abwehr oder Liebe; Gesellschaft -- Kerker oder Heimat" 1981, Rowohlt; Neuauflage als FischerTB ... #### "DAS ANGST TABU UND DIE BEFREIUNG; Ich-Selbst -- Abwehr oder Liebe; Gesellschaft -- Kerker oder Heimat" 1981; Rowohlt, Neuauflage als FischerTB erhältlich #### Rainer Taeni "Love is the Meaning of Life" 2007 **** Robert E. ein (ed.) "The Nature of Human Consciousness - A Book of Readings", 1973 Robert Ornstein "The Evolution of Consciousness" 1991 {{{ Charles T. Tart - "Hellwach und Bewusst Leben: Wege zur Entfaltung des menschlichen Potentials - eine Anleitung zum bewussten Sein", D, 2.Aufl. 1995 =Waking Up: Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential (1986) ............. Nachschlagewerke u.ä. .................................... #### DER FISCHER WELTALMANACH 1968 1995 1997 1999 2001 2004 Karl Hirschbold SATZZEICHEN, RICHTIG GESETZT Karl Hirschbold PIRSCHGÄNGE IM SPRACHREVIER **** W. Strunk (1869-1946) & E.B. White THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE (C)...2000; ISBN 020530902x *** Sheridan Baker THE PRACTICAL STYLIST (C) 1973, 3rd ed.; ISBN 0690650027 ... arhetoric primarily for freshman English, but it has also proved useful to the advanced student ... and many others ... COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY 3rd ed. 1994 PONS E/D+D/E Großwörterbuch 2001 Umfassendes Englisches Übungsbuch enthaltend alles Wissenwerte zur Vollendung des Studiums in Sprachlehre, Komposition, Korrespondenz, Synonymen und Literatur nebst zahlreichen heitern Anekdoten und Wortspielen von Edward Collins, B.A. k. u. k. Professor in Wien Siebte Auflage Ernst Klett Vlg., Stuttgart, Abt. Schulbücher " Rm 5.50 " REICHSMARK ! (Pan) A Dictionary of contemporary IDIOMS (1983) (the penguin) DICTIONARY OF PROVERBS (1983) Dr. Gerhard Lepiorz - WELTSPRACHE SPANISCH: Modernes Lehrbuch für Jedermann (1952) #### NEUES WELT-LEXIKON, Literaria-Verlag Wien, 3. Auflage, 1951 (2 Baende) #### Langenscheidts Handwoerterbuch E->D, D->E, ca. 80,000 Stichwoerter #### Wolfgang Bauer &al. "Lexikon der Symbole", 1980 DUDEN 5, Fremdwoerterbuch, 1974 DUDEN 7, Herkunftswoerterbuch, 1963 #### H.Reisigl, E&O.Danesch - Kleiner BILDATLAS MITTELMEERFLORA hamlyn Guide to Wild Flowers of Britain and Europe (1986) Th.Schauer, C.Caspari - BLV Pflanzenfuehrer in Farbe (1400 Pflazenarten), 1980 Ewald Gerhardt - BLV Pilzfuehrer (245 wichtige Speise- und Gift-Pilze, 267 fotos), 1981 David Arora - "Mushrooms Demystified - comprehensive field guide" (2000 species, 800 fotos), 1985 #### Hans Hecht - BLV HAndbuch der Kakteen (360 Farbfotos), 1982 J.Spirhanzl-Duris, J.Solovjev(ill.) - Taschenatlas der Voegel, 4.Aufl., 1963 N .F .Michelsen - the american ephemeris for the 20th century fuers 21. Jhdt: Chris Marriot's SkyMap ( #### Wolfgang Schmidbauer, Juergen vom Scheidt - Fischer "Handbuch der Rauschdrogen" 1971/1986 Hrsg: W. Forth, D.Henschler, W.Rummel, K.Starke - "Allgemeine und spezielle PHARMAKOLOGIE UND TOXIKOLOGIE" fuer Studenten der Medizin, Chemie, etc.; 6.Aufl., 1992 #### A. L. Lehninger - "BIOCHEMISTRY" 2nd ed., 1975 ..................................................................... ............. ~ alphabetisch nach autorIn: .......................... #### Douglas Adams "THE HITCHHIKER's GUIDE TO THE GALAXY" 1979 #### Douglas Adams "THE RESTAURANT AT THE END OF THE UNIVERSE" 1980 #### Douglas Adams "LIFE, THE UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING" 1982 #### Douglas Adams "SO LONG, AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH" 1984 { Douglas Adams "MOSTLY HARMLESS" 1992 { Douglas Adams "THE SALMON OF DOUBT" 2002 #### Douglas Adams "DIRK GENTLY'S HOLISTIC DETECTIVE AGENCY" 1987 "... behaviour that a bout of amebic disentery would be ashamed of" #### Douglas Adams "THE LONG DARK TEA-TIME OF THE SOUL" 1988 #### Grant Naylor "RED DWARF - INFINITY ELCOMES CAREFUL DRIVERS" 1989 #### Dante Alighieri(1263-1321) "DIE GOETTLICHE KOMOEDIE - die hoelle" It+D "DIE GOETTLICHE KOMOEDIE" (mit 50 Zeichn. von Botticelli; D von F.FD.Falkenhausen) #### Lynn V. Andrews "DIE MEDIZINFRAU" 1983 (medicine woman 1981) #### Lynn V. Andrews "DER FLUG DES 7. MONDES" D1986 (Flight of the 7th Moon 1984) #### Lynn V. Andrews "DIE JAGUARFRAU UND DIE LEHREN DES SCHMETTERLINGBAUMES" D 1987 (jaguar woman, and the wisdom of the butterfly tree 1985) Lynn Andrews "DER GEIST DER VIER WINDE - ..Schamanen im tibetischen Luktang-Tal" (windhorse woman, 1989, D 1993) #### Hans-Georg Behr "VON HANF IST DIE REDE" 1982 #### William S. Burroughs "NAKED LUNCH" 1959 #### William S. Burroughs "THE SOFT MACHINE // NOVA EPRESS // THE WILD BOYS" 1961//1964//1969(1980) #### Alexander Buschenreiter "MIT DER ERDE FUER DAS LEBEN - Der Hopi-Weg der Hoffnung" 1989 Carlos Castaneda ?SBW> CC.1 -- Die Lehren des Don Juan, Ein Yaqui-Weg des Wissens, xxx -- The Teachings of Don Juan ? A Yaqui Way of Knowledge ?1968 SBW> CC.2 -- Eine andere Wirklichkeit, Neue Gespräche mit Don Juan, 1973 -- A Separate Reality, Further Conversations with Don Juan, 1971 SBW> CC.3 -- Reise nach Ixtlan, Die Lehre des Don Juan, 1975 -- Journey to Ixtlan, 1972 SBW> CC.4 -- Der Ring der Kraft, Don Juan in den Städten, 1976 -- Tales of Power, 1974 SBW> CC-5 -- Der Zweite Ring der Kraft, 1978 -- The Second Ring of Power, 1977 SBW> CC-6 -- Die Kunst des Pirschens, 1981 -- The Eagle's Gift, 1981 SBW> CC.7 -- Das Feuer von Innen, 1985 -- The Fire from Within, 1984 SBW> CC.8 -- Die Kraft der Stille, Neue Lehren des Don Juan 1988 -- The Power of Silence, Further Lessons of Don Juan, 1987 SBW> CC.9 -- The Art of Dreaming, 1993 -- Die Kunst des Träumens, 1994 SBW> CC.10 -- Das Wirken der Unendlichkeit, 1998 -- The Active Side of Infinity, 1997 Carlos Castaneda (?1930? - 1998) #### Zero Vlg., "Auf den Spuren Carlos Castanedas - Studien zu einer anderen Ansicht der Welt", 1981 * Carlos Castaneda "THE FIRE FROM WITHIN" 1984 #### *Lothar-Ruediger Luetge "Carlos Castaneda und die Lehren des Don Juan", 1986 * Carlos Castaneda "THE POWER OF SILENCE - Further Lessons of don Juan" 1987 #### Graciela Corvalan "Der Weg der Tolteken - Ein Gespraech mit Carlos Castaneda", 1987 dennis timm: DIE WIRKLICHKEIT UND DER WISSENDE -siehe unten(K1) SBW> Barbara K. Goldsmith und Manulani. Ill. von Silvia Christoph -- Das Ei des "Boomerang", die sieben Fenster des Wünschens; die Reise mit der Schamanin Kahana zur Weisheit des alten Hawaii bv-Nr: 0547933 -als fotokopie -- #### Serge Kahili King - "URBAN SHAMAN - a handbook for personal and planetary transformation based on the hawaiian way of the adventurer" 1984 SBW> Serge Kahili King. Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von Karl Freidrich[?sic] Hörner -- Der Stadt-Schamane, ein Handbuch zur Transformation durch Huna, dem Urwissen der hawaianischen Schamanen bv-Nr: 0599674 William Blake(1757-1927) COMPLETE WRITINGS with variant readings edited by Geoffey Keynes Ernest Callenbach "OEKOTOPIA" (Ecotopia 1975) D 1978 ACC: Arthur C. Clarke 1917- Arthur C. Clarke "THE LION OF COMARRE" + "AGAINST THE FALL OF NIGHT" 1949 Arthur C. Clarke "THE SANDS OF MARS" 1952 #### Arthur C. Clarke "The City and the Stars" 1957 (Diaspar::Lys.Airlee,Vanamonde) Arthur C. Clarke "A FALL OF MOONDUST" 1961 Arthur C. Clarke "PROFILES OF THE FUTURE" 1962 Arthur C. Clarke "dolphin island - a story of the people of the sea" 1963 Arthur C. Clarke "2001 - ODYSEE IM WELTRAUM" (?1969) Arthur C. Clarke "OF TIME AND STARS" 1972 Arthur C. Clarke "RENDEVOUS WITH RAMA" 1973 (aka " 3/439") Arthur C. Clarke "IMPERIAL EARTH" 1976 --> PENTOMINOS Arthur C. Clarke "ODYSSEE 2010 - DAS JAHR IN EM WIR KONTAKT AUFNEHMEN" (1982) D1983 Arthur C. Clarke "2061 - ODYSSEY THREE" 1987/8 Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee "CRADLE" 1988 Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee "RAMA II" 1989 Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee "THE GARDEN OF RAMA" 1991 Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee "RAMA REVEALED" 1994 Arthur C. Clarke "3001: THE FINAL ODYSSEY" 1997 #### Arthur C. Clarke, Michael Kube-McDowell "THE TRIGGER [effect]" 1999 "...offers he did not want to hear: assassinate..., or hijack an airliner and crash it into his target of choice." (ch.23) #### Arthur C. Clarke & Mike McQuay "Stärke 10" ("Richter 10" 1996) BS! 'Andrew North' Andre Norton "SARGASSO OF SPACE" 1955 Aleister Crowley "LIBER ALEPH VEL CXI - das buch von weisheit und torheit" (1918) Aleister Crowley "THE BOOK OF LIES" 1913/1980 Aleister Crowley "MAGICK" 1911-29/1978 #### Aleister Crowley "LiberXXI" (Khing Kang King) #### Aleister Crowley "AHA" ?/1983 #### Aleister Crowley/Israel Regardie "THE VISION AND THE VOICE" 1929/1972 Aleister Crowley "THE BOOK OF THOTH - egyptian tarot" 1944/1974 Aleister Crowley - "The Book of Thoth (Egyptian Tarot)" (1944/74) Aleister Crowley "LIBER 777 und andere kabbalistische schriften" D 1978 Aleister Crowley/Marcelo Ramos Motta "THE COMMENTARIES OF AL" (1904//)1975 #### Aleister Crowley "The Confessions of A. C.", 1969 #### Aleister Crowley "diaries 1014-1920" (John Symonds, Kenneth Grants eds.) #### Gerd Ziegler (2002) TAROT Spiegel deiner Bestimmung #### Salvador Dali's Tarot #### Nevill Drury "THE PATH OF THE CHAMELEON" 1973 #### Nevill Drury "DON JUAN, MESCALITO AND MODERN MAGIC" - The Mythology of Inner Space" 1978 #### Bruce Eisner "ECSTASY - THE MDMA STORY" 1989 #### Richard E. Seymour - MDMA 1986, D:1987 #### Jochen Gartz "NARRENSCHWAEMME - psychotrope pilze in europa: #### herausforderung an forschung und wertsystem" 1993 G.I. Gurdjieff "BEELZEBUB'S TALES TO HIS GRANDSON - I,II,III" 1950 G.I. Gurdjieff "MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN" #### G.I. Gurdjieff "LIFE IS REAL ONLY WHEN 'I AM'" Hermann Hesse (fast alles) Camenzind, Maerchen, Erzaehlungen, Steppenwolf, Glasperlenspiel samt Materialien dazu, Siddhartha(sic!), Klein&Wagner, Unterm Rad, ... DIE ERZAEHLUNGEN AUS DEN TAUSENDUNDEIN NAECHTEN, insel tb, 12 baende ERZAEHLUNGEN AUS 1001 TAG #### *** James Morier - HAGGI BABA (Ein morgenländischer Schelmenroman) (1823) Übersetzt und nacherzählt von Hans Bujak (1947) Sufi ~~ (zu steinigende!) Freidenker (Fluch über Saadi und Rumi und ihre Bärte und Großmütter!) #### *** Eva Rechlin - Tonki soll leben (Eine geheimnisvolle Geschichte aus dem Orient) (1955) Prof.Dr.L.Lewin "PHANTASTICA - DIE BETAEUBENDEN UND ERREGENDEN GENUSMITTEL" 1924/1980 H.P. Lovecraft "CTHULU geistergeschichten" #### Douglas R. Hofstaedter "GOEDEL, ESCHER, BACH" #### Douglas R. Hofstaedter "FLUID CONCEPTS & CREATIVE ANALOGIES - computer models of the fundamental mechanisms of thought" 1995 James Joyce "Dubliners" 1914 James Joyce "ULYSSES" 1918 James Joyce "FINNEGANS WAKE" 1939 #### Nikos Kazantzakis(1883-1957) "ALEXIS SORBAS" #P Dennis McKenna & Terence McKenna (alias "O.T.Ott & O.N.Oeric) "PSILOCYBIN - THE MAGIC MUSHROOMS GROWER'S GUIDE" 1976 Terence McKenna "WAHRE HALLUZINATIONEN" D 1989 #### Terence McKenna "THE ARCHAIC REVIVAL" 1991 #### Terence McKenna "FOOD OF THE GOODS - the search for the original tree of knowledge/a radical history of plants, drugs, and human evolution" 1992 ####### alle Jack Kerouac -> KNL ### #### Art Kleps "THE BOO HOO BIBLE - the neo-american church catechism, with a review by Timothy Leary" 1971 #### Art Kleps "MILLBROOK - A Narrative of the Early Years of American Psychedelianism" (1975/Recension of) 1994 #### Steve Kubby "THE POLITICS OF CONSCIOUSNESS (fwd. by Terence McKenna)" 1995 #### Thomas S. 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"DAUDEDSCHING" D von Ernst Schwarz 1978 >>DW>> LaoTsu "TAO TE CHING" E by Gia-fu Feng and Jane English (fotos) 1972 #### Timothy Leary "HIGH PRIEST" 1968/1995 #### Timothy Leary "WAS WILL DIE FRAU?" 1976 D 1980 #### Timothy Leary "EXO-PSYCHOLOGY" 1977 #### Timothy Leary "NEUROPOLITICS" 1977 #### Timothy Leary "THE GAME OF LIFE" 1979 #### Timothy Leary "NEUROPOLITIK" 1977 D 1981 #### Timothy Leary "THE INTELLIGENCE AGENTS" 1979 Pete Sholly "NEUROCOMIC TIMOTHY LEARY (D)" 1979 D 1981 #### Luis Eduardo Luna & Pablo Amaringo "AYAHUASCA VISIONS" 1991 #### Jerry Mander "FOUR ARGUMENTS FOR THE ELIMINATION OF TELEVISION" 1978 Jerry Mander "IN THE ABSENCE OF THE SACRED - the failure of technology & the survival of the indian nations" 1991 #### Jaron Lanier - Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now (2018) 9781847925398 Dan Millman "WAY OF THE PEACEFUL WARRIOR" 1980 #### Henry Miller "INSOMNIA" 1974 #### Arnold Mindell "THE SHAMAN'S BODY a new shamanism for trasforming health, relationships, and community" 1993 #### (RAW/) William Murray "ANARCHIC HARMONY - the spiritualuty of social disobediance" 1992 #### Joseph O'Neill "LAND UNDER ENGLAND" 1935/1978 Albert Jay Nock (1870-1945) "OUR ENEMY, THE STATE" #### Jonathan Ott "AYAHUASCA ANALOGE - PANGAEISCHE ENTHEOGENE" #### Jonathan Ott "PHARMACOTHEON - entheogenic drugs, their plant sources and history" 1993 #### Jonathan Ott "Cacahuatls Eater: ... chocolate addict" #### Hrsg.: Werner Piper "Bio Fiction; Als die Natur die Zukunft uebernahm" (15 Geschichten; u.a. von Frank Herbert, H.W.Franke) (der Gruene Zweig 82) ??? Ilia Progogine/Isabelle Strengers "DIALOG MIT DER NATUR" (1980) D 1981 #### Christian Raetsch "50 JAHRE LSD-ERFAHRUNG" der gruene zweig 159, 1993 Ed. Christian Raetsch "GATEWAY TO INNER SPACE - sacred plants, mysticism and psychotherapy" 1989 + (kopien) folgende Kapitel aus der D Ausgabe, 1992 "Das Tor zu inneren Raeumen", 1989: Werner Pieper-Ein Bericht aus den psychedelischen Untergrund: die >praktische< Wissenschaft Ch. Raetsch-Nachwort: Sternstunde der Entheogeneologie +Nachwort des Verlegers (==> lesemappe ) #### Ronald Ripchen&al (Hrsg.) - "TAENZERINNEN ZWISCHEN HIMMEL UND HOELLE - Frauen erzaehlen ihre Rauscherfahrungen" Der Gruene Zweig 136 #### Richard Rudgley "ESSENTIAL SUBSTANCES - A cultural history of intoxicants in society" 1993/5 #### Rudy Rucker "Wunderwelt der 4. Dimension" #### Rudy Rucker "Ozean..." #### Rudy Rucker "SOFTWARE" 1982 #### Rudy Rucker "HERR UEBER RAUM UND ZEIT" D 1989 master of space and time 1984 #### Rudy Rucker "GOEDEL, ZAPPA, ROCK'N'ROLL - ein roman vom paradies der zukunft" D 1989 spacetime donuts 1981 #### Rudy Rucker "REALWARE" 2000 #### Rudy Rucker "MIXMISCHMASCH, Geschichten aus der Hypersphaere" D 1988 ("The 57th Franz Kafka" 1983) #### jalal al-din rumi (1207-1273) "MYSTICAL POEMS OF RUMI" transl. from Persian by A.J.Arberry 1968 #### Salman Rushdie "MITTERNACHTSKINDER" D 1983 midnight children 1981 #### Salman Rushdie "SHAME" 1983 #### Salman Rushdie "THE SATANIC VERSES" 1988 #### Peter Russel "THE GLOBAL BRAIN AWAKENS" 1983 Idries Shah "DIE SUFIS: BOTSCHAFT DER DERWISCHE, WEISHEIT DER MAGIER" DG 27 the sufis 1964 Idries Shah "THE WAY OF THE SUFI" 1968 Idries Shah "DER GLUECKLICHSTE MENSCH" (=above) D 1986 Idries Shah "KARAWANE DER TRAEUME" 1968 D 1982 Idries Shah "THINKERS OF THE EAST" 1971 Idries Shah "LEARNING HOW TO LEARN - psychology and spirituality in the sufi way" 1978 Idries Shah "THE PLEASANTRIES OF THE INCREDIBLE MULLA NASRUDDIN" 1983 Idries Shah "THE SUBTLETIES OF THE INIMITABLE MULLA NASRUDDIN" plus "THE EXPLOITS OF THE INCUMPARABLE MULLA NASRUDDIN" 1983 Idries Shah "SUFI-WEGE ZUM SELBST" DiederichsGelbeReihe 119, the commanding self 19?? Kopien: A Veiled Gazelle: "Seeing How to See" 1978 #### Rupert Sheldrake "SEVEN EXPERIMENTS THAT COULD CHANGE THE WORLD" 1995 #### Alexander & Ann Shulgin "PHENETHYLAMINES I HAVE KNOWN AND LOVED: PIHKAL - a chemical love story" 1991 Alexander & Ann Shulgin "TRYPTAMINES I HAVE KNOWN AND LOVED: TIHKAL - the continuation" 1997 (2*) #### Deutsche Uebersetzung: "Psychedelische Chemie" Daniel Trachsel, Nicolas Richard, Nachtschatten Vlg. 2000 (E->copies (?)) Richard E. Schultes & Robert F. Raffauf "VINE OF THE SOUL - medicine men, their plants and rituals in the colombian amazonia" 1992 #### Claudio Naranjo - Die Reise zum Ich. Psychotherapie mit heilenden Drogen. [[[ Paul Stamets "PSILOCYBE MUSHROOMS AND THEIR ALLIES" 1978 >>ES>> #P Paul Stamets "THE MUSHROOM CULTIVATOR" 1983 #P Paul Stamets "GROWING GOURMET & MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS" 1993 Paul Stamets "PSILOCYBE MUSHROOMS OF THE WORLD: An Identification Guide" 1996 #### Myron J. Stolaroff "THANATOS TO EROS - 35 years of psychedelic exploration" 1994 #### Myron J. Stolaroff "THE SECRET CHIEF - conversations with a pioneer of the underground psychedelic therapy movement" 1997 ?##? Neal Stephenson "ZODIAC - THE ECO THRILLER" 1988 Neal Stephenson "SNOW CRASH" 1992 Neal Stephenson & Frederick George "Interface" ?1994/2002 Neal Stephenson "THE DIAMOND AGE" 1995 #### .-- Neal Stephenson - Termination Shock (2021) 0008404372 #### Neal Stephenson "In the Beginning was the Commandline" 1999 {{{ "Die Diktatur des schönen Scheins: wie grafische Oberflächen den Computernutzer entmündigen" 2002Neal Stephenson "CRYPTONOMICON" 1999 #### Neal Stephenson "QUICKSILVER" 2003 #### Richard M. 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Bruce Lamb "WIZARD OF THE UPPER AMAZON - the story of Manuel Cordova-Rios" 1971 Eduardo Calderon, Richard Cowan, &al "EDUARDO EL CURANDERO - the words of a peruvian healer" 1982 #### Michael Harner "DER WEG DES SCHAMANEN" ("the way of the shaman" 1980) D 1982?1994 ]]] Peter Stafford "Enzyklopädie der psychedelischen Drogen" (1977;D:1980) [später in Einzelteilen(Volksverlag,s.u.) neu herausgegeben] --zerfallen, in bubblewrap konserviert #### uncle fester - SECRETS OF METHAMPHETAMINE MANUFACTURE, fourth ed., loompanics 1996 uncle fester - SECRETS OF METHAMPHETAMINE MANUFACTURE, fifth ed., loompanics 1999 #### Elmar Gruber "TRANCE-FORMATION - schamanismus und die aufloesung der ordnung" Stanislav Grof (*1931, CSSR) Stan.Grof & Joan Halifax "DIE BEGEGNUNG MIT DEM TOD" (LSD-Psychotherapie fuer Sterbende), Vorwort: elisabeth kuebler-ross, klett-cotta, E 1977, 140p ( "Human Encounter with Death" 1978 (?) ) #### Stan.&Christina Grof - "JENSEITS DES TODES - An den Toren des Bewusstseins" 1984 ("BEYOND DEATH - The Gates of Consciousness" 1980) Stan.Grof: LSD PSYCHOTHERAPY, 1980, !new!, 180p {{{ Stan.Grof - "GEBURT, TOD, UND TRANSZENDENZ" 1985, ( "BEYOND THE BRAIN" 1985) Stan.Grof (1931-) "THE COSMIC GAME - explorations of the frontiers of human consciousness", 1998 {{{ Stan.Grof - "TOTENBUECHER - Bilder vom Leben und Sterben" 1994 ("BOOKS OF THE DEAD - Manuals for Living and Dying" 1994) #### R. Gordon Wasson, Stella Kramrisch, J. Ott, Carl A.P. Ruck "PERSEPHPONE'S QUEST: ENTHEOGENS AND THE ORIGINS OF RELIGION" 1986 ..................................................................... ExperimentAL -- #### Winsor McCay "LITTLE NEMO in the palace of ice and further adventures" 1907 art spiegelman - maus I (fotocopied) art spiegelman - maus II Andre Franquin - Schwarze Gedanken ==================================================================== ==================================================================== wda's foto KOPIEN SAMMLUNG file= (KOPIEN.txt included into books.txt 2003-10) =========================== leicht kopierbare A4 fotokopien digital verfuegbare Texte: "K" = KByte Text (gerundet) viele dieser buecher sind nicht mehr erhaeltlich. trotzdem aber unbedingt zuerst auschecken, ob's nicht (doch) noch oder auch wieder erhaeltlich! alle sind ziemlich interessant - sonst haette ich sie wohl nicht kopiert. ==================================================================== ===================== "LESEMAPPE" ====================== ---- "LESE-MAPPE" / ARCHIV --------------------------------------- DC00404: THC(iso:CBD2THC)(printout) + FOIA(wda) * Versuche zur enantiomerenreinen Synthese des Chantancins - Gössinger &al., 1994 * Versuche zur Synthese von Tutinanoliden - wda, 1990 * P. RAUSCH: ... * Yong-Kyun Bae: WARUM BODHI-DHARMA IN DEN ORIENT AUFBRACH (OmU) / WARUM BODHI-DHARMA NACH OSTEN AUFBRACH (DF) (1989)- Untertitel bzw. Dialog des Films. typed by wda. 33K/14p ###? * 1994 National Platform of the Libertarian Party, 90K/19p * Karl-Heinz Koller: KOMPLOTT IM PH(R)ASENSPEICHER * Karl-Heinz Koller: diaries #??# * Bob Black: WAR IS THE HEALTH OF THE STATE, 6p, Loompanics cat. #### * TIM LEARY: Das GeneRationen-Spiel, dGZ167, 22p #### * TIM LEARY: Ueber die Kriminalisierung des Natuerlichen, dGZ138, 18p #### * TIM LEARY, ed.: Hoehere Intelligenz und Kreativitaet, dGZ80, 18p #### TERENCE McKENNA: Plan - Plant - Planet (D), dGZ135, 16p * THE MUSHROOM CULTURE #29, July 1995 * THE ENTHEOGEN REVIEW, vernal equinox, 1995. &more Mushroom Matters * MONDO LYSERGICO 2x * Soft Secrets, januari [1996] + 4 Originalkopien "Geschäftsbrief" * AO2000 fotos #### * F. PALME: Morgenroete - Versuch ueber das Unbeschreibliche #### * HP LOVECRAFT: Die Musik des Erich Zann, 6p * ST. LEM: Tagebuch, 13p * AL. CROWLEYs THOTH TAROT, Kurzanleitung, 14p #??# * TEEMU MAEKI: my way; capitalist.., 10p * wda's OTYPES, 1p ---- weitere grosse MAPPEN ------------------------------------------ #### THE ENTHEOGEN REVIEW (all issues) ++ TELR ++ OEHM #### adam gottlieb's book of acid+ m.v.smith // +ALKALOIDS #### PlantWise // ISLAND-views // MAPS + related infos // The Sacred Record -- stanislav grof & joan halifax: die begegnung mit dem tod, vorwort: elisabeth kuebler-ross, klett-cotta, E:1977, 140p ++ stanislav grof: LSD PSYCHOTHERAPY, c1979, !new!, 180p ++ WHAT IS ECTASY/ brain-mind-bull. re: MDMA; 12p. [50p FREE space] -- w.golden mortimer, md: HISTORY OF COCA, THE DIVINE PLANT OF THE INCAS, 1974, and/or, 440p -----> EW #### "MUSICK": peter hammill: KILLERS, ANGELS, REFUGEES: words 1966-1973 // MIRRORS, DREAMS, AND MIRACLES: words 1974-1980 // + jede menge anderer musick texte ------------------------------------------------------------------ #### -- HIGH TIMES MAGAZINE, excerpte, um 1982, 100p #### christiane Rochefort: KINDER, 3-88167-016-5, (F:1976), 100p #### hans georg behr: HASCHISCH KOCHBUCH mit zeichnungen!, josef melzer, darmstadt, 50p ++ einige essays aus PHOENIX NR.2, 1987 (prof. feelgood/ geschichte der psychonautik/ n.v.liebig: fluestern der gottheit/ w. schlichter: psychedelik heute/ wd. storl: shiva #### COOKING WITH MARIJUANA, 70p william daniel drake jr: THE CONNOISSEUR'S HANDBOOK OF MARIJUANA,0-87932-021-4,c1971,5th:1973,250p == #### ++ HASCHISCHKOCHBUCH, verlag: anarchia, 5p #### ++ HANSDAMPF IN ALLEN GASSEN, Kleine Naturgeschichte der nuetzlichsten Pflanze der Welt: m. broeckers, [?aus: transatlanktik #47, 1988/3], 10c #### mel frank, ed rosenthal: IN/OUT MARIJUANA GROWER'S GUIDE, and/or, 1974, 45p ------------------------------------------------------------------ --- K 1 ----------- --- being dissolved ---------------------------------------- -- aleister crowley: LIBER AL VEL LEGIS, 1904, 1) THE BOOK OF THE LAW, 14p; 2) D+E (32p)(***verschenkkopie ### ###) -- aleister crowley: LIBER AL VEL LEGIS, 1904, D+E, 30p -- pete carroll: PSYCHONAUTIK, LIBER NULL TEIL II (Deutsch), Nr.92/500 (II), 1986, 3-924612-08-7, 135p ++ eliphas baphomet: ALTA MAGIA, mexico, 1981, 13p -- robert masters & jean houston: MIND GAMES, 130p #B -- lies groening: DIE LAUTLOSE STIMME DER EINEN HAND, zen erfahrungen in einem japanischen kloster, 3-499-15566-4, 80p #B -- MU MON KAN, DIE SCHRANKE OHNE TOR, meister wu-men's sammlung der 48 koan, aus dem chinesischen von h.dumoulin, 3-7867-0509-7, 1975, 95p #B -- hui-neng: DAS SUTRA DES SECHSTEN PATRIARCHEN, leben und zen-lehre des chinesischen meisters hui-neng (638-713), erlaeutert vom modernen japanischen meister soko moringa roshi, 3-502-64298-2, 100p -- thaddeus golas: DER ERLEUCHTUNG IST ES EGAL WIE DU SIE ERLANGST, 3-85914-301-8, sphinx, 50p -- babadschi: BOTSCHAFT VOM HIMALAYA, fischer tb, 50p -- aldous and laura huxley: MOKSHA, nur einige kapitel, u.a.: 10, 1954, DIE PFORTEN DER WAHRNEHMUNG exc.; ...; 38, 1963, O EDELGEBORENER (2x), ?60p -- timothy leary: GEBETE, D:1981, volksverlag, 50p -- timothy leary: POLITIK DER EKSTASE, nur erste 79 seiten, c1968, D:1982, volksverlag, 35p -- timothy leary, ralph metzner, richard alpert: PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE, a manual based on the tibetan book of the dead, c1964 -- ed. w.arrow smith, m.korth: MEINE WORTE SIND WIE STERNE - SIE GEHEN NICHT UNTER, reden der indianerhaeuptlinge, 3-88167-115-3, 1984, 50p -- barbara g. myerhoff: DER PEYOTE KULT, 3-88167-068-8, trikont, 1980, 60p -- peter stafford. MESKALIN, PEYOTE, und verwandte kakteen, (Enz./3.), 40p -- CACTI COLLECTION: incl. SACRED RECORD of the Peyote Way Church of God -- THE FIRST BOOK OF SACRAMENTS & BARK LEAF's 1-14 of the Church of The Tree of Life -- dennis timm: DIE WIRKLICHKEIT UND DER WISSENDE, eine studie zu carlos castaneda, 3-9800414-1-7, 75p -- alvaro estrada: MARIA SABINA, BOTIN DER HEILIGEN PILZE, c1977(mex.), 1980, trikont muenchen, 100p -- paul stamets: PSILOCYBE MUSHROOMS AND THEIR ALLIES, 0-930180-03-8-10, 1978, 80p; ++ -- gaston guzman: THE GENUS PSILOCYBE, 1983, unvollst. #P-- j.lelly & f.schmaus: PILZANBAU, handbuch des erwerbsgaertners, band 12, 160p ----- K 2 ---------------------------------------------------- -- ZENSUR HIER UND HEUTE/ Oesterreichische BGBL -- ZENSUR HIER UND HEUTE/ US - Shulgin, US laws -- peter stafford: MAGIC GRAMS part I + II, 120p -- peter stafford: LSD (Informationsreihe drogen, teil 1), c1977, D80, 3-88631-200-3, Volksverlag (Lindnen) ++ interviews: A.HOFMANN, S.GROF,.. -- a hofmann: LSD MY PROBLEM CHILD - translated by J.Ott #### #P-- (kgl. garteninspektor) a. amelung: PRAKTISCHE UND LOHNENDE CHAMPIGNONKULTUR FUER JEDERMANN, mit einem Anhang ueber wildwachsende Pilze von r. betten, 85 abb., ? etwa 1905, 58p #### ++ PILZREZEPTE, 25p === >>WO???>> michael starks: MARIJUANA POTENCY, 0-915904-27-6, c1977, 4th:1980 michael starks: MARIJUANA POTENZ 388631071x, Volksverlag 1980 --?---> MX: 4,3->5,6->0,00->0,15 ??? #### michael starks: MARIJUANA CHEMISTRY, (1974/77) Ronin 1990 = Neuauflage des obigen; 9780914171393 William Wolke Hrsg.: CANNABIS HANDBUCH 3886312205=NOTFOUND; (c) 1974 AND/OR Press, S.F.; 1980 Volksverlag; 1995 Raymond Martin Vlg. === -- PM&E-2, PSYCHEDELIC MONOGRAPHS AND ESSAYS, VOL.II, ed. thomas lyttle, issn 0892-371x, 1987, 65p -- PM&E-3, PSYCHEDELIC MONOGRAPHS AND ESSAYS, VOL.III, spring 1988, ed. thomas lyttle, 100p, 2x -- jonathan ott: HALLUCINOGENIC PLANTS OF NORTH AMERICA, 1976, rev.ed.1979, 100p -- HALLUCINOGENS AND SHAMANISM, ed. m.harner, 0-19-501649-1, 1972, 110p -- viktor a.reko: MAGISCHE GIFTE, 1938!, vorwort u. bibliografie: christian raetsch -- uncle fester: PRACTICAL LSD MANUFACTURE, loompanics 1995, 70p {-- uncle fester: PRACTICAL LSD MANUFACTURE, loompanics 1995, 70p} {-- michael valentyne smith: PSYCHEDELIC CHEMISTRY, loompanics 1981, 80p} -- penny slinger & nik douglas: DAS GEHEIME DAKINI ORAKEL buch, 3-922389-11-2, 1982, 110p -- arthur edward waite: DER BILDERSCHLUESSEL ZUM TAROT,3-921960-01-0, urania, 1978, 60p -- erich bauer: TAROT, quelle therapeutischer wandlung, 3-922924-05-0, 1982, 85p -- les wood: REFLEXIONEN, mandalas und labyrinthe, 80p -- wda's ZEICHNUGEN aus DARSTELLENDER GEOMETRIE, 1975-77 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abkuerzungen: ill illustriert; illustrationen it Insel Taschenbuch dtv deutscher taschenbuch verlag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {{{ SBW: "im reich der sinne" (1) JOU PU TUAN von LI YUE, ein erotisch-moralischer Roman aus der Ming-Zeit (1633) (D: Franz Kuhn 1959) (2)DER GOLDHERR BESTEIGT DEN WEISSEN TIGER, DSCHAU-YANG DSCHUE-SCHI (Geschichte der Liebespraktiken im Dschau-Yang-Palast), ein historisch-erotischer Roman aus der Ming-Zeit (Erstausgabe 1621) (3) DSCHEN DSCHU TA, DIE JUWELENPAGODE, ein altchinesischer (soziologisch-psychologischer Familien- und Liebes-)Roman (D: Anna Rottauscher) (4) DSCHU-LIN YAE-SCHI, ein [historisch-]erotischer Roman aus der Ming-Zeit[1368-1644] mit erstaunlichen taostischen Liebespraktiken ? der traum der roten kammer Hsia(?): Dschou: 1126-255 v. Fruehlings- u. Herbst-Periode 722-484 v.Chr. Han: 255v. - 6 n. Sui: 581-618 Tang: 618-905|907 (?)Juean: 1277-1368 Ming-Zeit: 1368-1644 Tsing/Mandschu: 1644-1911 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===== IDEFIX und die Unbeugsamen ===== #### . 01: Römer müssen draußen bleiben (2020, D:3/2022) 3770407040 #### . 02: Ins Fressnäpfchen getreten (7/2022) 3770407121 ===== ASTERIX ===== 1 der Gallier 2 und Kleopatra 3 als Gladiator 4 Der Kampf der Häuptlinge 5 Die goldene Sichel 6 Tour de France 7 und die Goten 8 bei den Briten 9 und die Normannen 10 als Legionär 11 und der Avernerschild 12 bei den Olymbischen Spielen 13 und der Kupferkessel 14 in Spanien 15 Streit um Asterix 16 bei den Schweizern 17 Die Trabantenstadt 18 Die Lorbeeren des Cäsar 19 Der Seher 20 auf Korsika 21 Das Geschenk Cäsars 22 Die große Überfahrt 23 Obelix GMBH & Co. KG. 24 bei den Belgiern 25 Der große Graben 26 Die Odyssee 27 Der Sohn des Asterix 28 im Morgendland 29 und Maestria 30 Obelix auf Kreuzfahrt 31 und Latraviata 32 plaudert aus der Schule 33 *- Gallien in Gefahr (2005, UDERZO/UDERZO) 34 und Obelix feiern Geburtstag 35 *** bei den Pikten (2013, Jean-Yves FERRI / Didier CONRAD) 36 ** Der Papyrus des Cäsar (2015, FERRI/CONRAD) 38 in Italien (2017) 38 die Tochter des Vercingetorix (2019) 39 und der Greif (2021) 40 >>> Die weiße Iris (2023) 3841391400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------asterix ===== Bill Watterson ===== The Essential CALVIN AND HOBBES, A C&H Treasury (Calvin and Hobbes & Something under the bed is drooling) ?WO? Calvin und Hobbes: attack of the deranged mutant killer snow goons Calvin und Hobbes: homicidal psycho jungle cat --- " --- qqq {{{ SBW -- CALVIN und HOBBES -- bill watterson 1. jetzt geht's rund 2. nur keine panik (something under the bed is drooling + yukon ho) 5. immer voll drauf 7. ganz schoen daneben (weirdos from another planet + revenge of the babysat + attack...) 8. achtung fertig los (weirdos from another planet + revenge of the babysat + attack...) 9. enorm in form (attack of the deranged mutant killer snow goons + scientific progress goes boink ) 10. jetzt erst recht 11. mach mir den tiger 12. tierisch lyrisch (scientific progress goes boink + the days are just packed) 13. einfach umwerfend (scientific progress goes boink + the days are just packed) 14. die phantstischen zwei (homicidal psycho jungle cat) 15. feine freunde (there's treasure everywhere) 16. die welt der wunder (it's a magical world) 17. tiger und andere monster 18. die unzertrennlichen 19. macht's gut, freunde {{{ BILL WATTERSON -- Calvin and Hobbes -- SBW (( Calvin and Hobbes, 1987 Kalvin ve Hobs, Tuerkiye'deki 1996 (( Calvin and Hobbes 2 -- Something under the Bed is Drooling Calvin and Hobbes 3 -- Yukon Ho!, 1989 The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book, 1989, 120 color p. Calvin and Hobbes 4 -- Weirdos from another Planet, 1990 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hesse BETWEEN music Pfeifen (ca. 1920; aus Stufen) klavier und geige, die ich wahrlich schaetze, ich konnte mich mit ihnen kaum befassen, mir hat bis jetzt des lebens rasche hetze nur zu der kunst des pfeifens zeit gelassen. zwar darf ich mich noch keinen meister nennen, lang ist die kunst und kurz ist unser leben, doch alle die des pfeifens kunst nicht kennen bedaure ich; mir hat sie viel gegeben. drum habe laengst ich mir vorgenommen, in dieser kunst von grad zu grad zu reifen und hoffe endlich noch dahin zu kommen, auf mich, auf euch, auf alle welt zu pfeifen. == #### TIM LEARY: Das GeneRationen-Spiel, DerGrüneZweig 167, 22p #### TIM LEARY: Ueber die Kriminalisierung des Natuerlichen, dGZ138, 18p #### TIM LEARY, ed.: Hoehere Intelligenz und Kreativitaet, dGZ80, 18p #### TERENCE McKENNA: Plan - Plant - Planet (D), dGZ135, 16p --- FOTOKOPIEN (A4): --- #### christiane Rochefort: KINDER, 3-88167-016-5, (F:1976), 100p #### hans georg behr: HASCHISCH KOCHBUCH mit zeichnungen!, josef melzer, darmstadt, 50p ++ einige essays aus PHOENIX NR.2, 1987 (prof. feelgood/ geschichte der psychonautik/ n.v.liebig: fluestern der gottheit/ w. schlichter: psychedelik heute/ wd. storl: shiva #### COOKING WITH MARIJUANA, 70p #### william daniel drake jr: THE CONNOISSEUR'S HANDBOOK OF MARIJUANA, 0-87932-021-4, c1971, 5th:1973, 250p #### Highlights from HIGH TIMES MAGAZINE (um 1982) #### --- David Wellington {*IDIOT*} - The Last Astronaut #### .-- D. Nolan Clark {*IDIOT*} - Forsaken Skies: Book One of The Silence (Silence 1) #### -- Robert Lull Forward {*IDIOT*} - Der Regenbogen des Mars (Rainbow Mars) (19??) MegaQuatsch! #### **-- Adrian Tchaikovsky {*IDIOT*} - Children of Time (2015) #### ganz nett + SOooooo blöd! "A.C.Clarke Award" #### .-- Adrian Tchaikovsky {*IDIOT*} - Children of Ruin (2019) #### *-- Adrian Tchaikovsky {*IDIOT*} - Cage of Souls (2019) KJA {*IDIOT*} #### **- Kevin J. Anderson {*IDIOT*} - Hidden Empire (The Saga of Seven Suns-1) ???? (2002) #### *- Kevin J. Anderson {*IDIOT*} - A Forest of Stars (SSS-2) (2003) #### *-- Kevin J. Anderson {*IDIOT*} - Horizon Storm (SSS-3) 1998 (2004) #### 0-- Mary Robinette Kowal - The Calculating Stars (2019 HUGO@Nebula) #### 0-0 Connie Willis - Blackout (2010) 9780575099289 ---------------------------------------- ===== MARSUPILAMI (SBW) ===== Zeichnungen/Szenario 0 Jagt auf das M 1 Tumult in Palumbien 2 Die Robinson-Akademie 3 Weiße Magie Batem/Coleman (F 2006, 2015) Carlsen 4 Biba Batem/Coleman (F Band-28 2013, 2016) 5 Viva Palumbien! 6 Red Monster 7 Chiquite Paradiso Batem/Coleman (F Band-22 2009, 2017) 8 Der Vielgfraß Batem/Coleman (F Band-23 2010, 2017) frei nach dem Szenario von "Croc Vert" 9 Operation Attila Batem/Colman 2011 (F Band-24 2011, 2017) 10 Panda in Panik Batem/Creg/"Regie:Franquin" (F Band-3 1989, 2018) 11 Auf den Spuren des M. 12 Das schwarze M. Batem/Yann (1988, Die Abenteuer des M.-2 1989; n.Ü. 2018) 13 Santa Calamidad Batem/Colman (F Band-26 2012, D 2018) 14 Sternenherz Batem/Colman (F Band-27 2013, 2019) 15 Der Krater der Kakteen 16 Kilsemmoahl Batem/Coleman (F Band 29, D 2019) 17 Geheimnisvolles Pal. Batem/Colman (F Band 30, D 2019) 18 Baby Prinz Batem/Yann (Fr 1990, Band 5 1991, neue Ü. 2020) 19 Mister Xing Yun Batem/Coleman (2018, D 2020) *** 20 Die Arche Noah Batem/Yann (D Band-6 1992 (F 1991), 2020) 21 Das Gold von Boavista Batem/Yann (D 1992/2020) 22 Bienvenido in Bingo Batem/Coleman (2019, D 2021) 23 Der Tempel im Urwald Batem/Yann 12.8.93 (Band 8 1994, neue Ü. 2021) 24 Der Schmetterlingsjäger Batem/Yann 6.7.94 (Band 9 1995, neue Ü. 2021) 25 Rififi in Palumbien Batem/Fauche+Adam (D 1996, neue Ü. 2021) 26 Huba Banana Batem/Fauche+Adam (Band 11 1997, 2022) 27 Chaos in Jollywood Batem/Batem 7.5.98 (Band 12 2001, neue Ü. 2022) 28 Der Strefzug d.Jaguars Batem/Kaminka&Marais (23.6.99) 29 Supermarsu Batem/Colman (4.3.21) 30 Der Goldjunge Batem/Bourcquardez&Saive (2023) 31 So ein Zirkus Batem/Dugomier (2023) ----------------------------------------