------------------------------------------------------------------ True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice. -- Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) 1955 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 900 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ABROGATE ARE ALL RITUALS, ALL ORDEALS, ALL WORDS AND SIGNS! -- Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), Liber AL, 1904 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Ich kann gar nicht soviel fressen, wie ich kotzen moechte. (I can't stuff down as much food as I want to throw up.) -~ Max Liebermann (1847-1935), 1933 Ein Ruelpser sagt oft mehr als 100 Worte. (wda 2018) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Instead of having an ever-adapting civilization-wide consensus reality, we have become a [world] of insane people able to see the madness only in the other side. -- Orson Scott Card in "Empire" (2006) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 903 ------------------------------------------------------------------ I think often of a line by psychiatrist R. D. Laing [1927-1989], "FEW BOOKS TODAY ARE EXCUSABLE." He wrote this, I believe, because we have become so very alienated from our own experience, from who we are, and this alienation is so destructive to others and ourselves that if a book [film, painting, song, ..., relationship, life, ...] does not ... work towards rectifying it, we'd all be better off looking at blank pieces of paper. -- Derrick Jensen in "Calling All Fanatics" re-published in "Voices of Resistance" (2018) Of course, ever more films, books, ... not only don't work towards rectifying this alienation - or, in W.R.'s words, the Emotional Plague - but are actively promoting it, and often promoting it to an extent that makes me wonder if the perpetrators are merely totally imbued with the Plague or if it is done intentionally. --wda ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 904 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The worst-case scenario is more or less the path we're on. -- Ron Sutherland, talking about red wolves (in USA); but his observation seems to have more or less general applicability, these days. ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 2018-11-01 ------------------------------------------------------------------ A WORLD WITHOUT IDIOTS WOULD BE LONELY. Orson Scott Card - Ender in Exile (2008) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ History is important. If you don't know history it is as if you were born yesterday. And if you were born yesterday, anybody up there in a position of power can tell you anything, and you have no way of checking up on it. -- Howard Zinn (1922-2010) in "You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train" (2004) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0416825/quotes/qt0534553 -- [H]istory is not merely one subject among many... EVERY subject has a history, including biology, physics, math... Thus I would recommend that every subject be tought AS history. -- Neil Postman in "Technopoly" (1992) ISBN 0679745408, p.189/90 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Wer Kirchengeschichte nicht als Kriminalgeschichte schreibt, ist Mittaeter. -- Karlheinz Deschner (1924-2014) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Man darf die meisten Dinge nur sagen, wie sie sind, um eine treffliche Satire zu machen. -- Apokryphen, S. 1359 [ You only have to describe things as they are to make the most felicitous satire. (my transl.) ] -- Johann Gottfried Seume (1763-1810) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ [W]herever one goes on this earth, all things are spoiled by ['civilized'] men." -- Gore Vidal (1925-2012) in "Creation" ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 910 01/019 ------------------------------------------------------------------ RECTIFY THE LANGUAGE! When Confucius was asked what would be the first thing he would do if he were to lead the state ... he said, RECTIFY THE LANGUAGE. This is wise. This is subtle. As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action ... -- Gore Vidal, "The Day the American Empire Ran Out of Gas" in The Nation, Jan. 11, 1986 -- Dsi Lu sprach: "Der Fuerst von We wartet auf den Meister, um die Regierung auszuueben. Was wuerde der Meister zuerst in Angriff nehmen?" Der Meister sprach: "Sicherlich die Richtigstellung der Begriffe." ... -- Kungfutse, Gespraeche, XIII, 3; D v. R. Wilhelm ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Viele Menschen glauben lieber, dass unser Hang zur Gewalt und zur atomaren Auseinandersetzung auf biologische Faktoren zurueckzufuehren ist, die sich unserer Kontrolle entziehen, als dass sie die Augen aufmachen und erkennen, dass die von uns selbst verursachten sozialen, politischen und oekonomischen Umstaende daran schuld sind. Erich Fromm, "Anatomie der menschlichen Destruktivitaet" 1977 Original: "The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness" 1973 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 912 02/019 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The [U$] "'Defense'" Department owns land equivalent in area to the state of Ohio. (MY "''") -- Gore Vidal, "The New World Review of Books," 1973-10-18 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Above all be sensitive, in the deepest areas of yourselves, to any injustice committed against whoever it may be anywhere in the world. This is the most beautiful chracteristic of a revolutionary. -- Ernesto "Che" Guevara (1928-1967) as quoted in "Make Rojava Green Again" (2018) by The Internationalist Commune of Rojava censored/impounded by Germoney's PTB 02/019 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 914 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum. –– Noam Chomsky, The Common Good, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Knowledge never injures the soul. It only purges that which encrusts and saps the soul. -- Robert Silverberg (*1935) in "A Time of Changes" (1971) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 916 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Progress is a sort of madness that is a god to people. Decent people commit horrible crimes that are acceptable because of progress. -- Linda Hogan (*1947) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on *not* understanding it. -- Upton Sinclair, "I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked" (1935), 109 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 918 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FORTSCHRITT ... Kein Mensch weiss wohin, Hauptsache fort! -- Ruediger Dahlke in "Kriege in Medizin und Koerper, wie wir uns dagegen wehren" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-8rxhPvufo&t=14m8s ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Das Christentum gab dem Eros Gift zu trinken – er starb zwar nicht daran, aber entartete, zum Laster. -- Nietzsche in "Jenseits von Gut und Boese" (1886) Christianity gave Eros poison to drink; he did not die of it, but degenerated, to Vice. ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 920 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Und wann soll deiner Meinung nach dieser "Zusammenbruch" kommen? Du siehst nicht, wie er voranschreitet? ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ All times in this book are given in Babylonian mathematics (based on 60), which was invented by Iraqis some 10,000 years before the founding of the United States of America. -- Rowland Morgan in "Voices" (2010) tinyurl.com/RM-2010-Voices ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 922 ------------------------------------------------------------------ I think often of a line by psychiatrist R. D. Laing [1858-1940], "FEW BOOKS TODAY ARE EXCUSABLE." He wrote this, I believe, because we have become so very alienated from our own experience, from who we are, and this alienation is so destructive to others and ourselves that if a book [film, painting, song, ..., relationship, life, ...] does not ... work towards rectifying it, we'd all be better off looking at blank pieces of paper. -- Derrick Jensen in "Calling All Fanatics" re-published in "Voices of Resistance" (2018) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Trying is the first step towards failure. -- Homer Simpson ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 924 ------------------------------------------------------------------ "No matter what you do, it will never amount to anything more than a single drop in a limitless ocean." "What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?" -- Cloud Atlas (2012) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1371111 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ A lie can run round the world before the truth gets its boots on. -- Terry Pratchett in "The Truth" (2010) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 926 ------------------------------------------------------------------ In Myanmar, their Internet is the Farcebook. Most of the people, they don't even know what is e-mail. -- Nay San Lwin (Blogger, Bangladesh/Myanmar) in "The Cleaners" (2018) -- Websites operated by just four corporations account for 50.4 % of the time that US users of the Web are spending online. -- Jupiter Media Mix, quoted in ADBUSTERS #38 (Nov/Dec 2001) ... today? ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Wer die Wahrheit nicht weiss, ist bloss ein Dummkopf. Aber wer sie weiss und sie eine Luege nennt, der ist ein Vebrecher! -- Bertold Brecht (1898-1956), "Leben des Galilei" (1955) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 928 2020-04-20 '''Corona'''krise ------------------------------------------------------------------ Es ist als haetten alle den Verstand verloren, sich zum Niedergang und zum Verfall verschworen, und ein Irrlicht ist ihr Leuchtfeuer geworden. -- Reinhard Mey, Narrenschiff (1999) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ The "'WarOnTerror'" and the "'WarOnDrugs'" are ... like siamese twins. -- Douglas Valentine (The CIA as Organized Crime) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 930 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ETHIK IST WICHTIGER ALS RELIGION. -- Geshe Tenzin Gyatso, XIV. DALAI LAMA ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Diet, injections and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. (p.45) ... A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organised insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton. (p.46) -- Bertrand Russel (1872-1970) The Impact of Science on Society (1952) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 932 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ... the claim that underlies ... Science is being corrupted by the influence of corporate money. This corruption is leading directly to our poor health, whether it be the epidemic of obesity; neurological diseases like autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and multiple sclerosis; the explosion of cancers; or mental problems among the young, including school shooters. -- Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION - Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science (2020) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ You're still laboring under the notion that people take power. Nobody takes power. They're given power, by the rest of us, because we are stupid or afraid, or both. The Germans in 1939, the Russians in 1917, [worldwide in 2020] they handed over power to people they thought could settle scores, 'get the trains running on time,' restore their prestige [, or save humankind from the deadly killer-HORROR-virusz]. -- JMS, Babylon 5 4.16, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0517700/quotes ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 934 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Onkel: Glubst Du an Gott? Kind: Nein. Gott ist nur ein Weihnachtsmann fuer Erwachsene. -- Marie Curie [The Courage of Knowledge] (2016) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ .. nicht nur die Abschaffung der Grundrechte [und] Rechts- sicherheit, sondern DER TOTALE ZUSAMMENBRUCH DER VERNUNFT. D.h., man gewoehnt die Leute daran, einfach voellig irrsinnigen Befehlen zu gehorchen. Ohne zu fragen... Und das ist natuerlich besonders gefaehrlich. -~ Gerhard Wisnewski (anlaesslich der Coronoia-2020) in New Normal Order - Gerhard Wisnewski im NuoViso Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NavmiXaYHc&t=18m25s ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 936 ------------------------------------------------------------------ repraesentative "'Demokratie'" ... Staubsaugervertreter verkaufen Staubsauger, Versicherungsvertreter verkaufen Versicherungen, Volksvertreter ... siehe z.B. Toronto Board of Health Motion on Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy April 8, 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Whl9V9n0c4w ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dort, wo man Buecher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen. -- Heinrich Heine, "Almansor" (1821) Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 938 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Letzlich sind den meisten Menschen Bequemlichkeit und 'Sicherheit' wichtiger als Freiheit und Unabhaengigkeit. Damit wissen sie ohnehin nichts anzufangen. -- Marc Elsberg ZERO, ISBN 9783837124965, ch. 51 In the end, for most people convenience and 'security' are more important than freedom and independence. Which they wouldn't know what to do with anyway. [my transl.] ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Keep the light of science bright, care for it and use it right, lest it became a fire fall to consume us all, to consume us all. -- (Brecht's) Galileo (1968) imdb.com/title/tt0062998 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 940 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Menschen wurden erschaffen, um geliebt zu werden. Dinge wurden geschaffen, um benutzt zu werden. Der Grund, warum sich die Welt im Chaos befindet ist, dass Dinge geliebt und Menschen benutzt werden. -- Tenzin Gytso, XIV. Dalai Lama, zu lesen auf einer Tafel auf dem Weg nach "Klein Tibet im Zillertal" ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Unsere gemeinsame Mutter Natur zeigt ihren Kindern immer deutlicher, dass ihr Geduldsfaden gerissen ist. -- Tenzin Gyatso, XIV. Dalai Lama ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 942 ------------------------------------------------------------------ There are none so blind as those who will not see. -- John Heywood in 1546; possibly inspired by Jeremiah 5:21 There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know. -- Jonathan Swift in "Polite Conversation," 1738 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ [U]nless men increase in wisdom as much as in knowledge, increase of knowledge will be increase in sorrow. -- Bertrand Russel (1872-1970) The Impact of Science on Society (1952), p.88 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 944 ------------------------------------------------------------------ My view is this: The good live is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. -- Bertrand Russel (1872-1970), "What I Believe" (1925) -- reprinted in "Why I Am Not a Christian," (c) 1957 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Diet, injections and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. (p.45) ... A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organised insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton. (p.46) -- [U]nless men increase in wisdom as much as in knowledge, increase of knowledge will be increase in sorrow. (p.88) -- Bertrand Russel (1872-1970) The Impact of Science on Society (1952) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 946 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Wer es - anstatt "Corona-Skandal" oder "Verbrechen der Coronafaschisten" oder "the Great Panic of 2020 (COVID-mania)" oder "[die MassenAngstPsychose] Coronoia" - immer noch "Pandemie" nennt ist Mittaeter. -- wda, 2021-10-10 Who (as of Oct., 2021) still calls it a ''pandemic'' instead of a scandal, a SCAMdemic, Covid-MANIA, or "the Great Panic of 2020", or, maybe best: "the crimes against humankind of the coronafascists" is complicit in said crimes. --- Diese Daten sind eindeutig. Wir hatten keine Pandemie, wir hatten einen Völkermord. Und wir müssen es als das benennen, was es ist. -- Dr. David E. Martin, 13.9.2023 im EU-"Parlament" https://transition-news.org/wir-hatten-keine-pandemie-wir-hatten-einen-volkermord ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes. -- Notorious d.e.b. @debihope ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 948 ------------------------------------------------------------------ zahl der haustiere wird groesser / sie dienen gegen depressionen fuer abreaktionen als dekorationen haustierindustrie wird groesser / verfuettert millionen tiere an tiere besorgt alles / was millionen degenerierte wesen taeglich brauchen es geht dir besser wenn es deinem tier gut geht das lenkt ab wenn es dir schlecht geht haelt ab zu sorgen dass es weniger gruende gibt die es dir und deiner mitwelt nicht gut gehen lassen -- helmut seethaler 1200 wien wasnerg. 43/8 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Fear is like radioactivity: once released it filters into everything. -- DDr. Simone Gold in "I Do Not Consent - My Fight Against Medical Cancel Culture" (2020/10) ISBN 9781642938906, p.72 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 950 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Die Luege wird zur Weltordnung gemacht. -- Franz Kafka in "Der Prozess" zit. in https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/totalitarer-moralismus http://www.digbib.org/Franz_Kafka_1883/Der_Prozess_.pdf ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. -- George Santayana, "The Life of Reason, or: The Phases of Human Progress" vol. 1 (1905), 284 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 951 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past. 1984 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 952 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Wo Unrecht zu '''Recht''' wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht. -- alte Weisheit ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 953 2021-01-01 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Das wahre Wunder besteht nicht darin, in der Luft zu schweben oder auf dem Wasser zu wandern, sondern darin, auf der Erde zu gehen. -- Lin-chi ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Vergesst nicht, dass ein jedes Volk diejenige Regierung verdient, die es ertraegt! Die Weisse Rose, 1. Flugblatt, Juni 1942 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 955 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The whole aim of practical politics is to keep people alarmed and eager to be led to safety by menacing them with an endless series of Hobgoblins. -- H. L. Mencken (1880-1956) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten, habe ich geschwiegen, ich war ja kein Kommunist. Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten, habe ich geschwiegen, ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat. Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten, habe ich geschwiegen, ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter. Als sie mich holten, gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte. -- Martin Niemoeller (1892-1984) http://tinyurl.com/mniemoeller dzt. (2020/21) werden wieder Lager vorbereitet, diesmal in DE fuer '''Quarantaeneverweigerer''' und den USA hat die FEMA ja schon viele schoene grosze Lager bereit ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 23.1.2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lying is a cooperative act. Think about it. A lie has no power whatsoever by its mere utterance. Its power emerges when someone else agrees to believe the lie. -- Pamela Meyer ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 958 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Every word man speaks is a plagiarism. -- Joost A.M. Meerloo, MD, "The Rape of the Mind" (1956) [W]ealth - both material and spiritual wealth - is a natural phenomenon - offspring of the marriage of Time and human Toil [and this] wealth at any given time is almost wholly the *inherited* fruit of time and the labor of the dead... To whom does the inheritance rightly belong? Does it of right belong to Smith and Brown? ... Or does it of right belong to ... humanity? ... And what does "humanity" include? Only the living, who are relatively few? Or both the living and unborn? -- A. H. Korzybski, "Manhood of Humanity" dedicated to "the quick and the dead" (C) 1921, 1951; 4th printing 1993, p. 197 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Glauben sie auch an Corona oder denken sie noch selbst? -- wda 02/2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 960 ------------------------------------------------------------------ "An intricate web of Lies, delivered in stages, designed to ensure the cooperation of the condemned ..." Each measure, each restriction on their rights and freedoms was sold to them as for their own good. They were told that the restrictions were temporary, that the government only wanted what was best for them, and that, if they followed the orders, no further harm would come to them. ~- Andy Andrews, 2012, in "How Do You Kill 11 Million People?: Why the Truth Matters..." as quoted and summed up by .... WHO WHERE was that ? ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Most dangerous lie is the one we force ourselves to believe. -- The Cynics Book of Wisdom (S.A.Swann) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 962 ------------------------------------------------------------------ There can be no real peace when living with someone who has already declared war. No peace, but only capitulation, and even that, as we see around us, doesn't lead to further peace, but to further degradation and exploitation. We're responsible not only for what we do, but also for what is in our power to stop. Before we can speak of peace, we have to speak honestly of the war already going on, and we have to speak honestly of stopping - by any and all means possible - those who have declared war on the world and on all of us. Those who destroy won't stop because we live peacefully, and they won't stop because we asked nicely... The point is, that we're all in a room with a cannibal, with a mass murderer, and we need to figure out what to do about it. -- Derrick Jensen in "A Language Older than Words" (2000) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Er nennts Vernunft und brauchts allein, nur tierischer als jedes Tier zu sein. - Goethe, Faust I, Prolog ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 964 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Apotheker und Pharma wollten schon immer nur user Bestens. Unser Geld. -- Gerd Reuther, "Heilung Nebensache" -- -- https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/erregende-medizingeschichte Apothecaries and pharma* always only want our very best ... Our money. ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Und denn, man muß das Wahre immer wiederholen, weil auch der Irrthum um uns her immer wieder gepredigt wird, und zwar nicht von Einzelnen, sondern von der Masse. In Zeitungen und Enzyklopädien, auf Schulen und Universitäten, überall ist der Irrthum oben auf, und es ist ihm wohl und behaglich, im Gefühl der Majorität, die auf seiner Seite ist. – Oft lehrt man auch Wahrheit und Irrthum zugleich und hält sich an letzteren. -- GOETHE (in seinem 80. Lebensjahr) gegenüber ECKERMANN (Gespraeche mit Goethe von Johann Peter Eckermann, 16.12.1828 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 966 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Vergesst nicht, daß ein jedes Volk diejenige Regierung verdient, die es ertraegt! -- Die Weiße Rose, 1. Flugblatt, Juni 1942 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Eine Stunde der Idiotie Wenn ich den Leuten gesagt hätte, springt aus dem dritten Stock des Columbushauses, sie haetten es auch getan. -- Goebbels, 18.2.1943, nach seiner Rede im Berliner Sportpalast ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 968 ------------------------------------------------------------------ "[D]as Volk kann ... immer dazu gebracht werden, den Befehlen der Fuehrer zu folgen. Das ist ganz einfach. Man braucht nichts zu tun, als dem Volk zu sagen, es wuerde angegriffen, und den Pazifisten ihren Mangel an Patriotismus vorzuwerfen und zu behaupten, sie braechten das Land in Gefahr. Diese Methode funktioniert in jedem Land." -- Hermann Goering im Gespräch mit G. M. Gilbert, "Nuernberger Tagebuch – Gespraeche der Angeklagten mit dem Gerichtspsychologen" ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Now, he's hell-bent for destruction, he's afraid and confused, And his brain has been mismanaged with great skill All he believes are his eyes And his eyes, they just tell him lies. -- Bob Dylan, License to kill (1983) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 970 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The fashion of speech tells its truth, spells its falsehoods. -- L. E. Modesitt in "Imager" ch. 68 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ It is often easier to fool people than to get them to admit that they have been fooled. ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 970 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Mit entsprechendem Profit wird Kapital kuehn. 10 Prozent sicher, und man kann es ueberall anwenden; 20 Prozent, es wird lebhaft; 50 Prozent, positiv waghalsig; für 100 Prozent stampft es alle menschlichen Gesetze unter seinen Fuss; 300 Prozent und es existiert kein Verbrechen, das es nicht riskiert, selbst auf die Gefahr des Galgens. -- Karl Marx, "Das Kapital" Band 1 (MEW Bd.23, S.788, Fussnote 250); Marx zitiert den englischen Gewerkschaftsfunktionaer Thomas Joseph Dunning ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lustig gelebt und selig gestorben heißt dem Teufel die Rechnung verdorben. ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 972 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Nazis could never have done what they did without a lot of help from German citizens. And the German citizens who helped the Nazis weren't rabid Nazis, nor were they rabid Jew-haters. They were just people who'd go along to get along... When you're putting that mask on, you're helping them. It's a sign of submission, that's what they want you to do. -- Pam Popper in Planet Lockdown (2021) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13819486/quotes ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ BOY: Dad, I'm considering a career in Organized Crime. DAD: Good choice. Pays well. Government or private sector? ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 974 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. Freedom comes from the recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99 percent vote. -- Marvin Simkin, LA Times, 1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Une petite pandemie permettra d'instaurer un gouvernment mondial! [Eine kleine Pandemie würde es erlauben eine Weltregierung zu installieren] -- Jaques Attali im Mai 2009 anlaesslich der '''Schweinegrippe''' -- -- zit. in Wolfgang Wodarg, "Falsche Pandemien" (06/2021) S.14 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 976 ------------------------------------------------------------------ If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so. -- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1(1) Die Wuerde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Sie zu achten und zu schuetzen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt. ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 978 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Once our authoritarian technics consolidates its powers, with the aid of its new forms of mass control, its panoply of tranquilizers and sedatives and aphrodisiacs, could democracy in any form survive? That question is absurd: life itself will not survive, except what is funneled through the mechanical collective. -- Lewis Mumford, Authoritarian and Democratic Technics, Technology and Culture, Winter 1964 -- -- quoted in BRIGHT GREEN LIES (2021) by Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith, Max Wilbert ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Propaganda for the "new" does little beyond offering old wine in new barrels. Real new thoughts donot announce themselves as such; new ideas first grow in hding... New thoughts and feeling cannot be imposed. -- Joost Meerloo, "Delusion and Mass Delusion" (1949) p.79/80 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 980 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The totalitarian potentate, in order to break down the minds of men, first needs mental chaos and verbal confusion, because both paralyze his opposition ... From then on he can start to build up his system of conformity. -- Joost Meerloo in "Rape of the Mind" (1956) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ [R]esitance [is] the art that will set us free. -- Tori Amos, "resistance" (2020) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ "Der Mensch auf dem Weg in den Faschismus trägt seine rote Linie mit sich wie einen Spazierstock - Schritt für Schritt." (Markus Herrmann) -- zitiert in https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/die-rote-linie People marching into fascism carry their 'red line' like a walking-stick - step by step. [my transl.] ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Complying with lockdowns is a sure-fire way to get more of them. -- Alex Jones Covid-19 is the greatest fraud ever pushed on mankind. It is not about a virus. -- Bill Sardi -- -- both in COVIDLAND (2021) – Episode 1: The Lockdown https://www.bitchute.com/video/KjDcFPd2739p/ * RECMMENDED VIEWING * : McCopies & D.Stribute ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 984 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Vaccination (pre-2015): Injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to PREVENT the disease. Vaccination (2015-2021): The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce IMMUNITY to a specific disease. Vaccination (Sept. 2021): The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce PROTECTION to a specific disease. (my CAPS) -- (US) CDC WAR=PEACE, FREEDOM=SLAVERY, and STAYING APART KEEPS US TOGETHER ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Was aber tut das deutsche Volk? Es sieht nicht und es hört nicht. Blindlings folgt es seinen Verführern ins Verderben. -- 5. Flugblatt der Weissen Rose (Namaste!) Jaenner 1943 And what is the German people doing? It doesn't see and doesn't hear. Blindly it is following its seducers into perdition. (my transl.) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 986 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Our civilisation is under threat. We have a choice. Be pushed off the cliff or push back? -- Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA "Men ... go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one." -- Charles MacKay, as quoted in -- The UGLY truth about the Covid 19 Lock downs ... https://www.bitchute.com/video/vypsBO6DmsWY/ ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 987 ------------------------------------------------------------------ "50 % der Dinge, die der Handel anbietet, braucht kein Mensch. Aber 80 % des Geldes werden dafür ausgegeben." -- RegioPlan Consulting (Vortrag) 2017 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ Diese Daten sind eindeutig. Wir hatten keine Pandemie, wir hatten einen Völkermord. Und wir müssen es als das benennen, was es ist. These data are unequivocal. We didn't have a pandemc, we had a genocide. And we have to call it what it is. -- Dr. David E. Martin, 13.9.2023 im EU-"Parlament" https://transition-news.org/wir-hatten-keine-pandemie-wir-hatten-einen-volkermord --- Wer es jetzt (gegen Ende 2021 immer noch "CoronaKRISE" nennt, anstatt "CoronaSKANDAL" (oder "Machtübernahme der Corona= Faschisten", o.ä.) ist Mittäter. -- wda 2021-10-10 Anyone who still calls it (e.g.) "pandemic" or "Corona Crisis" instead of (e.g.) "pLandemic", or "Corona Scam", or "global coronafascist coup" is complicit. -- wda 2021 --- "The Corona-Fraud Scandal, which has meanwhile unfolded into probably the greatest Crime against Humanity ever committed." -- Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, https://rumble.com/embed/vnks1w ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 989 ------------------------------------------------------------------ WER DEN SCHMAEH KRITISIERT, WIRD VOM STAATSFUNK DIFFAMIERT. - Coronoia 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ WER DEN IRRSINN KRITISIERT, WIRD VOM STAATSFUNK DIFFAMIERT. - Coronoia 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 991 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Nie haben die Massen nach Wahrheit geduerstet. Von den Tatsachen, die ihnen missfallen, wenden sie sich ab und ziehen es vor, den Irrtum zu vergoettern, wenn er sie zu verfuehren vermag. Wer sie zu taeuschen versteht, wird leicht ihr Herr, wer sie aufzuklaeren sucht, stets ihr Opfer. -- Gustave Le Bon (1841 - 1931), Psychologie des foules (1895) Psychologie der Massen (D von Rudolf Eisler, 1912) ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ The hardest thing about this two-week shitdown "just to flatten da curve" were the first 600 days. ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 993 ??? 999 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Die PharmaMafia (von manchen leider immer noch ~Industrie genannt) ist an Gesundheit genau so interessiert, wie die Ruestungs'industie' an weltweitem Frieden. The pharmaMAFIA (by some, alas!, still called an 'industry') is interested in your health exactly as much, as the arms- 'industry' is interested in worldwide peace. ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ HAVE A MERRY CRISIS AND A HAPPY NEW FEAR ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 995 ??? ------------------------------------------------------------------ IMMER WENN WIR ETWAS NICHT SEHEN WOLLEN, GIBT ES DAS TROTZDEM. -- Lisa Fitz, "Hey Du! Wach auf!" zB. YT P8od_SlMyXQ ------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% 1000 12/021