

Hur, hur, hur .... am 54 years now, and never before had realized that my (2nd)
First Name translates, in the shortest form, to WARRIOR.
Dieter == diot = das Volk (Althochdeutsch) + heri = das Heer, der Krieger (Althochdeutsch) 

Warriors of Peace
It may seem incongruous to associate the word "Peace" with "Warrior,"
but as history has shown and current events are testing, there can be
no peace without warriors to protect it.

      Sometimes peace is another word for surrender.
            -- Babylon 5, #2.22 'Fall of Night'

For a warrior death is simply the release from our obligation.
            -- Babylon 5, #4.14 'Moments of Transition (1997)'

Being Anla'shok does not mean worrying about what others will think about us. It means living each moment as if it were your last one. It means doing each right thing because it is the right thing. The scale doesn't matter.
            -- Babylon 5, Season 5, episode 5 'Learning Curve'

Do not confuse 'duty' with what other people expect of you;
they are utterly different. Duty is a debt you owe to yourself
to fulfill obligations you have assumed voluntarily.
Paying that debt can entail anything from years of patient work
to instant willingness to die.
Difficult it may be, but the reward is self-respect.

                           -- Robert Anson Heinlein (1907-1988)

Warrior - it does not mean you go out to kill anyone or hurt anything.
Warrior - it means you dont go out without having considered & prepared for the possibility you don't come back.

When the Earth is sick, the animals will begin to disappear.
When this happens the Warriors of the Rainbow will come to save them.
                            --  Chief 'Seattle' Si'ahl  (1780 - 1866)

 Warriors know from birth that their life is a bulwark against
 injustice, that their life may end early, that their days are
 numbered and their honor will never allow them to shy away
 from duty.         -~ DGR,

 Do not confuse 'duty' with what other people expect of you;
 they are utterly different. Duty is a debt you owe to yourself
 to fulfill obligations you have assumed voluntarily.
 Paying that debt can entail anything from years of patient work
 to instant willingness to die.
 Difficult it may be, but the reward is self-respect.
                               -- Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988)

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Gandhi sieht Satyagraha nicht als eine Waffe der Schwachen,
	sondern als eine Waffe der geistig Stärksten.

often (probably MIS-) attributed to Tatanka IYotaka (Sitting Bull) (ca. 1830-1890)
Warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is not
someone who fights. Warriors are ones who sacrifice themselves for
the good of others. The warrior’s task is to take care of the
elderly, the defenseless, those who cannot provide for themselves,
and above all, the children, the future of humanity.

Angehöriger der [nach den Brahmanen] zweiten Kaste,
der Kaste der KRIEGER und BESCHÜTZER, zu der auch die Könige gehören.
-- Biren Roy, Mahabharata (Diederich DG 16 Indien)

[Yaksha] Was macht die Kshattriyas göttlich? Was macht ihre Frömmigkeit aus? Woran
erkennt man sie als Menschen? und was macht ihre Gottlosigkeit aus?
[Yudhisthira] Waffenfertigkeit macht die Göttlichkeit der Kshattriyas aus, Verrichtung
von Opfern ihre Frömmigkeit, daß sie der Furcht unterworfen sind, ist das Zeichen
ihres Menschseins, und dass sie Schutzbedürftigen Schutz verweigern, ist ihre
Gottlosigkeit     (Mahabharata, 3.Buch, D: Biren Roy)

Die erste und oberste Pflicht eines Kshattriya's ist es, das Leben zu schützen
und sich dabei auf die Kraft seiner Waffen zu verlassen. 
(Mahabharata, 5. Buch, D: Biren Roy)

Mahabharata, 3rd book:

Thy that of the Kshatriya, which is to protect (the subjects).
The Kshatriyas attain the celestial regions by protecting and chastising the subjects, uninfluenced by lust, malice, avarice and anger.
Kshatriyas never beseech (any body).
The Yaksha asked,
  What institutes the divinity of the Kshatriyas ?
  What even is their practice that is like that of the pious ?
  What is their human attribute ?
  And what practice of theirs is like that of the impious ?
Yudhishthira answered,
  Arrows and weapons are their divinity : 
  celebration of sacrifices is that act which is like that of the pious :
  liability to fear is their human attribute ;
  and refusal of protection is that act of theirs which is like that of the impious.

Krieger- vs. Abenteuer-Schamane 
der 'Krieger' nach  _meiner_  Auffassung hat mehr vom
'Abenteuer-' als vom 'Krieger-'Schamanen (im Sinne von 
Serge Kahili King's Stadtschamanen)

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     the best way to overcome an enemy is
            to make hir a friend

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 metaintelligence- the ability to select productive mindbody states
 see 'Psychedelic Medicine' - Conclusions by Thomas B. Roberts, Ph.D.

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He tought me to live each second as if it were the last moment of my life.
He said, if you love,  love without reservations.
If you fight, fight without fear.
He called it the way of the warrior.
-- Babylon 5, #2.9 'The Coming of the Shadows'
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[Alle] Meine Handlungen sind aufrichtig, aber sie sind nur die Handlungen eines Schauspielers. 
-- CC.2 Eine andere Wirklichkeit, Neue Gespräche mit Don Juan, (Kap.5),  1971 (D:1973)

Kap. 9: die letzte Schlacht auf Erden (journey to ixtlan: ..battle.. )
Kap. 13: die letzte Begegnung des Kriegers, der letzte TANZ
-- CC.3: Reise nach Ixtlan, 1972

Nur als Krieger kann man auf dem Pfad des Wissens überleben. Denn die Kunst des Kriegers
ist es, den Schrecken, ein Mensch zu sein, und das Wunder, ein Mensch zu sein, im Gleichgewicht zu halten.
-- CC.3: Reise nach Ixtlan (Kap. 20), 1972

Krieger gehen von der Gewissheit aus, daß ihr Geist aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten ist; .. [deswegen] tun sie ihr
Äußerstes und Bestes, um das Gleichgewicht zu erlangen.
-- CC: xxx; zit. in Lütge, 1984

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CC.7  "The Fire from Within"
p27: Self-importance is our greatest enemy...[therefore] every effort should be made to eradicate self-importance
	from the lives of warriors.
30: Impeccability is nothing else but the proper use of energy.
31: ..attributes of warriorship: control, discipline, forbearance, timing and will.
55: To be a nagual, among other things, means to have no points to defend.
82: Seers say that attention is the harnessing and enhancing of awareness through the process of being alive.
93: ..reason in the human species should be bountiful, but in actuality it is very rare. The majority of human beings
	turn to self-absorption.
97: warriors..have to save their energy...They'll get it..from from eradicating unnecessary habits.
115: the best way to get rid of melancholy is to make fun of it.
148: self-importance is the motivating force of every attack of melancholy... Warriors are entitled to have profound
	states of sadness, but sadness is only tere to make them laugh.
166: warriors are in the world to train themselves to be unbiased witnesses, so as to understand the mystery of ourselves
	and relish the exultation of finding what we really are.
167: what makes the warrior's path so dangerous is that it is te opposite of the life situation of modern man.
204: So don't demean the mystery of man in you by feeling sorry for yourself or by trying to rationalize it. Demean
	the stupidity of man in you by understanding it. But don't apologize for either.
214: ..the two basic qualities of warriors: sustained effort and unbending intent.
260-1: the worst that could happen to us is that we have to die, and since this is already our unalterable fate,
	we are free; those who have lost everything no longer have anything to fear.
276: Don Juan's recommendation: to keep incomprehensible things incomprehensible rather than making them part of
	the inventory of the first attention.

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CC.8  "Die Kraft der Stille - Neue Lehren des Don Juan" 1987 (D1988)
S. 240  .. die einundzwanzig Arten des Nicht-Tuns ..   (???)
S. 242  .. Don Juan wußte auch, daß seine Klugheit und Einsicht vergänglich waren.
S. 246  ... Der Mensch hat eine dunkle Seite, jawohl. Man nennt sie Dummheit.

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" Die Schamanen sagen, in jeder Erklärung steckt eine getarnte Entschuldigung. "
-- CC.10: Das Wirken der Unendlichkeit, 1997
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Common people have problems; A Warrior knows only of challenges.
-- Don Lobo (?) [vielleicht doch Millman ?]

"Der grundlegende Unterschied zwischen einem normalen Menschen
und einem Kreger ist, daß der Krieger alles als Herausforderung annimmt,
während der normale Mensch alles entweder als Segen oder als Fluch auffaßt...

Ein Krieger nimmt sein Los auf sich, was es auch sei, und akzeptiert es
in äußerster Demut. Er akzeptiert demütig, was er ist, und dies ist ihm kein
Anlaß zu bedauern, sondern eine starke Herausforderung."

-- CC xxxx?, zitiert in (empfehlenswert!!) :
Lothar-Ruediger Luetge "Carlos Castaneda und die Lehren des Don Juan", 1986
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Warriors, warriors we call ourselves. We fight for splendid virtue, for high endeavor,
	for sublime wisdom, therefore we call ourselves warriors.
-- Aunguttara Nikaya (quoted in Millman 1980)

My ignorance is based on this understanding. Your understanding is based on ignorance.
I am a humorous fool; you are a serious jackass.
-- Dan Millman "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" 1980

Athletes practice their athletics; musicians practice their music; artists practice their art.
The peaceful warrior practices everything. That is the secret of the Way, and it makes all the difference.
-- summation by Dan Millman's great-grandfather, Sergei Ivanov (known to many peaceful warriors as Socrates)
-- of?in Dan Millman's "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" 1980

The peaceful warrior practices everything, as does the true (master) athlete, musician, and artist.
if you wanna become (a true master of (just about) a n y thing,
you'll have to practise (just about) e v e r y thing.
~~ Don Lobo 1976 / 2006

Indien.Kasten: (-- Biren Roy, Mahabharata (Diederich DG 16 Indien))
Vaishya (Wechsler, Händler, Kaufleute)
Shudra - Angehöriger der untersten Kaste (Handwerker, Bauer, niedrige Arbeiten (zB Wagenlenker))

hingegen: (-- Collins:)
Pariah (C[entury]17(!): from Tamil 'drummer' )


last update (according to pope gregor's) : 2018-04

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