backup of some of w0lf's favorite jokes & cartoons

small text or pdf files or images downsized to 100-200 KB each or less
or external links (mostly marked by " ...")

zuletzt aktualisiert / last update : 2020

I&S ( back )


Laughter is better than pills for whatever ails you.
-- J. Michael Straczynski, Babylon 5, #2.6

-------------------- 2011 --------------------

Suggestions Welcome !!

Fukkkkkk care2-dot-com, aka. "" -- killed: " Need a Laugh? " (wda's care2-blog)


-------------------- 2010 --------------------

"Hilariously funny Cats" ... ; esp. Maru ...

"Mission Impossible Cats" (1:30) ...

* Volker Pispers * on Utube ... Men Vs. Women Jokes #3878

WERNER PIRCHNER - ein halbes doppelalbum (1973) - now available utubed..., too

Pentabarf - Die f�nf Gebote Hail Discordia ! ...

Andre Franquin's MARSUPILAMI u-tubed (2:40) ...

Marcus Brigstocke rants about religion fukkk "BBC Worldwide Ltd."
Marcus Brigstocke on roadpricing (1min) ...

-------------------- 2009 --------------------

* George Carlin * (1937 - 2008)
Zeitgeist: On Religion ...
Back In Town (1996)
"" How come, when it's us it's an "abortion" and when it's a chicken it's an "omlette" ? ""
The Ten Commandments ...
The American Dream ...
Modern Man ...
many more ...

Cat & Mouse & dog

Gary Larson: Aufstand der H�hner
Gary Larson: Wenn Piranhas ausw�rts essen
Gary Larson: Auf Safari

totaler scheiss 9.0

Uli Stein - Aber wir lieben uns!

Uli Stein - Dicke Hunde

Uli Stein - Wenn Erwin mal nicht seinen Willen kriegt

G. Seyfried, 1978: nuclear power


Rettet die Finanzkrise!

-------------------- 2008 --------------------

war 'n mageres Jahr, zumindest was Witze anbetrifft

-------------------- 2007 --------------------

Weihnachten im Sinne unserer Zeit (35 K pdf)

Our Modern Life

-------------------- 2006 --------------------

Gary Larson: far side prehistory

geglueckt! preview ratrace 2016 ratrace preview

Windoof200 Bug List Printout DANGER! verylarge - may exceed capacity of your windoof system !!!

Bush -- Mr. IQ !
Bush -- Never mind !
what an imbecile (g.w.bush)

our be-auti-full new world

Gary Larson

Trouble Shooter

-------------------- 2005 --------------------

Suchbildr�tsel fuer Jaeger(Innen)

H�gar (der Schreckliche)

Bill Watterson -- Calvin & Hobbes - ZOO

 Calvin and Hobbes

Bill Watterson -- Calvin & Hobbes 1 - jetzt geht's rund

Bill Watterson -- Calvin & Hobbes 5 - immer voll drauf

Bill Watterson -- Calvin & Hobbes 17 - tiger und andere monster

Bill Watterson -- Calvin & Hobbes 18 - die unzertrennlichen

Bill Watterson -- Calvin & Hobbes 19 - macht's gut, freunde

-------------------- 2004 --------------------

TETSCHE - immer werd' ich auf den Arm genommen

Uli Stein



Einstein's neue Theorie

At the Astral Plane Debriefing Center for the newly deceased.
Astralebene, in der Erstinformationszentrale f�r die eben Verstorbenen.


-------------------- 2003 --------------------
a touch of zen
-------------------- 2002-11-25 --------------------
g. w. bush (what an imbecile )
NO joke !
-------------------- 2002-07-28 --------------------
haderer -- drogenhunde
afghanistan after the war
-------------------- 2002-07-25 --------------------
dangerous job
plutonium drivers
totaler scheiss 6.0
aber klar

Practise random acts of kindness and acts of senseless beauty !

McCopies & D.Stribute ! 2129 - 2146
