aloha! iucundus! grueizi! velkommen, welkom en welcome, välkommen! viel spass! enjoy en veel plezier! benvenuto, bienvenido, bienvenu, boa vinda, y buenos diaz! dzien dobry! dobar dan! dober dan! shundahai! tashi delek!

FUCK EU          MAY ALL BEINGS BE HAPPY . . . . . . . . miniAPFELMAENNCHEN . . . . . . . . MANDALA2          FUCK EURATOM

snowflakes-screensaver (XATSHOW) (1.178.774 B win32 exe)

PRACTISE acts of random kindness and acts of senseless Beauty !

H.H., TENZIN GYATSO, XIV. DALAI LAMA                 ZEITGEISTmovie      ZGM      DVD.cover: 911 coll.                 70th BIRTHDAY of TENZIN GYATSO, XIV. DALAI LAMA

Common people have problems; A Warrior knows only of challenges.

I checked out farcebook, couldn't get myself to like it, and decided to boycott it (and twitter, ...) longtime ago. And I'm still perfectly happy with this decision.
I read selected news and post comments (not the least to exercise my English skills) on "care2".com, where so many of my comments and my profile got deleted repeatedly, that i joined those who call it and put it on the boycott-list, too.
I also share some selected materials on YouTube, mostly as wda015, Tibet2138 and musick2138.

As this here (gratis) webspace is limited, i use (currently, mostly) flickr to share images.

unter anderem hier zu finden:



 -> JOKES ...

      T H E     P R O D U C T   I S:       Y   O   U

The junk merchant doesn't sell his product to the consumer, he sells
the consumer to the product.
He does not improve and simplify his merchandise. He degrades and
simplifies the client.

                         -- WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS, Naked Lunch, 1958

(richtige) Betriebs-systeme wurden und werden entwickelt, um Benutzern
die Verwendung und Verwaltung von Computern zu erleichtern.

Im Gegensatz dazu dienen micro$oft-systeme vor allem dazu, 
user zu verbloeden und zu Konsumtrotteln zu machen,
um bill gates zum größten ReichSchwein der Welt zu machen.

                         -- wda 1998

feedback (E-mail)
or simply
last update (according to pope gregor's) : 2024-08-11

McCopies & D.Stribute ! 2151

	  2023-12-23 03:26  Winter Solstice
	  2024-01-03 00:38  Eaarth Perihelion at 0.9833 AU
	  2024-02-10        Losar 2151
	  2024-03-20 03:06  Vernal Equinox
	  2024-06-20 20:50  Summer Solstice
	  2024-07-05 05:05  Eaarth Aphelion at 1.0167 AU
	  2024-09-22 12:43  Autumnal Equinox
	  2024-12-21 09:20  Winter Solstice
	  2025-01-03 00:38  Eaarth Perihelion at 0.9833 AU
	  2025-0?-??        Losar 2152
	  2025-03-20 09:00  Vernal Equinox	  

Ceterum censeo: The "New Near" of the gregorian calender -- copied from older Roman calender(s), probably marking the start of a session-period in the Roman Senate! -- seems totally arbitrary nowadays; imho this alone is sufficient reason for replacing "pope gregor's" calendar by something more sensible; the chauvinism of using the alleged birthyear of a mythical figure another sufficient reason.

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